Manafort's formal motion to dismiss

I guess it doesn't hurt to ask, good luck with that. smh
OT...but just wondering how you folks are going to handle this news;
N. WATERBORO, Maine - Shutting down the prospect of a presidential bid, Oprah Winfrey has said repeatedly she will not run for president - unless she gets a clear sign from God.
Her best friend and "CBS This Morning" anchor Gayle King suggested on social media that perhaps that divine sign was sent from Maine.
OT...but just wondering how you folks are going to handle this news;
N. WATERBORO, Maine - Shutting down the prospect of a presidential bid, Oprah Winfrey has said repeatedly she will not run for president - unless she gets a clear sign from God.
Her best friend and "CBS This Morning" anchor Gayle King suggested on social media that perhaps that divine sign was sent from Maine.
Do not care at all. So far, the celebrity as prez thing is not off to a good start.
I want justice. If Mueller is overstepping his legal bounds, throw it out. If not, and he's guilty as all getout, lock him up for life.
You ever read Muellers resume? He doesn't seem to be one to overstep his bounds, now if a cop goes to your house to investigate a domestic and there is a pound of crack on your table, they gonna notice that and charge ya.
You ever read Muellers resume? He doesn't seem to be one to overstep his bounds, now if a cop goes to your house to investigate a domestic and there is a pound of crack on your table, they gonna notice that and charge ya.
This isnt true.
I want justice. If Mueller is overstepping his legal bounds, throw it out. If not, and he's guilty as all getout, lock him up for life.

The judge just increased restrictions on Manafort’s movements this week. Limited him to “home incarceration” (judge’s actual words). He can only leave his residence for medical purposes or religious observances and both must be approved in advance unless it is a medical emergency. The judge’s words were “due to the seriousness of the allegations and the amount of evidence...”
Do not care at all. So far, the celebrity as prez thing is not off to a good start.

Hey moe, what's Trump's biggest policy failure? What legislation has he passed or advocated for that's had the most Fu'*ked up result in your opinion? What has he really screwed up? What's not working right that he's messed up?
The judge just increased restrictions on Manafort’s movements this week. Limited him to “home incarceration” (judge’s actual words). He can only leave his residence for medical purposes or religious observances and both must be approved in advance unless it is a medical emergency. The judge’s words were “due to the seriousness of the allegations and the amount of evidence...”

Cheese from Canada tastes like Cracker Jacks.
Hey moe, what's Trump's biggest policy failure? What legislation has he passed or advocated for that's had the most Fu'*ked up result in your opinion? What has he really screwed up? What's not working right that he's messed up?
Health care repeal? Building and funding your wall? DACA? Didn't follow thorough on his Gun Control measures he said he was gonna do, Tax cuts for the wealthy bigger and permanent while ours our temporary and crumbs, Not trusted to tell the truth to our allies, Failure to even once publicly denounce Putin and Russian interference in our election, Failure to provide his Tax returns as promised(his promises mean nothing), Appointing folks who can't get a clearance, being sued by a Porn star. never proving his lie that millions of illegal folks voted or that his inauguration was the biggest ever He embarrasses intelligent people.
Health care repeal? Building and funding your wall? DACA? Didn't follow thorough on his Gun Control measures he said he was gonna do, Tax cuts for the wealthy bigger and permanent while ours our temporary and crumbs, Not trusted to tell the truth to our allies, Failure to even once publicly denounce Putin and Russian interference in our election, Failure to provide his Tax returns as promised(his promises mean nothing), Appointing folks who can't get a clearance, being sued by a Porn star. never proving his lie that millions of illegal folks voted or that his inauguration was the biggest ever He embarrasses intelligent people.

Now let's see I believe I did ask for policy or legislative failures?

The mandate for ACA was repealed was it not? Who was asking that it remain in place besides Obama sycophants...everyone hated it. It's gone is it not? Any complaints besides from recalcitrant butt hurt Leftists?

The Wall isn't built yet true, nor funded yet but the question was what has been passed that is so screwed up or failing? The Wall is coming, the Left doesn't want it but that's why Trump was elected to build it! You're criticizing him for not building it? He's only been in Office for a year, give it a little more time like 3 more years.

The very rich didn't even get a tax cut so not sure what you mean by "tax cuts for wealthy bigger and permanent"? The rest who did aren't complaining about them being crumbs, only Pelosi. However since the tax cuts, the economy has been booming is it not?

A DACA fix was offered to & rejected by the Democrats...the Republicans were all for it. The current arrangement is Obama's is it not?

Not sure what you mean on his gun control measures. He didn't propose anything different under current Law except increasing the age of ownership to 21...the current Law is what's in effect is it not? Everything else is just as it was but with better enforcement is it not?

As for not trusted to tell Truth to our Allies, what's his lie? Trump's foreign policy objectives are working fine are they not? North Korea is ready to negotiate nuclear disarmament, Isis has been routed, Russia is on warning about Syria and violations of international Law are they not?

Where has Trump NOT criticized the Russians for their meddling in our election? Isn't the charge he "colluded" with them instead? And where's the evidence of that? In fact, who was it that has Russian "collusion" written all over them? Democrats, Hillary, and Obama with that fake dossier.

Tax returns, when did he "promise" to provide them? What legislation is that?

I'll give you some folks have not received their security clearances..but the question was what policy is not working as it's supposed to? That one apparently does right?

Being sued by a Porn Star? What bill is that in Congress, and how is it not working as scheduled?

There have been dozens of stories about undocumented illegal votes cast in the last election, have there not been?

As far as his inauguration...there were lots of people there...more than anyone actually counted. Was the whole thing staged? Who cares if it wasn't "the largest crowd ever"? For him it was. Again, what policy was that which is so screwed up?

He embarrasses intelligent people? Why are you worried about him then? Are you one of the "intelligent" folks embarrassed by him? So everyone else who voted for him is not as smart as you? How come they won then, and the "smart" candidate you voted for lost?

Maybe later to help you out I'll post some of his accomplishments legislatively or through EOs and see how they're working, or look at some legislation he has not been able to get passed yet because you're having such a hard time handling the question. I know how hard it is for you intelligent folks to come down to the level of us plebiscites.
"DC District Judge Amy Berman Jackson dismissed that lawsuit, saying a civil case was "not the appropriate vehicle" for objecting to either past or future actions by a prosecutor."

She had the civil lawsuit, it seems.

Right, she's the same judge. That was a civil suit dismissed last week. This is today, an action related to the criminal case.

Now there's a bit of Judicial activism the Left won't report on!
