Your Move Kamala


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2014
July 27, 2024 2:08pm EDT

JERUSALEM – The Iran-backed terrorist movement Hezbollah on Saturday rained down rockets on Israel, with at least one hitting a soccer field where children were playing in the northern Israeli town of Majdal Shams right by the border with Syria. Initial reports say at least 10 dead and 29 injured, many thought to be children.

The soccer field in the majority Druze town is a scene of shocking violence and the most devastating loss of life in the north since Hezbollah entered the war on behalf of the terrorist entity Hamas on Oct. 7. The Magen David Adom ambulance service says the victims are aged 10 to 20.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) put the blame squarely on Hezbollah in a statement issued shortly after the attack. "According to an IDF situational assessment and the intelligence in our possession, the rocket launch toward Majdal Shams was carried out by the Hezbollah terrorist organization. The Hezbollah terrorist organization is behind the rocket launch at a soccer field in Majdal Shams which caused multiple civilian casualties, including children earlier this evening."
Not really. Joe is still POTUS, remember?

Joe has dementia. Harris has been running the show since day one. Instead of pandering to terrorists sympathizers in Michigan and Minnesota that Obama imported she needs to speak clearly on where she stands and support Benjamin Netanyahu the leader of Isarel. He is the leader fighting against two organizations that are on our State Department Desginated Terrorists Organizations List

FFS CNN Hezbollah did it. The Headline shouldn't be that hard to get correct you terrorists loving Anti-Semitc Turds.

Children and teenagers among 11 dead in Golan Heights rocket attack that Israel blames on Hezbollah​

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As much as I respect the fact Donald Trump wants peace. Iran isn't the only one behind this. People need to start asking if WW3 starts. Including Massive Civil Unrest here in the United State after our border has been open the last 4 years. Do you trust Harris to Fight it all???

Hell no!!!
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As much as I respect the fact Donald Trump wants peace. Iran isn't the only one behind this. People need to start asking if WW3 starts. Including Massive Civil Unrest here in the United State after our border has been open the last 4 years. Do you trust Harris to Fight it all???

Hell no!!!
No world leader will respect or fear the US under Kamala Harris. I’m sure we are a laughingstock around the globe the last 4 years.
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No world leader will respect or fear the US under Kamala Harris. I’m sure we are a laughingstock around the globe the last 4 years.

The ones who share her values like her. People need to Understand when Trump Praises Foreign Leaders in Public that is done for a reason. Negotiations 101. You are allowing them to save face with their countries people and giving them an off ramp to de-escalate. What's said in private conversations would make a Sailor from WW2 blush.
Not really. Joe is still POTUS, remember?
Harris is in a rough spot...if she condemns Hezbollah she might lose Michigan...But one would think that the Democrat Presidential nominee will speak about this.
Harris is in a rough spot...if she condemns Hezbollah she might lose Michigan...But one would think that the Democrat Presidential nominee will speak about this.

Clearly speak about it. Without pandering to terrorists sympathizers? Doubt it.

I'm using the word sympathizers as a placeholder right now.
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It's not just Iran. They have allies that will benefit from it too.
Trump wants peace. He will do what's necessary to get it. But he won't be asking Isarel to surrender so he can pander to voters.

CNN’s Anchor Asks House Democrat if Netanyahu’s Sit Down with ‘Preferred Candidate’ Trump is Israel Trying to ‘Meddle in the Election’​

No world leader will respect or fear the US under Kamala Harris. I’m sure we are a laughingstock around the globe the last 4 years.
Hey...I GURANTEE ya'll no one respects that girl. Know why?

You've told us more than once Willie B...'cause you "wore that girl out" right? ya'll gettin' it!

Yeah but Willie B...if it's true what you claim that you "wore her out"....why's she now the Dem's pick to lead their party to the promised land against Trump? Explain that to us huh Bro?

Well let me run it like this...they needed a new whore they could "pimp"...OK?

Hey, I resent that!

Aw shut up creepy've pooped your pants for Dems one too many times!

Now all I have left is Jill to change my depends

Poor poopy pants creepy corpse...all diapered up and no one else to poop on! :joy:
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Hey...I GURANTEE ya'll no one respects that girl. Know why?

You've told us more than once Willie B...'cause you "wore that girl out" right? ya'll gettin' it!

Yeah but Willie B...if it's true what you claim that you "wore her out"....why's she now the Dem's pick to lead their party to the promised land against Trump? Explain that to us huh Bro?

Well let me run it like this...they needed a new whore they could "pimp"...OK?

Hey, I resent that!

Aw shut up creepy've pooped your pants for Dems one too many times!

Now all I have left is Jill to change my depends

Poor poopy pants creepy corpse...all diapered up and no where else to poop! :joy:

Joe Biden has had Dementia for years. She's the Vice President. She couldn't deter Putin from Invading Ukraine. She can't deter Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran from killing people in Isarel. She had a meeting with countries in South America about the flow of illegal aliens flooding the border. Magically it got worse.

Eventually people might want to start asking if the incompetence is intentional.
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Joe Biden has had Dementia for years. She's the Vice President. She couldn't deter Putin from Invading Ukraine. She can't deter Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran from killing people in Isarel. She had a meeting with countries in South America about the flow of illegal aliens flooding the border. Magically it got worse.

Eventually people might want to start asking if the incompetence is intentional.
I don't see how anyone who objectively analyzes her positions can reach any other conclusion? 🤔
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The one confidence you can have @Gunny46 is Truth eventually triumph's over lies. Good is always stronger than Evil. Just choose the right side to avoid defeat, because Evil liars WILL NOT prevail.

Revelation 21:8 ESV /​

But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

Psalm 5:6 ESV /​

You destroy those who speak lies; the Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.

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