If you don't like the scientific findings, make up new ones

Sites like Breitbart don't give opposing viewpoints, they give propaganda. The fact that you think "the narrative is changing" says you're all into politics about this. "The narrative is changing" is politics talk. Also, "An Inconvenient Truth" isn't science, nor is Al Gore a scientist. Forget Al Gore.
Right, and I guess you missed the part where I then go search additional information that will bunk, add credibility, or cause me to do even more research. I make an informed decision based on information out there, I don't let someone else tell me what to think.
Right, and I guess you missed the part where I then go search additional information that will bunk, add credibility, or cause me to do even more research. I make an informed decision based on information out there, I don't let someone else tell me what to think.

Just skip the Breitbart step and go right to the additional information step, with the realization that you shouldn't go to political sites for the additional information.
Sites like Breitbart don't give opposing viewpoints, they give propaganda. The fact that you think "the narrative is changing" says you're all into politics about this. "The narrative is changing" is politics talk. Also, "An Inconvenient Truth" isn't science, nor is Al Gore a scientist. Forget Al Gore.
Al Gore is a genius, just like PT Barnum..
I've seen the same thing come from the other side. I checked out the article, brief though it was. It was all on one side. Maybe they tried to get some comments from NASA or NOAA, but that isn't stated in the article. Do I think it's impossible to believe that some data was cooked? Nope. Do I think that article provided much in the way of substance to support its claim? Nope. The link they use to provide data is from someone who is making a career out of saying that climate change is bunk. He presents data about a U.S. heat wave in the 1930's that he claims (without evidence) was similar in the rest of the world. The article lacks substance, but it makes some pretty strong assertions.
Good grief. The point is going over everyones head.
Just skip the Breitbart step and go right to the additional information step, with the realization that you shouldn't go to political sites for the additional information.
Why? I go to Mother Jones, Daily Kos, MSNBC, Al Jazeera, FoxNews, Breitbart, and hell, sometimes I go to Infowars. Just depends on the mood.
Why? I go to Mother Jones, Daily Kos, MSNBC, Al Jazeera, FoxNews, Breitbart, and hell, sometimes I go to Infowars. Just depends on the mood.

That's all fine if you want stuff with an inborn political bent, or in the case of Infowars outright insanity. It's not the "the other side" on a science issue though.
That's all fine if you want stuff with an inborn political bent, or in the case of Infowars outright insanity. It's not the "the other side" on a science issue though.
I know christians who have less faith in god than you have faith in science. You are a full blown zealot crackpot.
I'm a scientist... I'd love to see the "science" everyone keeps claiming supports global warming, err climate change, err global cooling? Everyone talks about it in talking points, but I've yet to see anything not based on computer model calculations generated off of <100 years worth of data, which has been proven to be doctored/falsified/incorrect. Even if the data from this is correct and 100% accurate, I have seen nothing that proves humans have anything to do with the change. I can tell you we've had the 2 worst winters the last two years in NC since I moved here 15 years ago. Assuming humans are the cause of "climate change" and we decide to make new regulations to further cut air pollution, any changes we make won't make any difference other than cost lots of money! The US already has much more strict controls in place compared to other countries (china, india, etc.) who pollute a lot more than us. If we reduce our pollution output even by 50% from the current level (not sure that's even possible), it will make zero difference overall as china, india, etc. continue to pollute at ridiculous levels.

Everyone freaks out about there being less ice in Antarctica, but there is now more ice in the arctic than there has been in 20+ years. I think everyone in government is giving humans way too much credit in this. Before we were around or had any industry, the earth has gone through cycles of warming and cooling including ice ages, etc. Now we think we can actually have some kind of influence over these cycles? I don't get it.
There is no proof. You don't need proof to support a religion. You just need to believe!
That's all fine if you want stuff with an inborn political bent, or in the case of Infowars outright insanity. It's not the "the other side" on a science issue though.

You're pounding your head really hard with these guys. They just don't get it. I think they failed Junior High School science. They don't understand that you don't rely on journalists for expert scientific opinion and analysis. I'll bet they hire plumbers to do wiring for them.
You're pounding your head really hard with these guys. They just don't get it. I think they failed Junior High School science. They don't understand that you don't rely on journalists for expert scientific opinion and analysis. I'll bet they hire plumbers to do wiring for them.
This post pretty much sums up my point. You allow others to tell you what you should think. I have said repeatedly, I use the articles as a starting point, and then go research the claims being made in the article. You basically are the walking and talking personification of every claim made about liberals and it's shown by your own words. You are a sheep.
Breitbart? Really? Skip the political websites, on the left or the right. Why would anyone go to an overtly political website for science? If you're really a scientist then you should do some reading on science sites.

You said you're a biologist. What if I pointed you to a site that insisted evolution wasn't true? Would you believe it?

ETA: How about this. Before you surf anywhere, think of some organizations, be they in the media or a professional organization like whatever umbrella professional organization there is for biologists, or whoever else you can think of. Think of groups that you think have credibility and that if you came across a scientific issue that you knew nothing about and if you wanted to go to a good source to learn about the issue, you'd go to these groups. Make sure these are non-partisan, non-political groups.

Okay, make up your list and then when you're done go to the website of each and see what they say about global warming.

There were like 75 websites that all had the same information when I googled it... of course I wouldn't believe something that ridiculous, just like I have a hard time believing that we are the cause of this "climate change" when similar or worse changes have happened before we were around.
Whether you are fer or agin global warming occurring, the hilarious part of this thread is reading the misinterpretation of the " hiatus" by posters trying to make a point that there has been "no global warming for 18 years". The "hiatus", actual or not, has been used to describe a flattening or slow down in continued global warming...not a halt to it.
Whether you are fer or agin global warming occurring, the hilarious part of this thread is reading the misinterpretation of the " hiatus" by posters trying to make a point that there has been "no global warming for 18 years". The "hiatus", actual or not, has been used to describe a flattening or slow down in continued global warming...not a halt to it.

I'm not even disputing that the earth is warming... I'm disputing that humans are the cause of it, and no one is able to provide anything that proves this is the case...
I know christians who have less faith in god than you have faith in science. You are a full blown zealot crackpot.

Knowing that you should go to a science site to learn about science and a political site to learn about politics isn't faith, it's common sense.
Whether you are fer or agin global warming occurring, the hilarious part of this thread is reading the misinterpretation of the " hiatus" by posters trying to make a point that there has been "no global warming for 18 years". The "hiatus", actual or not, has been used to describe a flattening or slow down in continued global warming...not a halt to it.
There were like 75 websites that all had the same information when I googled it... of course I wouldn't believe something that ridiculous, just like I have a hard time believing that we are the cause of this "climate change" when similar or worse changes have happened before we were around.

Granted it's hard to be precise about what happened long ago but it's my understanding that scientists believe that changes have not occurred this fast in the past, outside of being caused by big events of nature like meteors or volcanoes.

I don't know why the whole thing seems so unlikely to you. There's a plausible mechanism in that as far as we understand how the atmosphere works, more carbon in it ought to heat things up. We've known that for 140 years. We know we've been putting carbon into the atmosphere for a couple hundred years, and more and more of it as time has gone on. I don't understand why some people think it's just not possible even in principle for humans to affect the atmosphere.
I don't know that you're saying anything different than I did.

I didn't say anything, That was simply a copy and paste from the abstract of the paper you linked.

I'm not really sure how you come to the conclusion that the whole thing is a farce based on this paper.
Come see us when you explain the 18 year hiatus of warming without faking numbers.

The word "hiatus" was used and people misinterpret it. Read the abstract and the first few paragraphs of the paper you linked.

In this context "hiatus" doesn't mean "no change", it means a slowing of the warming trend. It is still warming, just not as quickly as it was, i.e. if you were plotting it in linearly the slope would still be positive, but just not as steep as before.

As OP stated, saying there has been an 18 year hiatus or that there has been no warming in 18 years is cherry picking the data so that it starts at an abnormally high El Nino year.

There is always going to be some scatter around the trend line, so to pick two points that are the same, or (roughly the same) some number of years apart and say that it accurately indicates a trend is intellectually dishonest.
The bottom line is that the Warmists want to eliminate fossil fuel use. This will mean much higher energy prices for the world. It will result in a lower quality of life. Another huge problem is in the undeveloped world. The developed world got wealthy due to very cheap fossil fuels. Once they are eliminated, the undeveloped world won't have that option. Therefore, the developed world will have to transfer to the undeveloped world trillions of dollars to help offset the loss of fossil fuels. All in the hope of trying to lower the average temps by a few degrees. This is an enormous wealth transfer scheme.

I don't understand where you get this line of thinking.

Are you sure renewable energy sources wouldn't be the most cost effective in undeveloped areas anyway?

Do they have the infrastructure in place to distribute power long distances? No. Do they have the infrastructure in place to easily transport fuel for new power plants? No.

They don't have interstates and trains and power grids set up so that all they have to do is plug in a power plant and off they go. They need the ENTIRE infrastructure. Roads, rail, power lines, distribution/tranformer stations ... everything. Do they have enough water sources to provide the cooling for coal power plants? That's something that needs to be considered as well.

Once all of that is in place, sure, coal and natural gas are cheaper. Maybe. Because you also have to factor in other potential environmental issues (like the water contamination in Kanawha county) and those impacts.
The word "hiatus" was used and people misinterpret it. Read the abstract and the first few paragraphs of the paper you linked.

In this context "hiatus" doesn't mean "no change", it means a slowing of the warming trend. It is still warming, just not as quickly as it was, i.e. if you were plotting it in linearly the slope would still be positive, but just not as steep as before.

As OP stated, saying there has been an 18 year hiatus or that there has been no warming in 18 years is cherry picking the data so that it starts at an abnormally high El Nino year.

There is always going to be some scatter around the trend line, so to pick two points that are the same, or (roughly the same) some number of years apart and say that it accurately indicates a trend is intellectually dishonest.

You do understand that all of the warmists climate models have been proven wrong, right? We are emerging from a mini ice age, so natural variability can account for our very modest warming. If the models have all been wrong, is it possible that their theories are also wrong?
You do understand that all of the warmists climate models have been proven wrong, right? We are emerging from a mini ice age, so natural variability can account for our very modest warming. If the models have all been wrong, is it possible that their theories are also wrong?

You can claim that any model ever made for anything is "wrong" if you want to. No model ever made has been perfect. To think that we will have a perfect climate model (given all of the factors, the interactions between those factors and the randomness of some events) in our lifetime is probably not realistic.

You build a model or simulation and then you do your best to validate that model against real data. Eventually you get to a point in which the model is "good enough" knowing that it will never be perfect. Part of the modeling and simulation process is defining upfront exactly what the model is to be used for and validating the model for use for that purpose.

You seem to want to throw out the entire process and all results achieved so far because they haven't been perfect. They are "wrong".

Aggregated together the models represent trends that have been fairly accurate. As time passes and more validation can be done and models adjusted they will become more and more accurate.

The models might be showing a faster warming trend than is actually happening, or they might not. So you adjust them and keep going forward. It's an iterative process.

To ignore models that show a trend and provide some level of causation analysis is really foolish.

Wow, that's not a loaded graph at all. Realist my foot. More like brainwashed. I will assume the red is mean values because the blue is.

Assuming this is a means graph, I actually see an increasing red line up through about 2000, where it levels off and changes direction.

If you take the last blue section's red line, you will see that there is far more datapoints above the red line near 2000 than towards 2015... errr, 2012 as far as this loaded graph is shown. Add three more years to it, with values below the line. That's an indicator of a change in your delta rate.

In other words... Fail.
The word "hiatus" was used and people misinterpret it. Read the abstract and the first few paragraphs of the paper you linked.

In this context "hiatus" doesn't mean "no change", it means a slowing of the warming trend. It is still warming, just not as quickly as it was, i.e. if you were plotting it in linearly the slope would still be positive, but just not as steep as before.

As OP stated, saying there has been an 18 year hiatus or that there has been no warming in 18 years is cherry picking the data so that it starts at an abnormally high El Nino year.

There is always going to be some scatter around the trend line, so to pick two points that are the same, or (roughly the same) some number of years apart and say that it accurately indicates a trend is intellectually dishonest.

Oh that's the IPCC's misconstrued words. I don't read their propaganda, only their findings with science behind it,
You can claim that any model ever made for anything is "wrong" if you want to. No model ever made has been perfect. To think that we will have a perfect climate model (given all of the factors, the interactions between those factors and the randomness of some events) in our lifetime is probably not realistic.

You build a model or simulation and then you do your best to validate that model against real data. Eventually you get to a point in which the model is "good enough" knowing that it will never be perfect. Part of the modeling and simulation process is defining upfront exactly what the model is to be used for and validating the model for use for that purpose.

You seem to want to throw out the entire process and all results achieved so far because they haven't been perfect. They are "wrong".

Aggregated together the models represent trends that have been fairly accurate. As time passes and more validation can be done and models adjusted they will become more and more accurate.

The models might be showing a faster warming trend than is actually happening, or they might not. So you adjust them and keep going forward. It's an iterative process.

To ignore models that show a trend and provide some level of causation analysis is really foolish.

These models are way off. By 50%, 100% and more. We can't base our policies on model forecasts that are this deficient. We can't spend trillions on this kind of math. According to the warmists, temperatures should be rising significantly. They are not. Something is wrong with the theory.
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Wow, that's not a loaded graph at all. Realist my foot. More like brainwashed. I will assume the red is mean values because the blue is.

Assuming this is a means graph, I actually see an increasing red line up through about 2000, where it levels off and changes direction.

If you take the last blue section's red line, you will see that there is far more datapoints above the red line near 2000 than towards 2015... errr, 2012 as far as this loaded graph is shown. Add three more years to it, with values below the line. That's an indicator of a change in your delta rate.

In other words... Fail.
I don't think you have a future in data analysis and forecasting.

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