Trumps abortion position


Gold Member
Feb 2, 2008
In my opinion, he got it 100% right. People got waaaaay excited when Roe was knocked down that abortion was a thing of the past. I said then, SCOTUS merely got out of the way that they should’ve never been involved in the first place. It should be through Congress at the Fed level or failing that, through a state by state congressional level. At the end of the day, we elect our representatives and we’ve allowed them to abdicate their duties for far too long. Put it on the ballot and let’s let the people decide as a referendum vote. It’ll be what it’ll be and whichever way it goes, it should be respected as the will of the people.
I can never think the killing of a baby is OK having said that , it should be up to the states and no state should be able to stop someone from going to another place to kill there child .
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In my opinion, he got it 100% right. People got waaaaay excited when Roe was knocked down that abortion was a thing of the past. I said then, SCOTUS merely got out of the way that they should’ve never been involved in the first place. It should be through Congress at the Fed level or failing that, through a state by state congressional level. At the end of the day, we elect our representatives and we’ve allowed them to abdicate their duties for far too long. Put it on the ballot and let’s let the people decide as a referendum vote. It’ll be what it’ll be and whichever way it goes, it should be respected as the will of the people.
Correct. That SUPCO decision stated correctly there is no Constitutional right to abortion. In States where there are limits or even bans, it's decided by Legislatures. It should be a matter for the Federal Government when human cloning or organ harvesting is involved, the individual States rightfully should decide when or even if abortions should be restricted.

Ironically most Americans favor abortions being available early in a pregnancy, but equally as large majorities oppose late term abortions (usually after 23 weeks) and almost no one except far Left kook fringe Socialists want them funded by taxpayers!

Guess where creepy Joe Biden is on the issue? In favor of unlimited, unrestricted, fully funded by taxpayer's abortions at any time for any reason up to moments before a fully developed baby is born! Right in line with his kook fringe far Left Socialist radical base of shrinking support.

Trump's position is exactly correct, limits and exceptions for rape and incest or Life of the Mother and a ban on late term or partial birth abortions. All decided by individual States.

That's right where the majority of Americans who are deeply divided over this issue currently stand and another reason why he's going to bury the creepy corpse this fall.
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