The sooner Americans admit that democrats are communists, the sooner we can repair the damage...

I’m having fun bro....

Biden WILL have to step on that stage and debate Trump.

First, the jibberish posted above involved two candidates, neither of which was an incumbent with a record to run on/against. Hence, the "undecided" vote. Voters even within their own parties didn't really like, believe, or trust either candidate. Each party nominated the one person from their party who could lose to the other. The election essentially boiled down to platforms for the party affiliates and who they trusted more with their wallets for the undecided.

For 2020, we have an incumbent with a record to run against. The problem for Joe is he can't really run against Trump's record. The economy was trucking along, with people across all spectrums doing markedly better than they were before the Trump presidency. Until the virus hit. Due to this, Trump is now vulnerable if people are going to vote with their wallets (which they do).

The Dem's know that Biden's only chance to win is if the economy remains stagnant. Biden can stay in his bunker and hunker down for now, because he doesn't want to do or say anything that could hurt his chances. He can play the reactive game and be alright for now.

But, and its a big one, he will have to come out with his VP selection and will have to come out of hiding for the convention. A terrible VP selection will ultimately cost him votes (see Palin, Sarah) and he's already been painted into a corner about the choice he has to make. This selection can only hurt the party - she can't win anymore of the black vote than will already be in the fold, and it will be played by the Republican's as an homage to the radical BLM socialist movement that burned and looted the cities, possibly costing white soccer mom votes.

He'll ultimately have no choice but to debate Trump. The undecided voters are those who are undecided Democrats and not Republicans. The Republican base is solid; the Democrats a complete and utter mixture of Dinos to socialists with everything else in between. If Trump can get Biden to start flip-flopping on his views in an attempt to keep hold of an already diverse party, he'll win. If Biden can answer coherently and stick to his guns, he'll have a chance.
No, he started a thread insinuating that the murder was staged. Only 4 wackos replied, but the thread is still up. This man is an admitted healthcare worker and based on his outward biases and comments regarding race and social beliefs system, he is a potential danger to patients....
Oh, staged? That doesn’t make any sense.
This place is a world of its own, a bubble if you will. A MAGA circle jerk where you guys are hyping each other up and starting thread after thread railing on anyone and everyone who sees things in a different way.....creepy!

If he tells you to drink the kool-aid at the very end...don’t do it boys, it has cyanide in it....

Is Biden still bending over for whatever cause will serve his purpose? Does he have a platform now? Or is he still a puppet?

Joe Biden seen as a 'puppet' for far-left Democrats, critic says

ABC News’ FiveThirtyEight published an article Thursday explaining why Joe Biden appears to be drifting further to the left, but one critic feels it proves liberals see the former vice president as a “puppet."
Joe Biden Has Shifted Left

On foreign policy, Biden is worse than Trump

U.S. President Donald Trump is terrible. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is just as bad. In some ways he is worse. You shouldn’t vote for either one.

Trump is erratic and unpredictable, which is dangerous. Even so, Biden is worse than Trump on international relations.

When he was a senator, notes Marcetic, Biden pushed for “the 1999 bombing of Serbia, which actually dissolved the local pro-democracy movement and rallied popular support around the country’s dictator.” Biden voted for the U.S. wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. “I voted to go into Iraq, and I’d vote to do it again,” Biden said in August 2003. Now he defends himself by saying he was so stupid that he fell for Bush’s lies about weapons of mass destruction.

Biden was the guy who convinced Obama to ramp up Bush’s drone assassination program, which kills 50 innocent bystanders for every 1 targeted “militant” — who often gets away and is rarely a threat to the U.S., just to our authoritarian allies. Someday soon Biden’s drone killings abroad will be used to justify killing Americans here at home.

A vote for Biden isn’t just a vote against Trump. It’s a vote in favor of Biden’s vote to kill. If we elect Biden, we will send a message to the world: America hates you, we’re glad we killed all those people and we plan to kill more. It will also send a message to Biden: Heckuva job, Joe!

Biden = Dictatorship.
Is Biden still bending over for whatever cause will serve his purpose? Does he have a platform now? Or is he still a puppet?

Joe Biden seen as a 'puppet' for far-left Democrats, critic says

ABC News’ FiveThirtyEight published an article Thursday explaining why Joe Biden appears to be drifting further to the left, but one critic feels it proves liberals see the former vice president as a “puppet."
Joe Biden Has Shifted Left

On foreign policy, Biden is worse than Trump

U.S. President Donald Trump is terrible. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is just as bad. In some ways he is worse. You shouldn’t vote for either one.

Trump is erratic and unpredictable, which is dangerous. Even so, Biden is worse than Trump on international relations.

When he was a senator, notes Marcetic, Biden pushed for “the 1999 bombing of Serbia, which actually dissolved the local pro-democracy movement and rallied popular support around the country’s dictator.” Biden voted for the U.S. wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. “I voted to go into Iraq, and I’d vote to do it again,” Biden said in August 2003. Now he defends himself by saying he was so stupid that he fell for Bush’s lies about weapons of mass destruction.

Biden was the guy who convinced Obama to ramp up Bush’s drone assassination program, which kills 50 innocent bystanders for every 1 targeted “militant” — who often gets away and is rarely a threat to the U.S., just to our authoritarian allies. Someday soon Biden’s drone killings abroad will be used to justify killing Americans here at home.

A vote for Biden isn’t just a vote against Trump. It’s a vote in favor of Biden’s vote to kill. If we elect Biden, we will send a message to the world: America hates you, we’re glad we killed all those people and we plan to kill more. It will also send a message to Biden: Heckuva job, Joe!

Biden = Dictatorship.

JFC bro! You realize the world is not only laughing at us because of Trump, but they are moving on from us as a beacon of leadership. The US passport is one of the weakest in the world right now, my company is international and our employees can’t even get into most European countries because they are coming from America.

Not to mention Trump is a conman and criminal not only personally but now as a traitorous can support him....not me.
Still awaiting answers.. 1. Why do Democrats hate America? 2. Why does every Democrat led city turn to shit?
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JFC bro! You realize the world is not only laughing at us because of Trump, but they are moving on from us as a beacon of leadership. The US passport is one of the weakest in the world right now, my company is international and our employees can’t even get into most European countries because they are coming from America.

Not to mention Trump is a conman and criminal not only personally but now as a traitorous can support him....not me.
Good morning pussy
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More "business development" project management incompetence! By the way I NEVER get mad...I get even. Watch.....

even though Hillary had a lead at this point, roughly 20% of qualified voters were still telling pollsters that they were “undecided” and this was true up until the election, hence the Trump electoral college victory. This isn’t 2016, the number of registered voters at undecided status is 7%....

So using this logic there was even less reason for Hillary to debate Trump in '16! She was a much better known candidate. She had been the first Lady, a U.S. Senator, Secretary of State, a previous Presidential candidate herself, the so called "smartest Woman in the world"! She had near universal name recognition. Trump was a political neophyte. No one knew his record (he didn't have one) Yet you overconfident zealots on the Left were insisting Hillary debate him because ostensibly she was going to bury him. Your logic explaining why with the same circumstances this election cycle Biden doesn't need to debate falls apart on simple logic.

If anyone should debate, it's Biden because swing voters and "undecided" voters will be the margin of victory in this highly partisan and already divided race. Yet your politically uninformed logic insists Biden doesn't need those voters?...he's better known than Hillary? further ahead? and Trump is an unknown quantity? I don't think even you believe your own convoluted, twisted logic but sounds good so why not run with it huh?

the lines have been drawn, people have decided. More so, you MAGA wackos keep saying this supposed big poll numbers..

Read above response for the fallacy of this ill informed statement. Biden was hand selected by the DNC precisely to win over those remaining "undecided" voters! Why would he NOT need to debate against a man who's record is there for all to see? That's the logic you claimed required Hillary to debate! Trump had no record then, and she was better known. The demand then was for her to debate! Make up your mind.

FACT, if Trump and his team had internal poll numbers to contradict they would be releasing them weekly.

First of all no one's seen any "internal numbers". Campaign organizations do have them, but they typically don't release them. Know what "internals" Democrats aren't talking about? Black support for Trump! It's well above 20%...almost double that in some polls. Do you ever hear the media talking about them? Democrats? No! You just see them wearing Kente cloths and promising Blacks reparations because they see the same internals Trump's team does, and that's the fact if Trump holds onto the current levels of Black support he's enjoying polling among Democrats, they will lose in a landslide! That's why there's no publishing of those "internal" polls. Democrats are staring into their own political abyss looking at them!

do yourself a favor and see the last time his team released internal polling numbers....THIS is why Biden doesn’t need to step on a stage against Trump.

Again, read the above response and examine he has every reason to step onto that debate stage to try and pull those Black voters back onto the Democrat side where they have traditionally been until this cycle. He's so desperate, he recently went on the popular "breakfast club" syndicated radio show and told a predominantly Black audience that if they can't figure out who to vote for between him and Trump...they're not Black! Yes he said that. Does that sound like he's sure the usually reliable Black vote is all sewn up, and he doesn't need to debate Trump to win back some of that lost Black vote? You're a political fool.

The main reason you've descended into such mind numbing stupidity explaining why Biden is throwing up roadblocks to a debate is because you know he's a walking ticking time bomb of undiluted ignorance. He can't string two coherent sentences together without sounding like a recovering drug addict. He can't remember names, dates, who his Wife is, who his ex-boss was, not even what office he's running for!

He's a disaster, and Trump would expose his rapidly deteriorating brain under the hot lights and inside of 90 minutes destroy all of your false hope for finally setting up your Socialist utopia. Trump will destroy him in a debate, and you're just too dishonest to admit it, so you come up with this nonsense to protect the last hope you have to keep from politically being annihilated by the very "swing voters" and "Black voters" left out there who YOU claim are already decided but in reality are giving Trump a serious look while you anarchists on the Left try to burn the country down!

Biden doesn't need to debate, we know he's all for anarchy and civil unrest. He hasn't said about word about any of it, except let's de-fund and disband the police and pay slave reparations! Just what the swing voters needed to hear. He doesn't need to "debate" against Trump...everyone knows that wasn't his stance just six months ago! o_O
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More "business development" project management incompetence! By the way I NEVER get mad...I get even. Watch.....

So using this logic there was even less reason for Hillary to debate Trump in '16! She was a much better known candidate. She had been the first Lady, a U.S. Senator, a previous Presidential candidate herself, the so called "smartest Woman in the world"! She had near universal name recognition. Trump was a political neophyte. No one knew his record (he didn't have one) Yet you overconfident zealots on the Left were insisting Hillary debate him because ostensibly she was going to bury him. Your logic explaining why with the same circumstances this election cycle Biden doesn't need to debate falls apart on simple logic.

If anyone should debate, it's Biden because swing voters and "undecided" voters will be the margin of victory in this highly partisan and already divided race. Yet your politically uninformed logic insists Biden doesn't need those voters...he's better known than Hillary, further ahead, and Trump is a known quantity? I don't think even you believe your own twisted logic, but sounds good so why not run with it huh?

Read above response for the fallacy of this ill informed statement. Biden was hand selected by the DNC precisely to win over those remaining "undecided" voters! Why would he NOT need to debate against a man who's record is there for all to see? That's the logic you claimed required Hillary to debate! Trump had no record then, and she was better known. Make up your mind.

First of all no one's seen any "internal numbers". Campaign organizations do have them, but they typically don't release them. Know what "internals" Democrats aren't talking about? Black support for Trump! It's well above 20%...almost double that in some polls. Do you ever hear the media talking about them? Democrats? No! You just see them wearing Kente cloths and promising Blacks reparations because they see the same internals Trump's team does, and that's the fact if Trump holds onto the current levels of Black support he's enjoying polling among Democrats, they will lose in a landslide! That's why there's no publishing of those "internal" polls. Democrats are staring into their own political abyss looking at them!

Again, read the above response and examine he has every reason to step onto that debate stage to try and pull those Black voters back onto the Democrat side where they have traditionally been until this cycle. He's so desperate, he went on the popular "breakfast club" syndicated radio show and told a predominantly Black audience that if they can't figure out who to vote for between him and Trump...they're not Black! Yes he said that. Does that sound like he's sure the usually reliable Black vote is all sewn up, and he doesn't need to debate Trump to win back some of that lost vote? You're a political fool.

The main reason you've descended into such mind numbing stupidity explaining why Biden is throwing up roadblocks to a debate is because you know he's a walking ticking time bomb of undiluted ignorance. He can't string two coherent sentences together without sounding like a recovering drug addict. He can't remember names, dates, who his Wife is, who was ex-boss was, not even what office he's running for!

He's a disaster, and Trump would expose his rapidly deteriorating brain under the hot lights and inside of 90 minutes destroy all of your false hope for finally setting up your Socialist utopia. Trump will destroy him in a debate, and you're just too dishonest to admit it, so you come up with this nonsense to protect the last hope you have to keep from politically being annihilated by the very "swing voters" and "Black voters" left out there who YOU claim are already decided but in reality are giving Trump a serious look while you anarchists on the Left try to burn the country down!

Biden doesn't need to debate, we know he's all for anarchy and civil unrest. He hasn't said about word about any of it, except let's de-fund and disband the police and pay slave reparations! Just what the swing voters needed to hear. He doesn't need to "debate" against Trump...everyone knows that wasn't his stance just six months ago! o_O
Hey. They will still won’t answer my questions . Lol
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Hey. They will still won’t answer my questions . Lol

I wouldn't hold out any hope. You've asked them something they can't ever admit to because they would have to admit the very things they've been promising Blacks for he past half century they have failed to deliver on.

I published a list the other day of the top cities in America losing population due to their sorry economic conditions. All 10 were run by Democrats, and it has been that way for decades. They won't admit that failure to you. You won't get an answer. They will call you names for asking though.
  • Like
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More "business development" project management incompetence! By the way I NEVER get mad...I get even. Watch.....

So using this logic there was even less reason for Hillary to debate Trump in '16! She was a much better known candidate. She had been the first Lady, a U.S. Senator, a previous Presidential candidate herself, the so called "smartest Woman in the world"! She had near universal name recognition. Trump was a political neophyte. No one knew his record (he didn't have one) Yet you overconfident zealots on the Left were insisting Hillary debate him because ostensibly she was going to bury him. Your logic explaining why with the same circumstances this election cycle Biden doesn't need to debate falls apart on simple logic.

If anyone should debate, it's Biden because swing voters and "undecided" voters will be the margin of victory in this highly partisan and already divided race. Yet your politically uninformed logic insists Biden doesn't need those voters...he's better known than Hillary, further ahead, and Trump is a known quantity? I don't think even you believe your own twisted logic, but sounds good so why not run with it huh?

Read above response for the fallacy of this ill informed statement. Biden was hand selected by the DNC precisely to win over those remaining "undecided" voters! Why would he NOT need to debate against a man who's record is there for all to see? That's the logic you claimed required Hillary to debate! Trump had no record then, and she was better known. Make up your mind.

First of all no one's seen any "internal numbers". Campaign organizations do have them, but they typically don't release them. Know what "internals" Democrats aren't talking about? Black support for Trump! It's well above 20%...almost double that in some polls. Do you ever hear the media talking about them? Democrats? No! You just see them wearing Kente cloths and promising Blacks reparations because they see the same internals Trump's team does, and that's the fact if Trump holds onto the current levels of Black support he's enjoying polling among Democrats, they will lose in a landslide! That's why there's no publishing of those "internal" polls. Democrats are staring into their own political abyss looking at them!

Again, read the above response and examine he has every reason to step onto that debate stage to try and pull those Black voters back onto the Democrat side where they have traditionally been until this cycle. He's so desperate, he went on the popular "breakfast club" syndicated radio show and told a predominantly Black audience that if they can't figure out who to vote for between him and Trump...they're not Black! Yes he said that. Does that sound like he's sure the usually reliable Black vote is all sewn up, and he doesn't need to debate Trump to win back some of that lost vote? You're a political fool.

The main reason you've descended into such mind numbing stupidity explaining why Biden is throwing up roadblocks to a debate is because you know he's a walking ticking time bomb of undiluted ignorance. He can't string two coherent sentences together without sounding like a recovering drug addict. He can't remember names, dates, who his Wife is, who his ex-boss was, not even what office he's running for!

He's a disaster, and Trump would expose his rapidly deteriorating brain under the hot lights and inside of 90 minutes destroy all of your false hope for finally setting up your Socialist utopia. Trump will destroy him in a debate, and you're just too dishonest to admit it, so you come up with this nonsense to protect the last hope you have to keep from politically being annihilated by the very "swing voters" and "Black voters" left out there who YOU claim are already decided but in reality are giving Trump a serious look while you anarchists on the Left try to burn the country down!

Biden doesn't need to debate, we know he's all for anarchy and civil unrest. He hasn't said about word about any of it, except let's de-fund and disband the police and pay slave reparations! Just what the swing voters needed to hear. He doesn't need to "debate" against Trump...everyone knows that wasn't his stance just six months ago! o_O

The life of a used car salesmen, you have a lot of time on your hands. My point stands, today, the portion of undecided voters is roughly 7% of registered voters versus 20% in 2016. People have already made their decision. You are either voting for Trump or Biden.....getting closer to that 100 day mark.
I wouldn't hold out any hope. You've asked them something they can't ever admit to because they would have to admit the very things they've been promising Blacks for he past half century they have failed to deliver on.

I published a list the other day of the top cities in America losing population due to their sorry economic conditions. All 10 were run by Democrats, and it has been that way for decades. They won't admit that failure to you. You won't get an answer. They will call you names for asking though.
I wouldn't hold out any hope. You've asked them something they can't ever admit to because they would have to admit the very things they've been promising Blacks for he past half century they have failed to deliver on.

I published a list the other day of the top cities in America losing population due to their sorry economic conditions. All 10 were run by Democrats, and it has been that way for decades. They won't admit that failure to you. You won't get an answer. They will call you names for asking though.

That was some tough research you did....almost every major urban center in the country is Dem. Suburbs are typically Rep. or Ind. and the rural area predominately Rep.

The suburbs will choose this election....
That was some tough research you did....almost every major urban center in the country is Dem. Suburbs are typically Rep. or Ind. and the rural area predominately Rep.

The suburbs will choose this election....
Still no answers
The life of a used car salesmen, you have a lot of time on your hands. My point stands, today, the portion of undecided voters is roughly 7% of registered voters versus 20% in 2016. People have already made their decision. You are either voting for Trump or Biden.....getting closer to that 100 day mark.

You cannot refute one thing I laid out to you. You are talking nonsense. If Biden has the "undecided" vote locked up, why is he insisting on a Woman of color on his ticket? Blacks and women will vote for him either way right? Their minds are "made up" correct? That's you own argument. Tell that to Democrat pollsters.

Biden isn't considering a Black Woman on his ticket because he knows Black chics dig him and will vote for him no matter what. He's promising to put a Black woman on the ticket because he knows Black folks liked those good paying jobs Trump was managing for them before the "Covid killer" came along and spoiled the party. He can't take the chance Black chicks would rather have a j-o-b. No romance without some finance.

Remember that old school rap from back in the day?
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You cannot refute one thing I laid to you. You are talking nonsense. If Biden has the "undecided" vote locked up, why is he insisting on a Woman of color on his ticket? Blacks and women will vote for him either way right? Their minds are "made up" correct? That's you own argument. Tell that to Democrat pollsters.

Biden isn't considering a Black Woman on his ticket because he knows Black chics dig him and will vote for him no matter what. He's promising to put putting a Black woman on the ticket because he knows Black folks liked those good paying jobs Trump was managing for them before the "Covid killer" came along and spoiled the party. He can't take the chance Black chicks would rather have a j-o-b. No romance without some finance.

Remember that old school rap from back in the day?

Yeah, that’s it, fits your narrative. It would never be as a sign of respect and gesture for serving as VP for the first black Pres. in our country’s history.....or that it is time to have a woman and especially a woman of color in the WH....

Keep selling these dipshits your used Corollas and Camry’s...
Black chics know I got plenty of coin atl, @dedhoops24 doens't have a clue.

You posted something on here last week that caused a few of these old timers to cum in their jorts for the first time in said that 40% of AA are polling towards Trump.....

I’ve got a Ferrari to sell you for $100 bucks....
You posted something on here last week that caused a few of these old timers to cum in their jorts for the first time in said that 40% of AA are polling towards Trump.....

I’ve got a Ferrari to sell you for $100 bucks....
Lol. You’ve prob never owned anything in your life.
Lol. You’ve prob never owned anything in your life.

Your the king dipshit....this is your kingdom. You and WVU82 start 80% of the threats here in OT world.....I know you must do nothing for a living as you post all day every day about the same crazy shit....
Yeah, that’s it, fits your narrative. It would never be as a sign of respect and gesture for serving as VP for the first black Pres. in our country’s history.....or that it is time to have a woman and especially a woman of color in the WH....

Keep selling these dipshits your used Corollas and Camry’s...

No matter how much you denigrate how I earn my living, my money is still green and you're still sadly uninformed about this race. Carry on, I'm still gettin' paid and you'll still be on the losing side come November. Then when you make fun of me, I'll offer you 20 bucks to ease you pain.
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No matter how much you denigrate how I earn my living, my money is still green and you're still sadly uninformed about this race. Carry on, I'm still gettin' paid and you'll still be on the losing side come November. Then when you make fun of me, I'll offer you 20 bucks to ease you pain.
He will take it too. He likes government handouts.
Your the king dipshit....this is your kingdom. You and WVU82 start 80% of the threats here in OT world.....I know you must do nothing for a living as you post all day every day about the same crazy shit....
Lmao. . I hit a nerve. I knew I was Right
No matter how much you denigrate how I earn my living, my money is still green and you're still sadly uninformed about this race. Carry on, I'm still gettin' paid and you'll still be on the losing side come November. Then when you make fun of me, I'll offer you 20 bucks to ease you pain.

I bite back bro....I never hate on any man and his money....until he takes a shot at me first....
The life of a used car salesmen, you have a lot of time on your hands. My point stands, today, the portion of undecided voters is roughly 7% of registered voters versus 20% in 2016. People have already made their decision. You are either voting for Trump or Biden.....getting closer to that 100 day mark.

If people have already made up their minds and will vote for either Biden or Trump, why are they each fighting so hard for those as yet remaining "undecided" swing voters? You know the ones in the so called "battleground" States? All minds have been made up correct? That's what you said.

Do you actually believe what you write, or are you just a practicing Democrat ventriloquist?
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Nah bro. Your like the kid who wore the same clothes all the want so badly to be liked and reek of desperation with how many threads you start on here...
No one forces you to read them or respond to them. I bet you were the kid that sucked at sports and either kept the stats to make you feel apart of the team or a male cheerleader.

But now that I know it irritates you I will keep doing it.
I bite back bro....I never hate on any man and his money....until he takes a shot at me first....

All you do is hurl personal attacks. I haven't denigrated how you earn your living. I question your competence, but I'm not paying for it.