And now in year 5, ….not 1 thing, ……… NOT ONE, occurred in last night’s ballgame that was even remotely surprising. That’s how you get to the midpoint in year 5 with a 26-27 record.
But the players do. They are coached to knock the ball down and coached to hand the ball to the official after the score. Instead we tried to catch it and we acted like fools after a TD. They are coached every Friday on Hail Marys to bat the ball down.
All it takes is one bad bounce and you lose. Brown has lost so many games in the fourth quarter that it looked like we would win, but it is because of his style of play.
A genetic combination of Joe Montana, Dan Marino, Pat Mahomes and Tom Brady. How a QB goes 17 some odd straight on any defense is absurd, many of them wide open.
We rushed only 3, sometimes only bringing Lee late. Why?