This guy is a real sicko.......

I heard on the radio this morning that he was being extradited to Zimbabwe to face charges on poaching. I don't like the idea of trophy hunting and it's a shame this lion was killed, but I also think it's bullshit that he's facing charges for poaching. He had guides and all of that, there was no way for him to know that it wasn't a legitimate target, and he wasn't deliberately poaching.

He is still responsible if his killing of the lion was illegal. If the IRS comes after you for not paying proper taxes, do you get off because your CPA did your return. With me it's not so much about the Lion. It's all about the mentality of people like this dentist.
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Not at all. I may be wrong but I doubt you would have done what the dentist did.
Honestly, I haven't followed this story at all that's why I haven't given my opinion on him and have stuck with the overall principle of trophy hunting.