Republicans’ Key “Biden Corruption” Witness Torches Their Entire Claims


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Fayetteville, WV
Just brutal. There's a reason there was little support for this amongst thinking Repubs. Instead, Repubs are busy putting on a sham impeachment inquiry while the nation shuts down due to far right Repub lunacy and a house leader who would rather shut the country down than face a vote to dethrone him.

Republicans’ Key “Biden Corruption” Witness Torches Their Entire Claims

Republicans’ own witness in their impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden on Thursday completely destroyed their claims before the hearing even began.

The House GOP held its first hearing on Biden’s alleged corruption. Republicans have insisted for months that the president is guilty of criminal wrongdoing, but they have yet to produce any actual evidence of their claims.

As one of their first witnesses, Republicans called on Jonathan Turley, a conservative legal scholar who previously served as a Justice Department tax attorney. Turley was set to act as a content witness to help analyze the Biden family’s business dealings—but even he admitted there’s not enough evidence.

“I do not believe that the evidence currently meets the standard of a high crime and misdemeanor needed for an article of impeachment,” Turley said in written testimony submitted ahead of the hearing.

Turley also said he did believe it was “warranted” for the House to investigate potential connections between Biden and his son Hunter’s business dealings. But Republicans have been doing just that for months, and they still haven’t found proof linking the president to Hunter Biden’s work.

As Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jamie Raskin pointed out, “If the Republicans had a smoking gun, or even a dripping water pistol, they would be presenting it today.”

“But they’ve got nothing on Joe Biden,” he said in opening remarks.
I know you won't answer these 2 simple questions @moe but most readers will understand why if you don't.

If creepy Joe's done "nothing wrong" as you insist why did he lie about knowing nothing regarding his Son's overseas business deals? What was the reason to lie about something like that?

Then if you answer that one honestly, tell us why he denied that Hunter's laptop ever existed? (the laptop contained all of the information from which all of these allegations of illegal bribes are being developed)

All creepy Joe had to do was admit to the laptop's existence (he didn't he lied about it) or admit he knew exactly what his Son was up to doing his foreign business deals for the "big guy"...he didn't and instead he lied about that too!


I'll exercise my Constitutional right against self incrimination & remain silent on these questions... besides I hate Trump.

OK @moe , but we already knew that! We just thought you could explain what makes creepy Joe appear so innocent to you?

I already gave you my answer.
Just brutal. There's a reason there was little support for this amongst thinking Repubs. Instead, Repubs are busy putting on a sham impeachment inquiry while the nation shuts down due to far right Repub lunacy and a house leader who would rather shut the country down than face a vote to dethrone him.

Republicans’ Key “Biden Corruption” Witness Torches Their Entire Claims

Republicans’ own witness in their impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden on Thursday completely destroyed their claims before the hearing even began.

The House GOP held its first hearing on Biden’s alleged corruption. Republicans have insisted for months that the president is guilty of criminal wrongdoing, but they have yet to produce any actual evidence of their claims.

As one of their first witnesses, Republicans called on Jonathan Turley, a conservative legal scholar who previously served as a Justice Department tax attorney. Turley was set to act as a content witness to help analyze the Biden family’s business dealings—but even he admitted there’s not enough evidence.

“I do not believe that the evidence currently meets the standard of a high crime and misdemeanor needed for an article of impeachment,” Turley said in written testimony submitted ahead of the hearing.

Turley also said he did believe it was “warranted” for the House to investigate potential connections between Biden and his son Hunter’s business dealings. But Republicans have been doing just that for months, and they still haven’t found proof linking the president to Hunter Biden’s work.

As Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jamie Raskin pointed out, “If the Republicans had a smoking gun, or even a dripping water pistol, they would be presenting it today.”

“But they’ve got nothing on Joe Biden,” he said in opening remarks.
You silly stooge. The impeachment is the allegation. The senate is the trial where the evidence is presented. There was no evidence of Trumps impeachment either. The senate showed that when he was acquitted
You silly stooge. The impeachment is the allegation. The senate is the trial where the evidence is presented. There was no evidence of Trumps impeachment either. The senate showed that when he was acquitted
Correct @ThePunish-EER ...however these current House proceedings are simply an inquiry to determine if enough evidence exists to formally impeach (charge) creepy Joe? 'ol @moe there thought Trump was guilty even after the first few "fake news" media hit pieces, never mind the impeachment!

BTW, he thinks creepy Joe is completely innocent simply because 'ol @moe just hates Trump! 😏
Just brutal. There's a reason there was little support for this amongst thinking Repubs. Instead, Repubs are busy putting on a sham impeachment inquiry while the nation shuts down due to far right Repub lunacy and a house leader who would rather shut the country down than face a vote to dethrone him.

Republicans’ Key “Biden Corruption” Witness Torches Their Entire Claims

Republicans’ own witness in their impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden on Thursday completely destroyed their claims before the hearing even began.

The House GOP held its first hearing on Biden’s alleged corruption. Republicans have insisted for months that the president is guilty of criminal wrongdoing, but they have yet to produce any actual evidence of their claims.

As one of their first witnesses, Republicans called on Jonathan Turley, a conservative legal scholar who previously served as a Justice Department tax attorney. Turley was set to act as a content witness to help analyze the Biden family’s business dealings—but even he admitted there’s not enough evidence.

“I do not believe that the evidence currently meets the standard of a high crime and misdemeanor needed for an article of impeachment,” Turley said in written testimony submitted ahead of the hearing.

Turley also said he did believe it was “warranted” for the House to investigate potential connections between Biden and his son Hunter’s business dealings. But Republicans have been doing just that for months, and they still haven’t found proof linking the president to Hunter Biden’s work.

As Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jamie Raskin pointed out, “If the Republicans had a smoking gun, or even a dripping water pistol, they would be presenting it today.”

“But they’ve got nothing on Joe Biden,” he said in opening remarks.


Moe and the Democrats are selectively editing Turley's opening statement:

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Correct @ThePunish-EER ...however these current House proceedings are simply an inquiry to determine if enough evidence exists to formally impeach (charge) creepy Joe? 'ol @moe there thought Trump was guilty even after the first few "fake news" media hit pieces, never mind the impeachment!

BTW, he thinks creepy Joe is completely innocent simply because 'ol @moe just hates Trump! 😏
That’s why some have suggested that Trump’s impeachment’s be expunged after it was revealed there never was proof he colluded with Russia. The msm has embarrassed themselves for a generation. I don’t see how they will recover in our lifetime. Nobody believes their shit.
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That’s why some have suggested that Trump’s impeachment’s be expunged after it was revealed there never was proof he colluded with Russia. The msm has embarrassed themselves for a generation. I don’t see how they will recover in our lifetime. Nobody believes their shit.
I'm actually glad they prostituted themselves over that scam @ThePunish-EER . Fast forward to today, no matter what they report or say in attempts to smear Trump, nothing works and all it does is increase his support! They've become his biggest boosters, because they've lost so much credibility! Just as you said, no one believes their tripe anymore, and the more they come after Trump, the more his support grows in spite of their smears, and the more they assure his re-election.

Know what? I'll take it!

MSM have pledged to do all they can making sure I'm re-elected without their help!

You're just the type of guy they absolutely Love to Hate DJT!!!!! :rolleyes:
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I'm actually glad they prostituted themselves over that scam @ThePunish-EER . Fast forward to today, no matter what they report or say in attempts to smear Trump, nothing works and all it does is increase his support! They've become his biggest boosters, because they've lost so much credibility! Just as you said, no one believes their tripe anymore, and the more they come after Trump, the more his support grows in spite of their smears, and the more they assure his re-election.

Know what? I'll take it!

MSM have pledged to do all they can making sure I'm re-elected without their help!

You're just the type of guy they absolutely Love to Hate DJT!!!!! :rolleyes:
Msm showed during Trump's term and the Rona just how far they will go to please the democrats. Not only lying or not investigation of lies they silenced people for speaking the truth . The Russian collusion was based on a false hit peace and Adam Schiff. The impeachment hearings was held in secret..... Democrats crying about what's going on .....please bitch ...
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Msm showed during Trump's term and the Rona just how far they will go to please the democrats. Not only lying or not investigation of lies they silenced people for speaking the truth . The Russian collusion was based on a false hit peace and Adam Schiff. The impeachment hearings was held in secret..... Democrats crying about what's going on .....please bitch ...
Imagine having a job as a reporter thinking you are "just reporting the facts" that you sincerely want folks to believe...and no one believes you?

So there 'ya have it folks...Trump obviously is a racist and a White Supremacist!

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Trump announces he's quitting the GOP race!

You guys think you can get rid of me by just saying so?

Surely by now they know better than that DJT....
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Just brutal. There's a reason there was little support for this amongst thinking Repubs. Instead, Repubs are busy putting on a sham impeachment inquiry while the nation shuts down due to far right Repub lunacy and a house leader who would rather shut the country down than face a vote to dethrone him.

Republicans’ Key “Biden Corruption” Witness Torches Their Entire Claims

Republicans’ own witness in their impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden on Thursday completely destroyed their claims before the hearing even began.

The House GOP held its first hearing on Biden’s alleged corruption. Republicans have insisted for months that the president is guilty of criminal wrongdoing, but they have yet to produce any actual evidence of their claims.

As one of their first witnesses, Republicans called on Jonathan Turley, a conservative legal scholar who previously served as a Justice Department tax attorney. Turley was set to act as a content witness to help analyze the Biden family’s business dealings—but even he admitted there’s not enough evidence.

“I do not believe that the evidence currently meets the standard of a high crime and misdemeanor needed for an article of impeachment,” Turley said in written testimony submitted ahead of the hearing.

Turley also said he did believe it was “warranted” for the House to investigate potential connections between Biden and his son Hunter’s business dealings. But Republicans have been doing just that for months, and they still haven’t found proof linking the president to Hunter Biden’s work.

As Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jamie Raskin pointed out, “If the Republicans had a smoking gun, or even a dripping water pistol, they would be presenting it today.”

“But they’ve got nothing on Joe Biden,” he said in opening remarks.
This hearing is nothing more than an opportunity for the bifftards to distract from biff’s many felonies.
This hearing is nothing more than an opportunity for the bifftards to distract from biff’s many felonies.
Actually it's a campaign commercial for Trump's re-election. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
*(watch his poll numbers after this hearing is finished)


Newsflash creepy Joe!!!!! IT'S OVER BRO!!!!!!

As much as I hate to admit it, that's probably true...for me anyway!

Cheer up creepy Joe...that dungeon you call a basement probably needs a good cleaning by now...'ya know cobb webbs and all?

Aw suck it atl!

You do old really do! 😏
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This hearing is nothing more than an opportunity for the bifftards to distract from biff’s many felonies.
It's funny to me how I don't read any of you Biden bots denying his guilt. All I hear you saying is "there's no evidence", "it's a distraction", nothing to see here". That's a far cry from "he didn't do it"!

We Trump supporters were on here daily during his sham trial with sterling defense and factual rebuttals against his phony impeachment charges. Yet no where can I find even one of you brainwashed Biden bots defending his innocence or simply insisting he's done nothing wrong. Not one of you.

Why not?
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This hearing is nothing more than an opportunity for the bifftards to distract from biff’s many felonies.
Adam Schiff says hello and the dnc who Paid for the Russian collusion story , not to mention the 50 retired intelligence officer would like for you to keep listening..... you will ...
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You silly stooge. The impeachment is the allegation. The senate is the trial where the evidence is presented. There was no evidence of Trumps impeachment either. The senate showed that when he was acquitted
I think you’re wrong about that. The impeachment is equivalent to a grand jury proceeding, where the evidence collected is presented and the grand jury returns a true bill if they believe the evidence warrants an indictment. The true bill is equivalent to an impeachment referral to the senate. The senate proceeding rules on whether the president should be removed from office.
I think you’re wrong about that. The impeachment is equivalent to a grand jury proceeding, where the evidence collected is presented and the grand jury returns a true bill if they believe the evidence warrants an indictment. The true bill is equivalent to an impeachment referral to the senate. The senate proceeding rules on whether the president should be removed from office.
So is Biden innocent, & this is all a sham? He's done nothing close to what's being investigated?



So what, who cares?
Biden is a accused of selling access to his public office for favorable policy considerations in exchange for his personal private gain. he guilty of that or innocent?

Where are his defenders? 🤫
Well how 'bout it creepy Joe...looks like all of your "record" support and defenders have vanished?

It's OK atl..I can still fake their support just like I did all those votes I used to get installed!

Sounds kinda creepy to me Joe, but I guess for you that's normal? 😒
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This hearing is nothing more than an opportunity for the bifftards to distract from biff’s many felonies.
If it meant his guaranteed conviction on any one of 'em, could you name at least 3? 🤔
(or in other words, name the 3 he's most likely to be convicted on?)

It's downright laughable you can't! :joy:

Oh... but he's good as guilty right there @bamaEER ?????

You got it all down "big guy"!

That 'ol boy Trump is in some BIG time trouble ain't he Bro?
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Listen...I'm gonna beat the rap atl, then I'm going to beat the Left with their own game of "Lawfare"

I believe 'ya DJT...only you won't have to "make up" any phony charges to convict them!
And I’ve been providing a list for months.

Here they are again. I could copy and paste the entire list, or I could type them out, but it would be easier if you would just click on the link and read for yourself.

Trump felony indictments.
On the other hand I've asked YOU to cite for us the specific violation(s) and explain Trump's behavior in any of one of 'em that makes it a crime? You can't do that can you?

Let's prove it.

As you know, one of the "felonies" Trump is accused of is cited under the Georgia RICO statutes. Can you cite the specific statute that accuses him of “engaging in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn Georgia’s presidential election result”? What specifically did he do that was "criminal" and what particular RICO statute did he violate doing that?

I'll 100% guarantee you don't know, can't explain it, and don't even have a clue of what's exactly in the Georgia RICO statutes! However I also 100% guarantee you think Trump is absolutely guilty of what's he's charged with, even though you don't have one clue what it is! :joy: You're a complete mind numbed joke!

Prove me wrong...explain to the board what Trump did wrong that was a crime in Georgia under the State's RICO Law?

@Soaring Eagle 74 ....caught again playing himself as stupid
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@Soaring Eagle 74 .....

(this is from your link btw)

Explain to us exactly what Trump did that was a "crime" cited as a Felony violation under Georgia's RICO act?
  • One count of conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer.
  • Two counts of conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree.
  • Two counts of conspiracy to commit false statements and writings.
That's 5 (count 'em) FIVE ALLEGED FELONIES (among others) Trump is accused of committing. Can you cite for us the specific statutes under Georgia's Racketeering Influence Corrupt Organizations Law that Trump is in violation of, and what exactly he did under any one of those charges that makes it a "criminal" act?

The only reason I'm pushing this is because YOU linked that article, and I'm suggesting even you don't know what in the Hell you've linked and you probably haven't even read it! You clearly have no idea what Trump's is alleged to have done because if you did, you'd easily explain it to us just as convincingly as you think it will be explained to a Jury which you no doubt believe will convict Trump because it's clear to you he's absolutely guilty!

OK, so you should be able to make the same case to us...prove to us how guilty he is? I 100% guarantee you can't. So because of that all I do is mock the Hell out of you and how thoroughly brainwashed you've been by this whole media fabricated charade.

@Soaring Eagle 74 ....getting a full frontal lobotomy to get his mind right on Trump's criminality

Planet of the apes...can you explain how @Soaring Eagle 74 got so damn "brainwashed"? 🤔


@Soaring Eagle 74 ...donated his brain to science so it can be studied how one human being can be so easily manipulated? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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And I’ve been providing a list for months.

Here they are again. I could copy and paste the entire list, or I could type them out, but it would be easier if you would just click on the link and read for yourself.

Trump felony indictments.

1.). Hush Money to Stormy Daniels. —-one problem here. It’s not illegal to pay someone to STFU. Have you ever heard of settlements out of court? This happens all the time. It’s a desperate attempt to insinuate it was done to influence an election. The same thing ironically your party is doing by these bogus charges

2.). Classified Documents. —-As constitutional expert Mark Levin has stated many times on Fox News, the president of the United States has the ability and authority under no question to classify or declassify anything at anytime. Ironically, again, Joe Biden however as Vice President of the United States did NOT have the ability to classify or declassify any documents. And as VP, should’ve never even had access to them. Did Obama know about this and allow him to have them? Why isn’t this ever questioned?

3.). January 6 Insurrection. —-While there were people who breached the US Capitol, at no point in time did President Trump direct them to do so. In fact, there’s video evidence of Trump directing the crowd to peacefully protest the certification of the electoral votes and demanded no violence.

4.). Georgia False Electors. —-This is laughable and only shows the ignorance of the populace to even fall for this. Per constitution, if there’s an issue and suspected discrepancies and violations of state election laws, that state electoral vote certification process can be protested. And the solution is that it is sent back to the state legislatures who can designate their own special electors to decide and award its electoral votes to whoever they decide. Again, each state has their own state constitution that has election laws in place. And each state runs their own elections. Are state legislatures fake? Answer is No. And if state constitutional election laws are broken, the electoral certification process must be halted.

Now, I’ll ask again…what crimes and felonies did Trump commit? I’m still waiting from you morons to answer this. Americans are sick of your shit.

1.). Hush Money to Stormy Daniels. —-one problem here. It’s not illegal to pay someone to STFU. Have you ever heard of settlements out of court? This happens all the time. It’s a desperate attempt to insinuate it was done to influence an election. The same thing ironically your party is doing by these bogus charges

2.). Classified Documents. —-As constitutional expert Mark Levin has stated many times on Fox News, the president of the United States has the ability and authority under no question to classify or declassify anything at anytime. Ironically, again, Joe Biden however as Vice President of the United States did NOT have the ability to classify or declassify any documents. And as VP, should’ve never even had access to them. Did Obama know about this and allow him to have them? Why isn’t this ever questioned?

3.). January 6 Insurrection. —-While there were people who breached the US Capitol, at no point in time did President Trump direct them to do so. In fact, there’s video evidence of Trump directing the crowd to peacefully protest the certification of the electoral votes and demanded no violence.

4.). Georgia False Electors. —-This is laughable and only shows the ignorance of the populace to even fall for this. Per constitution, if there’s an issue and suspected discrepancies and violations of state election laws, that state electoral vote certification process can be protested. And the solution is that it is sent back to the state legislatures who can designate their own special electors to decide and award its electoral votes to whoever they decide. Again, each state has their own state constitution that has election laws in place. And each state runs their own elections. Are state legislatures fake? Answer is No. And if state constitutional election laws are broken, the electoral certification process must be halted.

Now, I’ll ask again…what crimes and felonies did Trump commit? I’m still waiting from you morons to answer this. Americans are sick of your shit.
It seems you have laid out your argument as to why Trump is not guilty. You have done so in away a person with a average IQ who believes Trump is guilty and was wrong in his actions could intelligently debate you .
We will see if any board democrats step up .

1.). Hush Money to Stormy Daniels. —-one problem here. It’s not illegal to pay someone to STFU. Have you ever heard of settlements out of court? This happens all the time. It’s a desperate attempt to insinuate it was done to influence an election. The same thing ironically your party is doing by these bogus charges

2.). Classified Documents. —-As constitutional expert Mark Levin has stated many times on Fox News, the president of the United States has the ability and authority under no question to classify or declassify anything at anytime. Ironically, again, Joe Biden however as Vice President of the United States did NOT have the ability to classify or declassify any documents. And as VP, should’ve never even had access to them. Did Obama know about this and allow him to have them? Why isn’t this ever questioned?

3.). January 6 Insurrection. —-While there were people who breached the US Capitol, at no point in time did President Trump direct them to do so. In fact, there’s video evidence of Trump directing the crowd to peacefully protest the certification of the electoral votes and demanded no violence.

4.). Georgia False Electors. —-This is laughable and only shows the ignorance of the populace to even fall for this. Per constitution, if there’s an issue and suspected discrepancies and violations of state election laws, that state electoral vote certification process can be protested. And the solution is that it is sent back to the state legislatures who can designate their own special electors to decide and award its electoral votes to whoever they decide. Again, each state has their own state constitution that has election laws in place. And each state runs their own elections. Are state legislatures fake? Answer is No. And if state constitutional election laws are broken, the electoral certification process must be halted.

Now, I’ll ask again…what crimes and felonies did Trump commit? I’m still waiting from you morons to answer this. Americans are sick of your shit.
Well done @ThePunish-EER ....'ya knocked that one out of the park!
It seems you have laid out your argument as to why Trump is not guilty. You have done so in away a person with a average IQ who believes Trump is guilty and was wrong in his actions could intelligently debate you .
We will see if any board democrats step up .
I know you're a serious dude, but this post is surely you joking right?

Serious he laid out his argument perfectly or Serious there is a Democrat who will debate him
You and I both know with metaphysical certitude that not one of these mindless Biden bots will ever debate any of us on here or will ever refute one fact we present to them. That question in post # 31 was more tongue-in-cheek than serious inquiry. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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You and I both know with metaphysical certitude that not one of these mindless Biden bots will ever debate any of us on here or will ever refute one fact we present to them. That question in post # 31 was more tongue-in-cheek than serious inquiry. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Yeah I figured.... just trying to prod the socialists to defend there emotions.