Are the Dems going to bring up someone who can help validate their claim?

I see no scenario where informed voters pick Biden over Trump. What for? Trump is certainly despised by a good portion of the electorate but he's not incompetent. Not only is Biden incompetent, he's corrupt, a traitor, a stone cold liar and a child sniffin' pervert. 😏

You guys are delusional.
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You guys are delusional.
Well in order for that to be true, you have to name who the Republican is that's going to be beat Trump for the nomination? Can you? If you cannot, who's delusional?
You guys are delusional.
OK fair enough. So make the case for Biden's re-election over whoever beats Trump for the GOP nomination?
Well in order for that to be true, you have to name who the Republican is that's going to be beat Trump for the nomination? Can you? If you cannot, who's delusional?

I don't think you understand me.

1) I don't think any candidate is going to be Trump in the primary.
2) I don't think Trump has a chance in hell of beating Biden in the general.

Trump will not retake PA, or Georgia, or Virginia, or Michigan, or Arizona or Wisconsin. He will not pickup new states.

Trump is damaged goods, and without the ground game that the Democrats possess, the Republicans are poised to certainly lose the WH if they run Trump again.
2) I don't think Trump has a chance in hell of beating Biden in the general.

Trump will not retake PA, or Georgia, or Virginia, or Michigan, or Arizona or Wisconsin. He will not pickup new states.

Trump is damaged goods, and without the ground game that the Democrats possess, the Republicans are poised to certainly lose the WH if they run Trump again.
Fair enough. So let's hear your case for Biden's re-election? All you've explained is why folks won't vote for Trump...but why will they vote for Biden instead?

*( I don't think he even runs again btw, but tell me why I'm wrong?)
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Trump is damaged goods, and without the ground game that the Democrats possess, the Republicans are poised to certainly lose the WH if they run Trump again.
This analysis (from CNN no less) flies directly in the face of your assertion

The Chance of Trump winning again is very real

No one in Trump’s current polling position in the modern era has lost an open presidential primary that didn’t feature an incumbent. He’s pulling in more than 50% of support in the national primary polls, i.e., more than all his competitors combined. What should arguably be more amazing is that despite most Americans agreeing that Trump’s two indictments thus far were warranted, he remains competitive in a potential rematch with President Joe Biden. A poll out last week from Marquette University Law School had Biden and Trump tied percentage-wise (with a statistically insignificant few more respondents choosing Trump).

This analysis doesn't see Trump as losing his re-election bid. Matter of fact, it appears he's more likely to win it than lose it as things stand today. @Mntneer ...any comments???????
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Fair enough. So let's hear your case for Biden's re-election? All you've explained is why folks won't vote for Trump...but why will they vote for Biden instead?

*( I don't think he even runs again btw, but tell me why I'm wrong?)

Because whoever the Dem nominee is isn't Trump. That's it, that's the answer. The middle DESPISES Trump.
Because whoever the Dem nominee is isn't Trump. That's it, that's the answer. The middle DESPISES Trump.
I just respectfully disagree. Trump is beating all the GOP candidates who'd I'd argue would easily defeat any Dem the Left runs. That party (Democrat) is of out of ideas, out of touch, and out of the mainstream of most American voters. No one opposed Trump's policies. He was demonsized by a hostile media and they're still trying to market him as an unacceptable reprobate candidate.

No one however is running against his policies. His political opponents are trying to make the election about him and it isn't. It's about runaway inflation, transgender craziness, rampant crime, an open border, an out of control DOJ and a host of other issues Americans DID NOT vote for when (or if) they voted against Trump. Trump gets another chance because Americans instinctively know how much worse things are now than they were when he (Trump) was in office. The guy we have now is not only incompetent, but also more of a reprobate than even Trump, which the media refuses to tell voters.

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I just respectfully disagree. Trump is beating all the GOP candidates who'd I'd argue would easily defeat any Dem the Left runs. That party (Democrat) is of out of ideas, out of touch, and out of the mainstream of most American voters. No one opposed Trump's policies. He was demonsized by a hostile media and they're still trying to market him as an unacceptable reprobate candidate.

No one however is running against his policies. His political opponents are trying to make the election about him and it isn't. It's about runaway inflation, transgender craziness, rampant crime, an open border, an out of control DOJ and a host of other issues Americans DID NOT vote for when (or if) they voted against Trump. Trump gets another chance because Americans instinctively know how much worse things are now than they were when he (Trump) was in office. The guy we have now is not only incompetent, but also more of reprobate than even Trump, which the media refuses to tell voters.

Get ready for full-throated Communism, then.

The presidency
The Senate
The House

All of it.
Get ready for full-throated Communism, then.

The presidency
The Senate
The House

All of it.

That's what's been happening for decades. Those that claim to be in the middle need to stop falling for propaganda and get behind Trump. If not I'm blaming the so called middle and many I know will not be in a hurry to come to their aid. They can deal with their new Marxist tyrants for awhile and reflect.

Rooting for America shouldn't have been that hard of a decision.
That's what's been happening for decades. Those that claim to be in the middle need to stop falling for propaganda and get behind Trump. If not I'm blaming the so called middle and many I know will not be in a hurry to come to their aid. They can deal with their new Marxist tyrants for awhile and reflect.

Rooting for America shouldn't have been that hard of a decision.
Run with that argument. That will win the battleground states.

I don't think they're going to wait for the elections to start. With Trump as the frontrunner, they've got this in the bag.

Get ready for full-throated Communism, then.

The presidency
The Senate
The House

All of it.
If Americans preferred Communism, Democrats would switch parties and run as Communists. However they do even worse...they switch parties (from Democrat) lie and disguise their intentions, then try to fool voters running as so called "moderates" either Republicans or Democrats. They certainly DO NOT embrace the far Left radicalism as represented by the Socialist/Communists who are running their party right now albeit in Cognito.

The reason they didn't nominate Bernie Sanders when he clearly was the choice among the party's Socialist true believer base in '20 is because they knew he'd be soundly defeated. So they pimped absent minded, half dead creepy Joe Biden...packaging him as a so called "moderate"... then used the fake plandemic to steal the election with their drop boxes and fake ballots. Following their election heist, they brought in some of the most far Left wing radicals to pull his strings than even they had directing zero (O'Bama) around!

Americans in '24 will reject their radical Left wing push to Socialize the country. Trump will shut it all down, and as an added measure go after the lying crooks who tried to get rid of him. That's why he's so despised and at the same time feared. He represents an end to their attempt to radically Socialize America.
Run with that argument. That will win the battleground states.

I don't think they're going to wait for the elections to start. With Trump as the frontrunner, they've got this in the bag.'s not an argument. It's reality. No other Republican or opposition has a chance. Trump has a slime chance if the cheating can be minimalized and the suburban moms slow down on the box wine.

I and many others will not be coming to any establishment Republicans or moderate Democrats aid in the future if they are allowed to keep this election interference up. Vote wisely. Because there's no quality help on the way.
If Americans preferred Communism, Democrats would switch parties and run as Communists. However they do even worse...they switch parties (from Democrat) lie and disguise their intentions, then try to fool voters running as so called "moderates" either Republicans or Democrats. They certainly DO NOT embrace the far Left radicalism as represented by the Socialist/Communists who are running their party right now albeit in Cognito.

The reason they didn't nominate Bernie Sanders when he clearly was the choice among the party's Socialist true believer base in '20 is because they knew he'd be soundly defeated. So they pimped absent minded, half dead creepy Joe Biden...packaging him as a so called "moderate"... then used the fake plandemic to steal the election with their drop boxes and fake ballots. Following their election heist, they brought in some of the most far Left wing radicals to pull his strings than even they had directing zero (O'Bama) around!

Americans in '24 will reject their radical Left wing push to Socialize the country. Trump will shut it all down, and as an added measure go after the lying crooks who tried to get rid of him. That's why he's so despised and at the same time feared. He represents an end to their attempt to radically Socialize America.

Lol... they call themselves Democrat Socialist or Progressive to not scare people off. They infiltrated the education system decades ago. The country is full of them. They are all fruit from the same poisonous tree.
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Lol... No they call themselves Democrat Socialist or Progressive to not scare people off. They infiltrated the education system decades ago. The country is full of them.
Doesn't matter what they call themselves...we know who and what they are and what they ultimately want.
Doesn't matter what they call themselves...we know who and what they are and what they ultimately want.

Well they always think they are making the world fair. However all they ever accomplish is putting tyrants and dictators in power. Unfortunately there's a lot more of them than people realize. Because they have changed their tactics and names.
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Well they always think they are making the world fair. However all they ever accomplish is putting tyrants and dictators in power. Unfortunately there's a lot more of them than people realize. Because they have changed their tactics and names.
Make no mistake...they don't really hate Trump (they do but only because he's standing in their way) they actually hate America and those of us who help keep it strong. They're trying to destroy us, and thus America.
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Fair enough. So let's hear your case for Biden's re-election? All you've explained is why folks won't vote for Trump...but why will they vote for Biden instead?

*( I don't think he even runs again btw, but tell me why I'm wrong?)

The case is Trump and his fuc#ing mouth.

Trump won't garner middle ground support or votes. Plus, the Republicans don't have the ground game to overcome the Democrats ballot stuffing game.

Polls reflect that. Polls have Trump losing to Biden in battle ground states. Polls give other candidates a much better shot of beating Biden in those same states.

If Republicans were smart, and wanted to win, they would dump Trump and use what's happened to him as a rally cry and find a candidate that will appeal to those middle ground voters to regain those battle ground states.

They won't. He'll get the nomination. He'll lose. We'll get Biden for at least a year.
The case is Trump and his fuc#ing mouth.

Trump won't garner middle ground support or votes. Plus, the Republicans don't have the ground game to overcome the Democrats ballot stuffing game.

Polls reflect that. Polls have Trump losing to Biden in battle ground states. Polls give other candidates a much better shot of beating Biden in those same states.

If Republicans were smart, and wanted to win, they would dump Trump and use what's happened to him as a rally cry and find a candidate that will appeal to those middle ground voters to regain those battle ground states.

They won't. He'll get the nomination. He'll lose. We'll get Biden for at least a year.

And lose the House, Senate, and Dems pick SCOTUS replacements.
The case is Trump and his fuc#ing mouth.

Trump won't garner middle ground support or votes. Plus, the Republicans don't have the ground game to overcome the Democrats ballot stuffing game.

Polls reflect that. Polls have Trump losing to Biden in battle ground states. Polls give other candidates a much better shot of beating Biden in those same states.

If Republicans were smart, and wanted to win, they would dump Trump and use what's happened to him as a rally cry and find a candidate that will appeal to those middle ground voters to regain those battle ground states.

They won't. He'll get the nomination. He'll lose. We'll get Biden for at least a year.
I got it...voters hate Trump. So they'll vote for Biden instead? That's what you're saying because Trump will win the GOP nomination and unless the Dems dump corrupt, creepy, lying Joe Biden...he's the other choice. So you're saying voters hate Trump so much, they're willing to put up with more of the sh*t show we're living under now and put Biden back in to continue running this 3 ring circus called an administration?

Newsflash...the re-elect polls for Biden don't show what you're arguing. Wonder why not?

Record numbers of voters worse off under Biden

Four in 10 Americans say they've gotten worse off financially since Joe Biden became president, the most in ABC News/Washington Post polls dating back 37 years. Political fallout includes poor performance ratings for Biden and a tight hypothetical Biden/Trump rematch next year.

Given disaffection with both leaders, a rerun of the 2020 presidential election is hardly enticing: Nearly six in 10 Democratic-aligned adults don't want to see Biden nominated again for the job, and half on the Republican side would rather not see Donald Trump as their party's nominee.


Biden's approval rating hits all time low
President Biden’s approval rating has sunk to an all-time low as he embarks on his 2024 re-election effort, a new poll shows.

The survey, released by Gallup on Thursday, found that just 37% of US adults approved of the 80-year-old president’s job performance, the lowest the polling outfit has measured since the start of his presidency. Gallup found that 59% of adults said they disapproved of the job Biden has done as commander in chief.


Only 2/3rds of Americans think Biden deserves 2nd term

Just 32% of Americans think President Biden deserves to be re-elected next year — and more than half of those inclined to vote for Democrats want the party to nominate another candidate, according to a stunning new poll. The CNN/SSRS survey released Thursday found 67% of Americans said the 80-year-old did not deserve re-election, with the remaining 1% saying they had no opinion.

So once again your argument is Biden easily beats Trump in a general election race, but clearly most voters don't even want him to run again! That dichotomy cannot be squared, especially if you believe Trump wins the GOP nomination.

@Mntneer obviously having a rough time explaining his defenseless opinion
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I got it...voters hate Trump. So they'll vote for Biden instead? That's what you're saying because Trump will win the GOP nomination and unless the Dems dump corrupt, creepy, lying Joe Biden...he's the other choice. So you're saying voters hate Trump so much, they're willing to put up with more of the sh*t show we're living under now and put Biden back in to continue running this 3 ring circus called an administration?

Newsflash...the re-elect polls for Biden don't show what you're arguing. Wonder why not?

Record numbers of voters worse off under Biden

Four in 10 Americans say they've gotten worse off financially since Joe Biden became president, the most in ABC News/Washington Post polls dating back 37 years. Political fallout includes poor performance ratings for Biden and a tight hypothetical Biden/Trump rematch next year.

Given disaffection with both leaders, a rerun of the 2020 presidential election is hardly enticing: Nearly six in 10 Democratic-aligned adults don't want to see Biden nominated again for the job, and half on the Republican side would rather not see Donald Trump as their party's nominee.


Biden's approval rating hits all time low
President Biden’s approval rating has sunk to an all-time low as he embarks on his 2024 re-election effort, a new poll shows.

The survey, released by Gallup on Thursday, found that just 37% of US adults approved of the 80-year-old president’s job performance, the lowest the polling outfit has measured since the start of his presidency. Gallup found that 59% of adults said they disapproved of the job Biden has done as commander in chief.


Only 2/3rds of Americans think Biden deserves 2nd term

Just 32% of Americans think President Biden deserves to be re-elected next year — and more than half of those inclined to vote for Democrats want the party to nominate another candidate, according to a stunning new poll. The CNN/SSRS survey released Thursday found 67% of Americans said the 80-year-old did not deserve re-election, with the remaining 1% saying they had no opinion.

So once again your argument is Biden easily beats Trump in a general election race, but clearly most voters don't want him to run again. That dichotomy cannot be squared, especially if you believe Trump wins the GOP nomination.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’ve ever voted for someone for president.

Did you vote for Trump, or did you vote against Hillary? I didn’t vote for Reagan, I voted against Mondale. I didn’t vote for Biden, I voted against Trump.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’ve ever voted for someone for president.

Did you vote for Trump, or did you vote against Hillary? I didn’t vote for Reagan, I voted against Mondale. I didn’t vote for Biden, I voted against Trump.
No you voted for me because I'm NOT Trump...I'm just creepy as Hell.

Nice work @Soaring Eagle 74 least you know your creeps when 'ya vote for 'em! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’ve ever voted for someone for president.
Nonsense. I vote on issues (and for the candidate who best represents my issues) and if you don't vote for specific issues or policies addressing those issues... you're even dumber than we already think you are. 😏