Stock market at an all time high,

How many people got enough raises since 2020 to cover that 23% inflation rate?
No one talks about how much less purchasing power those additional dollars from increased wages carries! That's how inflation really sucks. You make more money, but you're buying less and can't even afford as much!
If these were Orange jesus numbers you guys would be claiming victoty. What a joke
If these were Orange jesus numbers you guys would be claiming victoty. What a joke
"Orange Jesus" had better numbers and all you bots did was trash him the whole time and claim it was Obama's economy! Matter of fact it was so good, you all pimped a fake "plandemic" to shut the economy down then blame Trump for it! Why is double digit inflation in the last 3 years that's only recently slowed better than less than 1% inflation the previous 4 years?

Don't bother answering, you would be a complete joke.
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As orange Jesus would say the stock market hit a sacred number today of over 37,000. Great job Biden. Stock market killing it.
As orange Jesus would say the stock market hit a sacred number today of over 37,000. Great job Biden. Stock market killing it.
You realize only evil Corporations or rich White people who don't pay their "fare share" in taxes are investing in stocks? What's a Leftist to do when the very people you hate are driving record gains in the filthy Capitalist free market exchange of investor's shares who are just buying stocks to make themselves even richer!

@sammyk ...cheering on Capitalism
& the "evil rich"???????? :oops:

Oh no!!!!!

He's on the Left...they're desperate!

I know!

Just keep promising to cut corporate tax rates and individual taxes on Capital gains'll get 'em to change their minds!
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Here 'ya go @sammyk ....Biden doesn't want all those investors to keep what they earn buying or selling stocks!
( you know any poor people investing in stocks?) 🤔

President Joe Biden intends to propose a new type of wealth tax as part of his upcoming budget request, a plan that’s sure to revive the debate in Washington over taxing the richest-of-the rich.


...and just to make sure those wealthy
investors don't skip out on paying their "fare share" (except for Hunter of course) he's asking for more taxes to pay for even more IRS bloodsuckers!

IRS uses funding to go after wealthy

The Internal Revenue Service recently announced a campaign to dramatically increase audits of high-income Americans and large businesses, leveraging billions of dollars in new funding from Congress to recover lost tax revenue. It’s easy enough to vilify the IRS, and few taxpayers would welcome an audit. The taxing agency stresses that its new push will focus on the truly affluent.

So folks you see @sammyk is celebrating the "uber wealthy" making his creepy corpse look good by buying stocks, but right after they collect their windfalls that creep will be sicking his IRS goons onto them to confiscate virtually every dollar they earned but don't need to keep for themselves. 😏
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See Biden's been investing all that money in stocks Hunter's been illegally laundering & sending to him. That's why @sammyk has been having orgasms over the record stock market. 😏

Hey creepy Joe, did YOU pay your "fare share" in taxes over all that illegal foreign bribe money Hunter was depositing into your various bank accounts under different aliases?

Now how would I know that when I don't even remember talking to any of Hunter's business partners?

So why all the fictitious names? And who is "the Big guy" Hunter's always mentioning in his illegal money laundering scheme emails?

Do you really expect me to answer that?

No, but I do expect you to lie about it.
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only problem with this is it’s largely skewed by the likes of Apple, Tesla, Meta and 4 other monster stocks.
Yes and energy stocks which are usually a harbinger of future economic expansion are getting hammered. Same with real estate, which is probably the biggest indicator of sustained economic growth. Housing starts are in the toilet, and there is very little being invested in real estate because interest rates are still unbearable for most buyers. No one's building new homes because no one can afford them.
If it were donny it would not matter. The followers would say it’s amazing
Yeah well they also said the election was stolen. No cred and are about to see cheato Jesus get fitted for a cheato colored jumpsuit and have a cellmate serving 20 years for male rape.
If it were donny it would not matter. The followers would say it’s amazing
Who are you kidding? You didn't give him any credit when he had the economy humming. You either ignored it, or tried to give all the credit to Obama. How do you decide which of your two faces to wear on any given day?
Yeah well they also said the election was stolen. No cred and are about to see cheato Jesus get fitted for a cheato colored jumpsuit and have a cellmate serving 20 years for male rape.
Or he could get re elected by a landslide and start locking up all the criminals who tried to lock him up for the exact stuff they are doing!
Yeah well they also said the election was stolen. No cred and are about to see cheato Jesus get fitted for a cheato colored jumpsuit and have a cellmate serving 20 years for male rape.
Keep saying it moron. 9 years later he still lives rent free in your tiny head
Those would never be Trump numbers but you are not smart enough to understand why.

You are literally too stupid to even discuss economics.
How does a Leftist who supports aggresive government seizure of wealth production through confiscatory taxation and income redistribution cheer on private investments, wealth accumulation and capital formation through equity markets (aka stocks)?

Are Leftists not the most confused, two faced, bass ackward, schizophrenic, three dollar phonies ever known to the human species?

My Lord! 🙄
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As orange Jesus would say the stock market hit a sacred number today of over 37,000. Great job Biden. Stock market killing it.
The Fed and its signaling to curb raising interest rates had more to do with the stock market rally today than any of creepy Joe's investments of all those illegal foreign money bribes he's been getting from Hunter.

Besides, by the time he's finished taxing all the money investors earn buying and selling stocks, we'll still be running up more debt and borrowing enough to keep his inflationary spending going. 😒

Thanks creepy Joe!
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Just be a socialists and failure becomes second nature.
Isn't it interesting how you never hear Leftists admit Socialism fails everywhere it's tried? You never hear 'em brag where it's working do 'ya?

Well we know it sure as Hell didn't work in Argentina...I'm living proof of that!

Argentina's new populist free market President Javier Milei

Can you imagine how apoplectic American Leftist/Socialists would be if we did what they're being forced to do in Argentina?

Argentina's Milei announces 50% currency devaluation and large cuts to public spending

Argentina’s new president, Javier Milei, on Tuesday announced an official devaluation of the peso of 50%, virtually turning on the chainsaw that he famously used at campaign events. The government also announced it was canceling tenders for new public works projects, dismissing all government workers who have been in their posts for less than a year, a reduction of energy and transportation subsidies as of February, and a drastic reduction in the transfer of federal funds to the provinces. The far-right, populist president wants to slash some $20 billion in public spending and will do so as quickly as possible. “There is no money,” the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, reiterated as he announced the government’s first economic measures in a recorded message.
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Yeah well they also said the election was stolen. No cred and are about to see cheato Jesus get fitted for a cheato colored jumpsuit and have a cellmate serving 20 years for male rape.


17% of mail-in voters admit that in 2020 they voted in a state where they are “no longer a permanent resident”

21% of mail-in voters admitted that they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member

17% of mail-in voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or family member “with or without his or her permission”

8% of likely voters say they were offered “pay” or a “reward” for voting in 2020

Taken together, the results of these survey questions appear to show that voter fraud was widespread in the 2020 election, especially among those who cast mail-in ballots.

I know you will dismiss the results of this survey, but the amazing thing is these are voters who admit they cheated! There were probably many many more who wouldn't admit to that. However you can't continue to insist there is "no evidence of widespread voter fraud" when this many voters self admit to cheating!

One other thing while I have your attention. You've recently been derisively referring to Trump as "Cheeto Jesus" suggesting those of us who support his policies also worship him as a deity. First of all Trump is no Saint. None of us who support his successful policies in any way "Worship" him as such, and as a believer in Christ I personally resent him being placed on the same pedestal as our risen Savior!

Trump like all of us is a desperate Sinner, in need of redemption and forgiveness through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ who alone is the only one who deserves Worship and can forgive Sin. There are so many other names you can use to mock Trump which you are perfectly free to do, but I am personally offended by you equating him to our magnificent Savior and I am politely asking you to stop doing that.

It is not only insulting to we believers who revere that Holy name & do indeed Worship a risen Savior named Jesus...the name above all names...but it's also quite blasphemous and specifically forbidden by Almighty God (whom Jesus also happens to be). If you must mock Trump's "orange" appearance...why not call him "Cheeto Joe", the funny cartoon character who's the advertising trademark of the popular cheese flavored snack?


Do I really look like Trump to you @bamaEER ?

Doesn't matter. Just please stop using the name of our risen Savior to mock Trump. He's NOT Jesus, and he's not even "orange" but he's definitely not worthy of our Worship, and we DO NOT worship him!

Yeah, but I'm going to beat that half dead corpse and win my job back that they stole from me!

You can run DJT...we support you, but we DO NOT Worship you!
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I like this, either they will find nothing(because they have nothing) and Biden Vindicated and it will show how F'ed up the GOP is or they will push this through to give orange jesus what he wants which will also show that the GOP is F'ed up. A win win for the Dems. And why isn't the GOP taking Hunter Biden up on having a public trial??????
why isn't the GOP taking Hunter Biden up on having a public trial??????
For the same reason he won't answer reporter's questions. Also it's not a "trial" because he hasn't been charged with anything. It's getting his sworn statements onto a deposition, to determine if they will charge him and perhaps use that testimony against him in a trial.
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Pedo-Joe's approval ratings at an all time low. What's your point?
He's desperate. He can't find anything positive to say about that infirmed corpse, so he's pimpin' economic numbers Biden doesn't have a clue about which are in fact caused by the very people his Socialist friends on the Left despise. The so called "evil rich". Tells 'ya how desperate he really is!
they will push this through to give orange jesus what he wants which will also show that the GOP is F'ed up.
Why must you use the Holy name of Jesus when referring to Trump? Is he the Savior? Is he worthy of praise and Worship? What is behind referring to him as someone who you probably think is just a fictitious character anyway?

Say what you want about Trump, I can assure you he IS NOT the "Savior" or a deity or worthy of praise & worship or even fictitious! What he is though is a thorn in the side of swamp loving Leftists such as yourself, with sound policies you cannot offer better alternatives for. Maybe you think that qualifies him for Worship or deity, but I'll just settle for his re-election and many long nights of despair from you miserable, misguided folks.

@sammyk ...thinking about the prospect of a Trump victory next Fall

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