Kid's protesting climate change.

The battle for irrelevance, Racist / Racism, or Climate Climate Change, (formerly known as Gruber Warming)?
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I went looking for your posts of OUTRAGE over the treatment of those poor homeless, depressed, and destitute Black men Democrat mega donor Ed Buck was accused of murdering as sex slaves after drugging and torturing them.

I searched and searched and searched because I know now OUTRAGED you get when racist Trump mistreats Black men like that racist Democrat did.

I couldn't find one post from you. Does that mean you're a better racist than me? [eyeroll]
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The battle for irrelevance, Racist / Racism, or Climate Climate Change, (formerly known as Gruber Warming)?

You're a racist if you ignore Democrat indiffference on racism, and a climate denier if you support multi billion dollar natural gas deals with developing countries relying on the US instead of Socialist sh*t holes for their energy needs.
I went looking for your posts of OUTRAGE over the treatment of those poor homeless, depressed, and destitute Black men Democrat mega donor Ed Buck was accused of murdering as sex slaves after drugging and torturing them.

I searched and searched and searched because I know now OUTRAGED you get when racist Trump mistreats Black men like that racist Democrat did.

I couldn't find one post from you. Does that mean you're a better racist than me? [eyeroll]

I'm sorry....I have a life off this board, unlike you who spends 99% of your awake time on it......your poor family.
I'm sorry....I have a life off this board, unlike you who spends 99% of your awake time on it......your poor family.

Your racism ignoring enslaved, drugged, sexually tortured and murdered poor Black men by a loyal Democrat is obvious to anyone who spends any amount of time on this board.

So tell us MWV, just what does get your racist OUTRAGE flowing besides Trump's record low unemployment numbers for Negroes?
Your racism ignoring enslaved, drugged, sexually tortured and murdered poor Black men by a loyal Democrat is obvious to anyone who spends any amount of time on this board.

So tell us MWV, just what does get your racist OUTRAGE flowing besides Trump's record low unemployment numbers for Negroes?

You laughed at someone calling Michelle Obama a "gorilla".......shut up. It's Sunday. Don't you have a wife? Kids? Grandkids?
You laughed at someone calling Michelle Obama a "gorilla".......shut up. It's Sunday. Don't you have a wife? Kids? Grandkids?

OK let me shut up then. I know when you accuse someone else of being a racist, you have lots of OUTRAGE after Black men are drugged, tortured as sex slaves, and murdered by a Democrat super donor to back up that demand. [eyeroll]
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I'm sorry....I have a life off this board, unlike you who spends 99% of your awake time on it......your poor family.

Oh you don't have much time to spend on this board, but what little time you do spend on it you completely ignore a Democrat super donor who enslaved poor Black men, drugged them, sexually tortured them, then watched them die slow horrible deaths from the overdoses he fed them and instead you take time out to accuse someone of being "racist" for simply laughing at how someone else thought Michelle Obama favored the likeness of a Zoo Chimpanzee?

Real fine priorities there MWV and excellent use of your strategically limited OT time. o_O
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You are on this board 24/7. You are a party troll. Man the fvck up. Weak response

Why would he get upset over Democrat racism against Black folks? That doesn't bother him nearly as much as us voting for Trump opposing racist Democrats who don't support school choice vouchers or inner city tax free enterprise zones. [eyeroll]
You are on this board 24/7. You are a party troll. Man the fvck up. Weak response

Dead Black men murdered as sex slaves after being drugged and tortured by a loyal Democrat donor draw MWV's silence while someone joking on an internet message board about how Michelle Obama resembles a Chimp draws his OUTRAGE!!!!!!

He sure knows what he's talking about when he calls someone else a racist doesn't he jpoppa?
It's Sunday. Don't you have a wife? Kids? Grandkids?

Half my Grandkids live on the other side of the country in Seattle Wa. All of my kids are grown and live on their own. I'm an "empty nester". My Wife and I do host them on select weekends.

I am curious about one thing regarding you though. What do YOU do on Sundays after attending your "sober" Worship services to prepare Monday for return to a non essential Government job?

Also, when will you start investing your early retirement windfall into some private education for your poorly governmemt educated kids so they will be better academically prepared for a brighter employment future than their Dad's non essential Governent funded wage earning?
Oh you don't have much time to spend on this board, but what little time you do spend on it you completely ignore a Democrat super donor who enslaved poor Black men, drugged them, sexually tortured them, then watched them die slow horrible deaths from the overdoses he fed them and instead you take time out to accuse someone of being "racist" for simply laughing at how someone else thought Michelle Obama favored the likeness of a Zoo Chimpanzee?

Real fine priorities there MWV and excellent use of your strategically limited OT time. o_O
You nailed the clown here.
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I'm sorry....I have a life off this board, unlike you who spends 99% of your awake time on it......your poor family.

Dude--time for a timeout in your safe space. Go read more propaganda and digest it as the truth. You related to Cooper? Both you are trolls and liars.
Oh you don't have much time to spend on this board, but what little time you do spend on it you completely ignore a Democrat super donor who enslaved poor Black men, drugged them, sexually tortured them, then watched them die slow horrible deaths from the overdoses he fed them and instead you take time out to accuse someone of being "racist" for simply laughing at how someone else thought Michelle Obama favored the likeness of a Zoo Chimpanzee?

Real fine priorities there MWV and excellent use of your strategically limited OT time. o_O

You are very irrational. Scary. You laughed at a person referring to a black female as a gorilla.
Dead Black men murdered as sex slaves after being drugged and tortured by a loyal Democrat donor draw MWV's silence while someone joking on an internet message board about how Michelle Obama resembles a Chimp draws his OUTRAGE!!!!!!

He sure knows what he's talking about when he calls someone else a racist doesn't he jpoppa?

Still don't know the post you are referring to. Sorry I don't read all the threads. Again, I have a life. Sorry you don't.
Half my Grandkids live on the other side of the country in Seattle Wa. All of my kids are grown and live on their own. I'm an "empty nester". My Wife and I do host them on select weekends.

I am curious about one thing regarding you though. What do YOU do on Sundays after attending your "sober" Worship services to prepare Monday for return to a non essential Government job?

Also, when will you start investing your early retirement windfall into some private education for your poorly governmemt educated kids so they will be better academically prepared for a brighter employment future than their Dad's non essential Governent funded wage earning?

Your excellent private schooling landed you a job selling used cars. Yeah. Not many publicly educated people could do that job. Funny. Scott was right about you.
Still don't know the post you are referring to. Sorry I don't read all the threads. Again, I have a life. Sorry you don't.

Homeless men call Democrat donor Ed Buck "Dr. Kevorkian", why did his arrest take so long

Claiming Ignorance of Democrat racism is no excuse particularly when you scour the web and this sight for the smallest insignificant hint of alleged racial insensitivity against Black people by Republicans.

You are as disingenuous as you are phony and a liar.
Homeless men call Democrat donor Ed Buck "Dr. Kevorkian", why did his arrest take so long

Claiming Ignorance of Democrat racism is no excuse particularly when you scour the web and this sight for the smallest insignificant hint of alleged racial insensitivity against Black people by Republicans.

You are as disingenuous as you are phony and a liar.

Dude, you laughed at a racist statement about Michelle Obama.......:popcorn:
Tell me something @MountaineerWV , a couple of years ago when you and I were having our debate over whether Civil rights icon Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was a Socialist who placed those tactical beliefs he espoused for social justice over his Religious beliefs in the shed blood of Christ, why didn't you mention your Black family member's opinions about that then?

Recently you claimed to have Black family members yet you never mentioned them until I pointed out how relatively few Black people you associate with or even know. In fact you had never mentioned them before. This is odd particularly given how much Dr. King is revered in the Black community. Why your silence on your own Family member's views regarding what they believed to be his motivations behind his crusade for racial and economic equality in segregationist America?

We've also had discussions about how the majority of Black families today support school choice vouchers and you've never once offered their views in support of your own against that particular policy initiative. You also have never offered their views on whether they think Trump hates Black people or is racist, or what they think of his economic policies regarding tax free enterprise zones in inner cities for increased minority business ownership? Again, that's something the vast majority of Black people enthusiastically support and Trump's growing popularity among minorities is a direct result of those policies.

Here you've had Black family members you could have used as examples in your various arguments opposing all of those policy initiatives which in fact large majorities of Black people support, yet you have not offered their opinions expressed regularly to you in our various back and fourth discussions about any of them. Why not?

The first I'd ever heard of your Black Family members was the other day when I was pointing out what a hypocrite you were calling me out over the silly "Michelle Obama looks like a monkey" alleged racism you charge and I pointed out how few if any Black people you actually know much less interact with.

Then out comes the "I have Black members in my Family too, do they count?"

Well apparently to YOU they never have counted much before on anything we've previously debated regarding many more important issues than Mrs. Obama's physical appearance. [eyeroll]

Dude, you laughed at a racist statement about Michelle Obama.......:popcorn:

I asked you earlier to find for me your posts expressing your OUTRAGE over the drugging and sexual slave torture murders of several Black men by Democrat super donor Ed Buck?

OK, you claimed you knew nothing about it. I'll accept that because all you watch is CNN. However now that you know all about it, you're still complaining about what some folks think Michelle looks like?

Black murders at the hands of a major Democrat fund raiser vs internet message board commentary over Michelle Obama's quite frankly less than attractive physical appearance?

@MountaineerWV is more upset over what anonymous internet posters express rather than OUTRAGED over what some major Democrat fund raiser actually did murdering poor desperate Black men.
Tell me something @MountaineerWV , a couple of years ago when you and I were having our debate over whether Civil rights icon Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was a Socialist who placed those tactical beliefs he espoused for social justice over his Religious beliefs in the shed blood of Christ, why didn't you mention your Black family member's opinions about that then?

Recently you claimed to have Black family members yet you never mentioned them until I pointed out how relatively few Black people you associate with or even know. In fact you had never mentioned them before. This is odd particularly given how much Dr. King is revered in the Black community. Why your silence on your own Family member's views regarding what they believed to be his motivations behind his crusade for racial and economic equality in segregationist America?

We've also had discussions about how the majority of Black families today support school choice vouchers and you've never once offered their views in support of your own against that particular policy initiative. You also have never offered their views on whether they think Trump hates Black people or is racist, or what they think of his economic policies regarding tax free enterprise zones in inner cities for increased minority business ownership? Again, that's something the vast majority of Black people enthusiastically support and Trump's growing popularity among minorities is a direct result of those policies.

Here you've had Black family members you could have used as examples in your various arguments opposing all of those policy initiatives which in fact large majorities of Black people support, yet you have not offered their opinions expressed regularly to you in our various back and fourth discussions about any of them. Why not?

The first I'd ever heard of your Black Family members was the other day when I was pointing out what a hypocrite you were calling me out over the silly "Michelle Obama looks like a monkey" alleged racism you charge and I pointed out how few if any Black people you actually know much less interact with.

Then out comes the "I have Black members in my Family too, do they count?"

Well apparently to YOU they never have counted much before on anything we've previously debated regarding many more important issues than Mrs. Obama's physical appearance. [eyeroll]


Again, you are really irrational. How the **** do you know who I hang with? You act as if you know my every day movements. Your statement "until I pointed out how few black people you associate with or even know". That's freaking laughable that you would state that.

Seriously, you have some real issues that you need to deal with. No wonder your wife doesn't mind you being on the Internet 24/7.

And to answer you question: Why didn't I mention my black relatives? Because.....unlike you....I don't use the WVU Off-topic message board to promote my "blackness" for personal gains.
I asked you earlier to find for me your posts expressing your OUTRAGE over the drugging and sexual slave torture murders of several Black men by Democrat super donor Ed Buck?

OK, you claimed you knew nothing about it. I'll accept that because all you watch is CNN. However now that you know all about it, you're still complaining about what some folks think Michelle looks like?

Black murders at the hands of a major Democrat fund raiser vs internet message board commentary over Michelle Obama's quite frankly less than attractive physical appearance?

@MountaineerWV is more upset over what anonymous internet posters express rather than OUTRAGED over what some major Democrat fund raiser actually did murdering poor desperate Black men.

Did WVU82 make a thread about it? Just wondering.....
Your excellent private schooling landed you a job selling used cars. Yeah. Not many publicly educated people could do that job. Funny. Scott was right about you.

My Journalism Professors would be tickled to know I ended up selling "used" cars after congratulating me on my career applying their well taught skills.

YOU spent your parent's hard earned money in College learning how to be a flaming racist who questrions if Black people really are Black and a non essential Government employee. Pay them back, with reparations for being such a racist!
Did WVU82 make a thread about it? Just wondering.....

No, CNN refused to report it. It was lead story in the LA Times last week and reported by everyone except your primary source for news and anti-Trump propaganda. That's probably why you missed it.
And to answer you question: Why didn't I mention my black relatives? Because.....unlike you....I don't use the WVU Off-topic message board to promote my "blackness" for personal gains.

Oh really?

So then why did you even mention them (your Black relatives) when I accused you of essentially being a practicing segregationist for not knowing many black people? Oh, I get it...there was no need to include your own 'family members' strongly held beliefs in such important issues as Black racial equality, ownership of businesses, or freedom of choice in primary education, but you just HAD to bring up the fact you had Black Family members after I accused you of not even knowing any Black people or associating with them?

"Well I have Black family members, do they count'? [eyeroll]

Even in defense of your specious arguments your lies make you look even more desperately dishonest than you do when you casually lie.
No, CNN refused to report it. It was lead story in the LA Times last week and reported by everyone except your primary source for news and anti-Trump propaganda. That's probably why you missed it.

So, WVU82 supports the Democrat racism too???? Got it. Thanks.
Oh really?

So then why did you even mention them (your Black relatives) when I accused you of essentially being a practicing segregationist for not knowing many black people? Oh, I get it...there was no need to include your own 'family members' strongly held beliefs in such important issues as Black racial equality, ownership of businesses, or freedom of choice in primary education, but you just HAD to bring up the fact you had Black Family members after I accused you of not even knowing any Black people or associating with them?

"Well I have Black family members, do they count'? [eyeroll]

Even in defense of your specious arguments your lies make you look even more desperately dishonest than you do when you casually lie.

I think what I said was "do my black relatives count"? You wanted to know if I was around black people. I answered your question. Right? Isn't that what you wanted?

I think your Black relatives would like to know your feelings on those Black men who were sexually tortured, enslaved, drugged, then murdered by that Democrat fund raiser who gave millions to people YOU vote for?

Have you told them how OUTRAGED you are over this?

Face it, I've exposed what a phony racist liar you are so now you attack @WVU82 ?

He was disgusted by those Black men's murders. I notice you aren't.

He was? You mean he started a thread about it like he does about 100 of other things? I must have missed it, too.

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