Who gets off this list first

Nice try (not really), poster (poser) known most frequently as TrollVanZandt, but we all know that you created d!ckhead after TVZ and more than 25 other profiles. You're not smart enough to disguise your posting habits. If this message board has been ruined, then why do you spend every day and night posting on here? Just another lie from the frustrated fake Texas fan, who was outed for having 25 profiles a few years ago, and has added several other handles since then.
Nice try (not really), poster (poser) known most frequently as TrollVanZandt, but we all know that you created d!ckhead after TVZ and more than 25 other profiles. You're not smart enough to disguise your posting habits. If this message board has been ruined, then why do you spend every day and night posting on here? Just another lie from the frustrated fake Texas fan, who was outed for having 25 profiles a few years ago, and has added several other handles since then.
Couldn't post as osugrad.....what a fake you are.
Couldn't post as osugrad.....what a fake you are.
Queenie lies about everything. Like she is an attorney. Like she can still use osugrad. About who my alters are

All my accounts have been posted. Cannot question when you present the proof.
Definitely can no longer use osugrad
Queenie lies about everything. Like she is an attorney. Like she can still use osugrad. About who my alters are

All my accounts have been posted. Cannot question when you present the proof.
Definitely can no longer use osugrad
Years ago when i was abusing the poor lad...queenie told me then he was an attorney.....

An attorney that spends all day on another teams message board.....LMAO....right!!!!
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There's lots of attorneys that post on these forums. I personally know of four of them. Some could say they have more downtime to post than say myself, who is in a manufacturing environment. Same is true with doctors. An attorney who's a personal friend of mine does most of his research type work in the evenings and on the weekends, all predicated on his case schedule. I know the King as well, and know his real life occupation. I'm not sure he's ever boasted about what he's doing for a living, but I can vouch that he's an Ohio State guy that has lived in WV for close to three decades. Owner of a successful business.
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There are many doctors, lawyers, successful business men and former players on this board. Majority of them post on blue lot.
There are many doctors, lawyers, successful business men and former players on this board. Majority of them post on blue lot.
Remember there was like a dozen of us that used to post on the CFF board. Knew at least 8 of them or were FB friends with half as well. herd0ne always outed me, so that's why I had to figure out who King was. Think he may have mentioned his occupation there one day, but took me years to figure out who he was. Eventually, he slipped up and let out a major clue a few years back. First it was where he was from, then constant trips to a city to visit family, but the final clue about what his parents did for a living was the one that gave it away.

Wouldn't surprise me if herd0ne was Townes. Kind of sounds like it, since he seems to know so much about the two WV state schools, as well as using his alters to speak on behalf of himself. Few people know details about you, me, and a few others going back 12-15 years.
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Remember there was like a dozen of us that used to post on the CFF board. Knew at least 8 of them or were FB friends with half as well. herd0ne always outed me, so that's why I had to figure out who King was. Think he may have mentioned his occupation there one day, but took me years to figure out who he was. Eventually, he slipped up and let out a major clue a few years back. First it was where he was from, then constant trips to a city to visit family, but the final clue about what his parents did for a living was the one that gave it away.

Wouldn't surprise me if herd0ne was Townes. Kind of sounds like it, since he seems to know so much about the two WV state schools, as well as using his alters to speak on behalf of himself. Few people know details about you, me, and a few others going back 12-15 years.
Years ago when i was abusing the poor lad...queenie told me then he was an attorney.....

An attorney that spends all day on another teams message board.....LMAO....right!!!!
That is an absolute lie. You're so desperate that you're now shamelessly lying. Congrats, you are exactly like TrollVanZandt, who was outed by the site owner for having 25+ profiles, and has added many more since then. I've so thoroughly demolished you on this board that you've resorted to lying your tooty fruity a$$ off. May your lying soul rot in He!!.

That is an absolute lie. You're so desperate that you're now shamelessly lying. Congrats, you are exactly like TrollVanZandt, who was outed by the site owner for having 25+ profiles, and has added many more since then. I've so thoroughly demolished you on this board that you've resorted to lying your tooty fruity a$$ off. May your lying soul rot in He!!.

Because you are too stupid to remember doesn't make me a liar queenie.

"May your lying soul rot in Hell?" LMAO....The queen is triggered again folks...look how upset she is over words on a messageboard.

The poor twat is officially going to crack soon.

The only thing demolished here was your mom in the gangbang with the band last night.

OH...btw...can you post as osugrad please?
That is an absolute lie. You're so desperate that you're now shamelessly lying. Congrats, you are exactly like TrollVanZandt, who was outed by the site owner for having 25+ profiles, and has added many more since then. I've so thoroughly demolished you on this board that you've resorted to lying your tooty fruity a$$ off. May your lying soul rot in He!!.

What's truly pathetic (as well as sad) is that the lame, doofus kid actually does believe he's destroying you, despite the overwhelming evidence he's simply repeating the same geekish things you hear at a convention of IT nerds.
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What's truly pathetic (as well as sad) is that the lame, doofus kid actually does believe he's destroying you, despite the overwhelming evidence he's simply repeating the same geekish things you hear at a convention of IT nerds.
Oh goodie....turd boy felt the need to put his unwanted two cents in...what a shocker.

But not surprising...85 percent of his post are about me.
Because you are too stupid to remember doesn't make me a liar queenie.

"May your lying soul rot in Hell?" LMAO....The queen is triggered again folks...look how upset she is over words on a messageboard.

The poor twat is officially going to crack soon.

The only thing demolished here was your mom in the gangbang with the band last night.

OH...btw...can you post as osugrad please?
You're even tacitly admitting now to being a fraud and a liar. You can't prove your allegation because it's a lie, and you know it. I win. You lose. Game over.
Oh goodie....turd boy felt the need to put his unwanted two cents in...what a shocker.

But not surprising...85 percent of his post are about me.
Cry like the little sissy band dork that you are, Piccolo Pete. "Posts," not "post," you imbecile.
Cry like the little sissy band dork that you are, Piccolo Pete. "Posts," not "post," you imbecile.
Since un-ignoring him, I've noticed he struggles with English.

Likely the result of a Sherman education.

Roll Tide!
Cry like the little sissy band dork that you are, Piccolo Pete. "Posts," not "post," you imbecile.
Complete and utter breakdown in process going on here....LMAO.

Since it was GAME OVER and I WON in the Gandy have become unhinged...

I ask everyone to check out the Gandy Thread (page 12) for queen's complete destruction....visit it now before skyball-less gets it locked to save his friends from the embarrassment!!!!!
Complete and utter breakdown in process going on here....LMAO.

Since it was GAME OVER and I WON in the Gandy have become unhinged...

I ask everyone to check out the Gandy Thread for queen's complete destruction....visit it now before skyball gets it locked to save his friends from the embarrassment!!!!!
Liar continues to hang on my every word, as he tells even more lies. Go ahead and quote my post about my occupation, band geek. Oh, wait, you can't because it doesn't exist, and you lied about it to impress your cuck daddy TVZ, who has perpetrated the same lie for months, if not years. Embarrassing reach-around by you, for sure.
Liar continues to hang on my every word, as he tells even more lies. Go ahead and quote my post about my occupation, band geek. Oh, wait, you can't because it doesn't exist, and you lied about it to impress your cuck daddy TVZ, who has perpetrated the same lie for months, if not years. Embarrassing reach-around by you, for sure.
LMAO.....Complete breakdown in progress!!!

EVERYONE! VISIT PAGE 12 of the Gandy Thread!!!!
This bumps it up to 87 percent of your posts are about me.
So says the tantrum throwing band dork, who litters this board with posts about me every night when I don't even bother posting. You reference "queen" or "queenie" in at least 88% of your posts, so you really shouldn't be crying about 87%.
So says the tantrum throwing band dork, who litters this board with posts about me every night when I don't even bother posting. You reference "queen" or "queenie" in at least 88% of your posts, so you really shouldn't be crying about 87%.
LMAO.....Complete breakdown in progress!!!

EVERYONE! VISIT PAGE 12 of the Gandy Thread!!!!
In all my years on these forums, I'm yet to see a bigger knuckle dragger.
Oh goodie....turd boy felt the need to put his unwanted two cents in...what a shocker.

You better go check on your queen...she is having a complete meltdown right now...I hope she is going to be okay.

After that ultimate embarrassment in the Gandy thread yesterday and her coming out a few days ago, I am worried about her.

EVERYONE! VISIT PAGE 12 of the Gandy Thread!!!!
Still waiting for tosugrad to post 😂
LMAO...I dunno....its a good thing that queenie ran away like the pussy she is....

She was having a huge meltdown as you can read....well...everyone can see that above.

I have no idea what is wrong with her....getting all worked up like that. I imagine queenie being like 5-4, 375 pounds....getting worked up like that can't be good for her diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

EVERYONE! VISIT PAGE 12 of the Gandy Thread!!!!
Still waiting for tosugrad to post 😂
Still waiting for you to come clean about all of the handles that you have created since the site owner outed you for having 25+ handles at the time. RichardCranium1 and JasonVorhees are definitely yours, but you should reveal all of your others, just so that we can laugh at you even more than we do now, which seems almost impossible.

Oh goodie....turd boy felt the need to put his unwanted two cents in...what a shocker.

You better go check on your queen...she is having a complete meltdown right now...I hope she is going to be okay.

After that ultimate embarrassment in the Gandy thread yesterday and her coming out a few days ago, I am worried about her.

EVERYONE! VISIT PAGE 12 of the Gandy Thread!!!!
More lies from the compulsive liar. I'll take your diversionary post above as your surrender regarding the blatant lies that you posted about my occupation and access to the Blue Lot. Perhaps, you should think harder about your next pack of lies, as your previous ones are idiotic.
Nothing you say makes any sense at all

You lie so much that you forget the lies you tell
That is usually how a liar gets caught. Because they will say whatever they believe is best in a given situation.

Like when you claimed to be an attorney and had an office in Charleston
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Nothing you say makes any sense at all

You lie so much that you forget the lies you tell
That is usually how a liar gets caught. Because they will say whatever they believe in best in a given situation.

Like when you claimed to be an attorney and had an office in Charleston
LMAO....did you see his last post....none of it makes sense...

Poor gal is back in meltdown mode.
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More lies from the compulsive liar. I'll take your diversionary post above as your surrender regarding the blatant lies that you posted about my occupation and access to the Blue Lot. Perhaps, you should think harder about your next pack of lies, as your previous ones are idiotic.

Post on tosugrad and show who the liar is

Pretty simple there
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Nothing you say makes any sense at all

You lie so much that you forget the lies you tell
That is usually how a liar gets caught. Because they will say whatever they believe in best in a given situation.

Like when you claimed to be an attorney and had an office in Charleston
You're the only idiot publicly humiliated on this board for having 25+ profiles, including fake Texas ones. You'll never live that down, and no matter how many times that you repeat your lies about me, you'll still be the same fraud exposed by the site owner. Own it, you fvking loser.

:joy: 🤡
Post on tosugrad and show who the liar is

Pretty simple there
He rambles on about me...but he did indeed tell me that he was a lawyer...he also wanted to fight someone here on the capital

Like I am going to take my time and find a three-year old thread where he told me that...I don't live here like he does.
You're the only idiot publicly humiliated on this board for having 25+ profiles, including fake Texas ones. You'll never live that down, and no matter how many times that you repeat your lies about me, you'll still be the same fraud exposed by the site owner. Own it, you fvking loser.

:joy: 🤡
Still living in 2018.

Nobody cares about his old handles but you and turdboy.
Still with your head squarely up your a$$. I proved your dumb a$$ wrong yesterday with your cuck daddy's creation of his d!ckhead handle in 2019. Get checked out for early onset dementia, f-tard.
He is cursing....proves a total and epic meltdown....I typed 2018 again just to get you riled up and look what happens.....LMAO...far too easy.

EVERYONE! VISIT PAGE 12 of the Gandy Thread!!!!
That is how everyone remembers

Then he claimed he was there and no one showed up
Said he has an office right down the street

Found out claiming to be an attorney is a crime
Look it up in the WV Penal Code
He is cursing....proves a total and epic meltdown....I typed 2018 again just to get you riled up and look what happens.....LMAO...far too easy.

EVERYONE! VISIT PAGE 12 of the Gandy Thread!!!!

That is how everyone remembers

Then he claimed he was there and no one showed up
Said he has an office right down the street

Found out claiming to be an attorney is a crime
Look it up in the WV Penal Code
2019 is after 2018, even in the delusional world of a band geek...LOL. As for band dork's cuck daddy, I'm not the fraud, but he sure as he!! is...but by all means, make your citizen's arrest, Gomer Pyle (of sh!t), as I would love to meet you and your 36 alters, troll boy.

2019 is after 2018, even in the delusional world of a band geek...LOL. As for band dork's cuck daddy, I'm not the fraud, but he sure as he!! is...but by all means, make your citizen's arrest, Gomer Pyle (of sh!t), as I would love to meet you and your 36 alters, troll boy.

Internet tough guy wants to meet you...LMAO....too dumb to admit that typing 2018 set him off....

I'd hate to go through life as dumb as him.
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