Vernon’s Festivus Gift To Us This Year!!

Definitely useful for us geezers. 🍺👴🏻

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'Poor information ecosystem': How QAnon-style 'disinformation' made Trump victorious


'Poor information ecosystem': How QAnon-style 'disinformation' made Trump victorious

"QAnon is still around, but it gets much less media coverage these days. One likely reason is what we see in these focus groups: bonkerballs levels of conspiracy belief is no longer a fringe phenomenon. QAnon-style beliefs are simply the norm in American society…. One of the best predictors, if not the best predictor, of a Trump vote is how poor a person's information ecosystem is. People who read or watch real news outlets voted overwhelmingly for Harris. People who get their political information from social media voted for Trump."
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Semi OT - Deer Hunting in WV

In short, last year we had several nice bucks roaming around during and after the rut. This year, none of those big guys seem to be around.

Would the drought have altered their patterns? The creek beds are dry, but we have a few different ponds on the property where we hunt, so I’m wondering what would’ve happened to the big bucks.

A couple, including one we called Tank, was old, and may have not made it past last winter, but another, one we call Slick, and one that looks like a younger brother of his, seemed to have disappeared.

Thoughts from any of you folks that have hunted for deer over the years?


