If Joe would win the White House...

If you support no one to replace Trump then sit your sorry ass home while the rest of us re-elect him to make sure America never turns into another Socialist sh*t hole country you admire.

I thought you were a devout Christian? You're awfully nasty these days. The vulgarity.
You don't want a President. You prefer a Socialist as leader of American Socialism. Who's your candidate?

You don't know what I want, or who I support, or who I vote for. I don't persuade the masses to vote for anyone.
You don't know what I want, or who I support, or who I vote for. I don't persuade the masses to vote for anyone.

You do support Socialism. You've advocated for it. I asked who your candidate is? If you don't have one, find one. If you don't care, then watch the rest of us who do care and despise Socialism vote for Trump.
If you support no one to replace Trump then sit your sorry ass home while the rest of us re-elect him to make sure America never turns into another Socialist sh*t hole country you admire.
Biden and Bloomberg are socialists?
Dr. King never ran for office and never supported a Socialist candidate. He also was Christian but even YOU admit he liked fine ass Women unlike Mayor booty boy.

How's that possible? I thought you said all socialists were "godless"?
Biden and Bloomberg are socialists?
Yes. What does Biden oppose that Socialists support? Same with mini Mike.

Socialists want to eliminate the 2nd ammendment and do they.

Socialists want income redistribution and higher taxes, so do they.

Socialists want to end Corporate tax breaks, unilateral trade deals, and American energy independence through increased regulations and restrictions on domestic oil drilling and so do they.

Don't you too?
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Biden and Bloomberg are socialists?

No the are Crony Capitalist and globalist. All the wealth and power for them. Socialism for the rest of us. Whatever shuts the masses up while they enrich themselves.
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How's that possible? I thought you said all socialists were "godless"?

Socialists have a "God". It's Leviathan. Their Religion is secular humanism and the sacraments are man made climate change, abortion and homosexuality.

Dr. King was a Baptist minister. Married. Believed in Christ as his personal Savior and he didn't support "global warming" as it was called then or infanticide. He also chased tail, cursed, and disobeyed the law which at the time was legal discrimination against the color of his skin.

That didn't make him a Socialist, it made him human.
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Yes. What does Biden oppose that Socialist support? Same with mini Mike. Socialists want to eliminate the 2nd ammendment and do they. Socialists want income redistribution and higher taxes, so do they. Socialists want to end Corporate tax breaks, unilateral trade deals, and American energy independence through increased regulations and restrictions on domestic oil drilling and so do they. Don't you too?
LOL. Again the people on this forum have no idea what socialism is. You probably think Obama was a socialist. Bernie is a democratic socialist. Biden and Bloomberg are not.
  • You can't in one breath say that Democrats are elitist and then say they are all for income redistribution. I like my income just the way it is.
  • I'm a capitalist by definition. I own several companies and have profited by the decrease in corporate taxes. You do realize there are several different types of corporate tax breaks, right? The ones I take advantage of are not them that Amazon takes advantage of. Are you in favor of Amazon paying $0 in taxes? That seems socialist to me.
  • Most Democrats are in favor of tax increases...for income levels WAY above yours.
LOL. Again the people on this forum have no idea what socialism is. You probably think Obama was a socialist. Bernie is a democratic socialist. Biden and Bloomberg are not.
  • You can't in one breath say that Democrats are elitist and then say they are all for income redistribution. I like my income just the way it is.
  • I'm a capitalist by definition. I own several companies and have profited by the decrease in corporate taxes. You do realize there are several different types of corporate tax breaks, right? The ones I take advantage of are not them that Amazon takes advantage of. Are you in favor of Amazon paying $0 in taxes? That seems socialist to me.
  • Most Democrats are in favor of tax increases...for income levels WAY above yours.

I noticed you didn't answer one of my examples. What do Biden, Bernie, Bloomberg or any Democrats OPPOSE that Socialists support?

No the are Crony Capitalist and globalist. All the wealth and power for them. Socialism for the rest of us. Whatever shuts the masses up while they enrich themselves.
So, Trump wasn't a croney capitalist and globalist? Doesn't he license his name all over the world? And all the wealth for them? Biden doesn't have a great deal of wealth, and Bloomberg was is favor of increasing taxes on himself as a billionaire. He has donated billions to others' causes. Please.
I noticed you didn't answer one of my examples. What do Biden, Bernie, Bloomberg or any Democrats OPPOSE that Socialists support?

Uh...Medicare for All. Free college tuition. Forgiveness of college loans. You know. All the crazy crap that Bernie was in favor of. The entire Democratic establishment pretty much coalesced against Bernie because he's a socialist and they don't want one getting elected.
Uh...Medicare for All. Free college tuition. Forgiveness of college loans. You know. All the crazy crap that Bernie was in favor of. The entire Democratic establishment pretty much coalesced against Bernie because he's a socialist and they don't want one getting elected.
You think the left is opposed to all of that? Single payer is a staple of the left. The ACA was designed specifically to move us closer to that.
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So, Trump wasn't a croney capitalist and globalist? Doesn't he license his name all over the world? And all the wealth for them? Biden doesn't have a great deal of wealth, and Bloomberg was is favor of increasing taxes on himself as a billionaire. He has donated billions to others' causes. Please.

Biden is currently under investigation by the DOJ, The Senate, and Ukraine for crony capitalism. Bloomberg's wealth increase greatly from it since 2008. All that information has been posted on this board over the past year. I'm confident you read it while logged in under another handle.
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Biden is currently under investigation by the DOJ, The Senate, and Ukraine for crony capitalism. Bloomberg's wealth increase greatly from it since 2008. All that information has been posted on this board over the past year. I'm confident you read it while logged in under another handle.
I don’t use the Blue Lot to learn more about politics or world events. If you do it says a lot.
Stick with MSM and confirmation bias. It seems to be working out for you. [eyeroll]
I pay attention to plenty of legitimate news sources. The Blue Lot is a fine place to discuss issues, but it’s not a legitimate source of political info.
I pay attention to plenty of legitimate news sources. The Blue Lot is a fine place to discuss issues, but it’s not a legitimate source of political info.

There are tons of news sources posted on here to go along with many different opinions from people of all different walks of life. Like I said you can stick with MSNBC, CNN, and like minded people if that's what floats your boat.
The question was what do Democrats OPPOSE that Socialists support?

You said:

Sorry. Democrats support all of that. So does Bernie, Biden, and until he dropped out of the race Mike.

You oppose those? You'll either lie or avoid an answer.
LOL. Bloomberg and Biden do not support Medicare for All, Forgiveness of Student Loans, or Free College for everyone. I guess you missed the debates where they attacked Bernie for it, and the fact that Bloomberg specifically got into the race because Biden was faltering and he got in to help defeat Bernie.

And no, I don't support them either, because there is no way to pay for that. I don't care to lie to you. I never once thought of voting for Bernie.

In fact, you should be in favor of wealth redistribution though. I'm sure you can use the money.
There are tons of news sources posted on here to go along with many different opinions from people of all different walks of life. Like I said you can stick with MSNBC, CNN, and like minded people if that's what floats your boat.
I don't watch MSNBC or CNN. I have voted Republican before. I certainly lean Democratic, but I make decisions based on issues of which I have a diverse range of interests.

And I'm sure you venture outside the Trump bubble given the way you talk.
I don't watch MSNBC or CNN. And I'm sure you venture outside the Trump bubble given the way you talk.

I have traveled to a lot of places to clean up messes that the so called elites have made. So have others on here.
LOL. Bloomberg and Biden do not support Medicare for All, Forgiveness of Student Loans, or Free College for everyone. I guess you missed the debates where they attacked Bernie for it, and the fact that Bloomberg specifically got into the race because Biden was faltering and he got in to help defeat Bernie.

And no, I don't support them either, because there is no way to pay for that. I don't care to lie to you. I never once thought of voting for Bernie.

In fact, you should be in favor of wealth redistribution though. I'm sure you can use the money.

My point is Democrats going to the polls DO support all of those. Biden calls his plan "medicare for all", Bloomberg supported reparations for goodness sake! They ALL favor massive tax increases and elimination of uses for fossil fuels.

As I said, most Leftists like you cannot be honest about what you actually support or who you really are.

You illustrate my point to perfection.
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And many of those elites are Republicans as well as Democrats so that means nothing.

They haven't escape my criticism or that of many others that are Republicans on this board. Neoconservatives and Neoliberals are not on my Christmas card list.
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They haven't escape my criticism or many others that are Republicans on this board.

He tries to pretend he's above partisanship, above the noise, above the fray. Better informed, more thoughtful, less ideological, more analytical.

He's a typical Leftist who thinks he knows more than anyone else, does more, is more, and can't be pinned down by anyone on any "point". All he remains is a Leftist who can't defend what he actually believes and will vote for anything that doesn't support Trump or America.
I pay attention to plenty of legitimate news sources. The Blue Lot is a fine place to discuss issues, but it’s not a legitimate source of political info.
This is not the Blue's the OT board. You will see me on the Blue Lot every day.....but out of respect I never get into the political and social bullshit on the BL. I do get into that stuff on this board on a daily basis.
BTW...I thought Bloomberg would have made a very good POTUS....sharper than anyone that's running.
My point is Democrats going to the polls DO support all of those. Biden calls his plan "medicare for all", Bloomberg supported reparations for goodness sake! They ALL favor massive tax increases and elimination of uses of fossil fuels.

As I said, most Leftists like you cannot be honest about what they support or who they are.

You illustrate my point to perfection.
Every Democrat doesn't vote the same just as every Republican doesn't vote the same or care about the same issues. Its a complete lie to say Biden calls his plan Medicare for All. He doesn't.

And Biden and Bloomberg favor tax increases for the wealthy, which you aren't. So, that is a lie too. I'll stick with Biden, since he'll be the nominee. He is in favor of taxes on the wealthy, especially those who get income from stocks and other investments...of which I'm sure you have little to none. So, you're voting against your own interests, which doesn't surprise me.

He's also in favor of increasing corporate taxes on companies like Amazon, who pay nothing.

And I'm not a Leftist by any means. I'm a Moderate, have voted Republican for candidates in the past, and don't care whether you believe me, or not.
LOL. Bloomberg and Biden do not support Medicare for All, Forgiveness of Student Loans, or Free College for everyone. I guess you missed the debates where they attacked Bernie for it, and the fact that Bloomberg specifically got into the race because Biden was faltering and he got in to help defeat Bernie.

And no, I don't support them either, because there is no way to pay for that. I don't care to lie to you. I never once thought of voting for Bernie.

In fact, you should be in favor of wealth redistribution though. I'm sure you can use the money.

So don't vote then. Because one of those two Democrat candidates will run on everything I mentioned. If you oppose those things, then vote for Trump.

Hate Trump? Stay home, he'll win either way.
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