snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Good job coach.
Pretty sure you aren’t allowed to roll the ball. But still.
This is true. But you have a 5 point lead with a minute and throw up 3 stupid shots in a row.

Eilert has replaced Brown as worst coach in WVU history.
This is true. But you have a 5 point lead with a minute and throw up 3 stupid shots in a row.

Eilert has replaced Brown as worst coach in WVU history.
Slazinski 2 points?
Kerr 3 Points?
Akok 4 points?

How much combined NIL money did they get?

This team played BETTER and HARDER when they were just playing 7 guys. Guys like Kobe Johnson, Seth Wilson, and Josiah Harris stuck it out and played hard. Now they are relegated to the bench watching the NIL guys lose to Radford.
The INTERIM coach blows. Any coach worth a shit would not be 4-7 with this team. They may still not be great but they wouldn't be 4-7 losing to Radford, Monnmouth and the catholic girls team.
Kerr 3 points (FOUR crucial turnovers), Slazinski 2 points. That's on Eilert?
Slazinski 2 points?
Kerr 3 Points?
Akok 4 points?

How much combined NIL money did they get?

This team played BETTER and HARDER when they were just playing 7 guys. Guys like Kobe Johnson, Seth Wilson, and Josiah Harris stuck it out and played hard. Now they are relegated to the bench watching the NIL guys lose to Radford.
Eilert 1.5 million.

Kerr 3 points (FOUR crucial turnovers), Slazinski 2 points. That's on Eilert?
Wins and losses are always on the coach as the assholes on this forum have told me.

Your coach has no fire your team plays with no fire.
Eilert 1.5 million.

So Mr. AD.........what would you have done? They tested the waters and nobody (worth the money) was willing to take the job. Would you have hired someone, signed them to a 3-5 year contract with a buyout, and have them struggle this year the same as what is going on now?

Smart move is to let this play out, hire someone in the off-season. Our "March Madness" will be plucking one of these smaller conference coaches after their postseason is over. The question is: Will WVU be willing to $$$$ up for a good one?
Link to show they all are making more than 1.5 million. Combined for points or not they still were out coached.
Kerr makes more than the entire Radford team does. You can blame the coach all you want, but he didn't have crucial turnovers down the stretch. He didn't pass up a layup so he could pass it to a career 2 ppg player under the basket. He didn't miss the front end of a one-and-one. He didn't shoot 2-10 from the floor.
So Mr. AD.........what would you have done? They tested the waters and nobody (worth the money) was willing to take the job. Would you have hired someone, signed them to a 3-5 year contract with a buyout, and have them struggle this year the same as what is going on now?

Smart move is to let this play out, hire someone in the off-season. Our "March Madness" will be plucking one of these smaller conference coaches after their postseason is over. The question is: Will WVU be willing to $$$$ up for a good one?
Where did I say not to wait? Yes it was the money saving smart move. Doesn't change the fact he sucks.

More than likely Wren goes after someone he knows and if he can't get him then they more than likely look to move someone up from lower levels.
Kerr makes more than the entire Radford team does. You can blame the coach all you want, but he didn't have crucial turnovers down the stretch. He didn't pass up a layup so he could pass it to a career 2 ppg player under the basket. He didn't miss the front end of a one-and-one. He didn't shoot 2-10 from the floor.
Did he make the calls after timeouts? Or did your hate of million dollar crybabies do it?

Why hire a coach if he is not held accountable?
Why didn’t we hire some veteran assistants to help out this rookie coach?
we went in all save money and hire a bunch of ex wvu players w minimal experience……
that was possibly the biggest mistake
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Why didn’t we hire some veteran assistants to help out this rookie coach?
we went in all save money and hire a bunch of ex wvu players w minimal experience……
that was possibly the biggest mistake
Pretty simple answer. With the "interim" tag, would you be willing to leave your current job, pack your family up, and move to a place that the coach is only going to be here for ONE year and have to go looking for another job in 12 months?
There were a lot of ways they could've handled the situation, but they chose the one they did, which was the worst one for the actual team and fans. So what did anyone expect?? Blame it all on Huggins instead of Gee and his amazing track record. It wont change anything. They're all messed up because they are only humans. Who didnt see this coming and how? This is a throwaway basketball season. May as well just try to enjoy watching the players play. Wins wont be important this season because there wont be many. If you have expectations they will be let down. May as well let them go and try to have fun with it and hope to be pleasantly surprised at some point in the season.

BTW, Darris Nichols recently had a DUI. I wonder how many of their fans said "omg you have to fire him there is no choice." Go figger... I guess Radford would rather win than lie. WVU would be undefeated with Huggs but its more important make everyone suffer so we can make Huggins suffer because, some how that pays off?? Whatever.....
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There were a lot of ways they could've handled the situation, but they chose the one they did, which was the worst one for the actual team and fans. So what did anyone expect?? Blame it all on Huggins instead of Gee and his amazing track record. It wont change anything. They're all messed up because they are only humans. Who didnt see this coming and how? This is a throwaway basketball season. May as well just try to enjoy watching the players play. Wins wont be important this season because there wont be many. If you have expectations they will be let down. May as well let them go and try to have fun with it and hope to be pleasantly surprised at some point in the season.

BTW, Darris Nichols recently had a DUI. I wonder how many of their fans said "omg you have to fire him there is no choice." Go figger... I guess Radford would rather win than lie. WVU would be undefeated with Huggs but its more important make everyone suffer so we can make Huggins suffer because, some how that pays off?? Whatever.....
It was Nichols first offense. It was not as stupid as pounding several beers while actually driving. He does not have a history of publicly shaming himself with drunkenness. You know the cases are not the same and you know that if Nichols even blew .1 after dinner he would get canned for a second offense.
It was Nichols first offense. It was not as stupid as pounding several beers while actually driving. He does not have a history of publicly shaming himself with drunkenness. You know the cases are not the same and you know that if Nichols even blew .1 after dinner he would get canned for a second offense.
If we were going to punish Huggs for the DUI that led to us hiring him, we should not have hired him in the first place. The thing is, its all moot. Its over, a done deal. All we can do at this point is support the team and look forward to the next chapter. The good thing is WVU is an attractive job, largely thanks to Huggins rasing all the money for top notch facilites on his own. But I think we will end up with a really good coach after this season.
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There were a lot of ways they could've handled the situation, but they chose the one they did, which was the worst one for the actual team and fans. So what did anyone expect?? Blame it all on Huggins instead of Gee and his amazing track record. It wont change anything. They're all messed up because they are only humans. Who didnt see this coming and how? This is a throwaway basketball season. May as well just try to enjoy watching the players play. Wins wont be important this season because there wont be many. If you have expectations they will be let down. May as well let them go and try to have fun with it and hope to be pleasantly surprised at some point in the season.

BTW, Darris Nichols recently had a DUI. I wonder how many of their fans said "omg you have to fire him there is no choice." Go figger... I guess Radford would rather win than lie. WVU would be undefeated with Huggs but its more important make everyone suffer so we can make Huggins suffer because, some how that pays off?? Whatever.....
Don’t bother reasoning with them, they have already moved the goalposts from attempted murder… errr drunk driving is okay once, but if you do it again a lifetime later then you should be drawn and quartered.
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Don’t bother reasoning with them, they have already moved the goalposts from attempted murder… errr drunk driving is okay once, but if you do it again a lifetime later then you should be drawn and quartered.
Keep drinking.
It was Nichols first offense. It was not as stupid as pounding several beers while actually driving. He does not have a history of publicly shaming himself with drunkenness. You know the cases are not the same and you know that if Nichols even blew .1 after dinner he would get canned for a second offense.
Nichols first offense just happened to be this year. Would not be a smart move in firing one drunk then hire another.
Read the definition of coping then look in a mirror.
I’m not the one coping with my obvious hypocrisy supporting Huggins for 15+ years knowing he was here because he got a DUI at Cincy then clutching my pearls when it happens 20 years later. Then having the balls to turn around and justify all of the other coaches out there who have recorded DUIs recently being allowed to move on without so much as a suspension. This is while we burned our whole program to the ground because Saint Gee who has assuredly never drove home after having a few beers in the President’s suite at Mountaineer Field said we had to.
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