Search results for query: NGOs

  1. DvlDog4WVU

    Someone more tech savvy than me can find my post from several years ago

    But in that post you will find that I spoke on NGOs funding kickbacks. This USAID thing is a massive blow. Wait until you see the massive reduction in donations to the Dem party reelection efforts.
  2. DvlDog4WVU

    No wonder they tried to kill Trump.

    It’s not being done to cover anything up, it’s enriching the politicians voting for it. They’re backchannel funneling money to NGOs of which these pols have family members as a part of as well as high levels of donations from the NGOs into the PACs. It’s the biggest money laundering scheme in...
  3. DvlDog4WVU

    Hahahahhahaahah. SUCKERS!

    ...and deportation. What I really want to see is for the sanctuary cities and states to have federal dollars pulled from them, dry up the NGOs, and arrest the DAs, Mayors, and Governors who are aiding, abetting, and violating federal law. Charge their ass and see how it plays. Maybe they beat...
  4. DvlDog4WVU

    Billions for Ukraine and illegals...

    I’m very familiar with the NGO grift. It’s all totally legal, and it’s amazing how many of these NGOs employ family members and friends of the politicians who earmark these funds. Remember the Clinton Foundation with 91% of their money tied to “operating expenses”?
  5. DvlDog4WVU

    Sharyl Attkisson

    You know why. Just give it time. Democrats and complicit Republicans were siphoning money via NGOs and family hookups. #PierreDelecto
  6. DvlDog4WVU

    Conspiricy to harm a U.S. Ambassador

    She was responsible for arranging the appropriated funding to NGOs who in turn were kicking them back to Dem establishment politicians. Enjoy the whirlwind, remember, Trump controls the pace and the narrative, not you all.
  7. DvlDog4WVU

    John Kelly defends Vindman: 'He did exactly what we teach them to do

    ...that was occurring in Ukraine. It’s been established that there was a funneling of money from the USG to the Ukraine, from the Ukraine to select NGOs, who in turn funneled money back to family members via choice jobs and direct contributions into Dem Congressional re-election war chests. The...
  8. DvlDog4WVU


    You guys still don’t get what this is about. Next step of the process. Look where portions of the money from the NGOs are going. It’s funneling right back to SuperPacs.
  9. DvlDog4WVU


    And follow the thread ya silly old. That discussion was about money flowing from Congressional allocations (US taxpayer money) into NGOs, Foreign Govts, and NPOs and then those same entities turn around and shave 20-30% back to lobbying firms and direct to SuperPacs/ election/re-election direct...
  10. DvlDog4WVU

    Rewatched Lincoln

    The environmentalists don’t even realize they’re being used by the party to funnel money to liberal NGOs who in turn, funnel it back to the Dem politicians, their allies, and family members. That was the point of Paris accords.