Are the Dems going to bring up someone who can help validate their claim?

Reddit? lmao. Jesus f'n Christ. Though I guess reddit is better than ZeroHedge, Pizza Jack and RT. I've watched a good deal and read all of the depositions that have been released.

I've watched it all, and if you think there's enough there there then so be it. Not like anyone is changing their mind at this point anyways.
Why all the angst from you whiny cucks?
Funny coming from have been a " whiny cuck" from the day Trump won the election. I'll be a awaiting your "whiny cuck angst" when the the Senate gets their hands on this.......Hope you have enough popcorn ready. It's going to be fun.
It's on the House, correct. You understand what obstruction is, right? You do know that hearsay is permitablle and is evidence, right? You do know how investigations and prosecutions work from the outside in, right? You do know that you patriots are now setting precedent for American Presidents to ask foreign governments to investigate American citizens. And rivals. America First? Orange God First, America, meh, maybe!!

Why all the angst from you whiny cucks?
No angst at all. I understand how questioning techniques to confuse issues in order to control a narrative works. Yes. I also understand when asked pointed questions on the specifics and those same answers reverse on the distinction aspects, of who is full of shit.

I’ve known all along this was political lynching. It’s not based in reality or backed up by facts. They aren’t on your side. I’m looking forward to the vote and what comes next. Watching the House get their shit pushed in by the Senate will be glorious.
Reddit? lmao. Jesus f'n Christ. Though I guess reddit is better than ZeroHedge, Pizza Jack and RT. I've watched a good deal and read all of the depositions that have been released.
Give it up, you’re just lying now.
I've watched it all, and if you think there's enough there there then so be it. Not like anyone is changing their mind at this point anyways.
Probably right on minds changing. We're going to have 50+ GOP Senators on record saying it is OK for the President of the United States of America to ask a foreign government to investigate an American citizen. To investigate a political rival. For POTUS's personal gain. If people are good with that, fine with me. I disagree, but it is what it is. But the sideshow going on now of pretending this isn't what it is....sad/hysterical.
Thanks, America hater

America-hater? Would it be you or I that would vote for Bernie Sanders over Trump? Would it be you or I that would vote for decriminalizing crossing our borders illegally over hatred for Trump? Making our national debt look like chump-change over hatred for Trump? Giving illegal nationals free healthcare, housing and education by making legal, American citizens pay for it?

The answer to each question above is WVUCOOPER, being you.
America-hater? Would it be you or I that would vote for Bernie Sanders over Trump? Would it be you or I that would vote for decriminalizing crossing our borders illegally over hatred for Trump? Making our national debt look like chump-change over hatred for Trump? Giving illegal nationals free healthcare, housing and education by making legal, American citizens pay for it?

The answer to each question above is WVUCOOPER, being you.
Presidents don't make the laws, you know. Or you probably don't, since you hate America.
It's so great to watch an easily duped person like you call someone a liar.
You're such a dope.......The Clinton Foundation raised 10 percent of what it did in 2009 when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state and the international numbers are even worse.
The foundation posted its third straight year of losses following Hillary Clinton's defeat in the 2016 presidential election
Probably right on minds changing. We're going to have 50+ GOP Senators on record saying it is OK for the President of the United States of America to ask a foreign government to investigate an American citizen. To investigate a political rival. For POTUS's personal gain. If people are good with that, fine with me. I disagree, but it is what it is. But the sideshow going on now of pretending this isn't what it is....sad/hysterical.
LOL...right on cue......the "angst" is upon us.
Lol, now their defense would seem to be, "Donnie can do whatever he wants" look at the boobs on here carrying his water! Not the most self aware tribe.
Presidents don't make the laws, you know.

I know they don't, but what's that have to do with anything? You'd vote for Biden and he did exactly what the left is presuming Trump did. You'd also vote for all of the other candidates who want to decriminalize crossing our borders illegally, make our national debt look like chump-change, give illegal nationals free healthcare, housing and education by making legal, American citizens pay for it. The current Congress would easily push those agendas through to the Senate, where it would likely fail, but what if the left wins the midterms? Yeah...You'd vote for that over hatred for Trump and his presumed misdeeds.

Those agendas are hatred for America and you'd vote for it. You openly admit it you would because you hate Trump. Your hatred runs deep. So deep that you would hurt America over it.

Now...Explain your position when you say I hate America. You look foolish.
2.5 pages and not one person on the left has posted an actual quote from the transcript, the closed hearings, or the open hearings which refute the actual testimony given in the hearings this week in which I posted.

every witness has been point blank asked those questions and every one of them have answered they have no direct knowledge.
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2.5 pages and not one person on the left has posted an actual quote from the transcript, the closed hearings, or the open hearings which refute the actual testimony given in the hearings this week in which I posted.

every witness has been point blank asked those questions and every one of them have answered they have no direct knowledge.

Liberal for $100 = "They have no direct knowledge."
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2.5 pages and not one person on the left has posted an actual quote from the transcript, the closed hearings, or the open hearings which refute the actual testimony given in the hearings this week in which I posted.

every witness has been point blank asked those questions and every one of them have answered they have no direct knowledge.

Pure hatred blinds and deafens them.

Party of Hate
I told him this over 2 years ago. The russians succeeded because the dems were dumb enough to fall for the russians....and by dumb enougj I mean the DNC was in cahoots.

You mean like all the Intelligence agencies have said otherwise?

You mean like Putin himself confessed to the contrary?

You mean like both a House and Senate Intelligence Report has said otherwise?

You mean like Dr. Fiona Hill just testified, otherwise, under oath and penalty of perjury?

You mean like the Mueller Report stated otherwise?

You mean like the NRA and the GOP teaming up with Russia?
You mean like all the Intelligence agencies have said otherwise?

You mean like Putin himself confessed to the contrary?

You mean like both a House and Senate Intelligence Report has said otherwise?

You mean like Dr. Fiona Hill just testified, otherwise, under oath and penalty of perjury?

You mean like the Mueller Report stated otherwise?

You mean like the NRA and the GOP teaming up with Russia?
Why are you defending Trump?
Burisma is now code for Biden.
A shit show to cover up for Biden.

Now you're telling me I've got to get my decoder pin out?
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Sad times for you trumpers. You guys are so delusional at this point, the only responses you will be getting from the sane folks on the board to your utterly ridiculous comments are LOLs, etc.

That's the biggest cop out you can post. If you are correct, just state why? This BS about our factual rebuttals of Democrat charges not being worth responding to is utterly laughable.

Fact is you have no response. You will lose your impeachment vote because you have no case. If you impeach Trump on no case you will lose on convicting him in the Senate. Once you lose in the Senate you will lose against him next fall.

There is no path to winning for your losing side no matter what scenario plays out.
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That's the biggest cop out you can post. If you are correct, just state why? This BS about our factual rebuttals of Democrat charges not being worth responding to is utterly laughable.

Fact is you have no response. You will lose your impeachment vote because you have no case. If you impeach Trump on no case you will lose on convicting him in the Senate. Once you lose in the Senate you will will lose against him next fall.

There is no path to winning for your losing side no mater what scenario plays out.

Rumor being floated they may now crawfish and try to censure him instead.
That's the biggest cop out you can post. If you are correct, just state why? This BS about our factual rebuttals of Democrat charges not being worth responding to is utterly laughable.

Fact is you have no response. You will lose your impeachment vote because you have no case. If you impeach Trump on no case you will lose on convicting him in the Senate. Once you lose in the Senate you will lose against him next fall.

There is no path to winning for your losing side no matter what scenario plays out.
