Your new neighbors are on the way... Import the Third World... Become the Third World... Anthony Aguero Live 🇺🇸

Absolutely tragic numbers released by Rep. Chip Roy today on the border crisis:

- 8.5 million illegals crossed the border during Biden's tenure, surpassing the population of 37 states.

- 5.6 million were simply released into the country.

- 169 known or suspected terrorists were arrested at the border in 2023, a record.

- 99 illegals on the terror watchlist having been released into the U.S. between fiscal years 2021-2023.

- 75,000 Americans in 2023 alone were killed by fentanyl poisoning, an average of 200 deaths per day.

The Democrats are not the party of compassion, but of chaos, carnage, and death.