The left is tearing down American identity


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009
The Collapse of American Identity. In a new book, the journalist George Packer argues that the country is divided into four warring factions.

People on the left claim to speak for women, or people of color, and then, when it comes to the ballot box, Joe Biden overwhelmingly beats all the other Democrats with Black voters. Do you think the fights embodied by Just America at a lot of institutions are going to manifest themselves in politics soon? Or has the threat to liberalism by Just America been overstated?

If you bloc most Americans into identity groups, George Packer says, “if you create monoliths, you will end up not speaking to their actual, as people say, lived experience.”

Sarah Palin was the early warning sign that Free America was breaking up. There was a rebellion from below within Free America. And that rebellion was out in the heartland. It was a white Christian-nationalist narrative that said, “Your free trade, your immigration, even your corporations and monopolies have not improved a lot of towns, and rural areas have sunk and are in deep trouble, and have some of the same serious problems that the inner cities have had for decades."