You racist bastards at WVU

Back to the topic that the OP started - In my opinion young Mr. Martin's whining on social media about what an old school coach may or may not have said to hurt his wittle feewings is more of a reflection of how pussified we've allowed this last generation to become. You, Marine03, claim to be a Marine Corps veteran. and if true I give you a salute for that and thank you for your service..........but how long do you think Kerry Martin Jr. would have lasted in Marine Corps boot camp where the drill sergeant doesn't give a rats ass about your wittle feewings? And don't start about how football has nothing to do with the military. In my mind both are about discipline and when you're screwing up a little harsh criticism isn't necessarily a bad thing provided you're able to handle it instead of crying about it.
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Back to the topic that the OP started - In my opinion young Mr. Martin's whining on social media about what an old school coach may or may not have said to hurt his wittle feewings is more of a reflection of how pussified we've allowed this last generation to become. You, Marine03, claim to be a Marine Corps veteran. and if true I give you a salute for that and thank you for your service..........but how long do you think Kerry Martin Jr. would have lasted in Marine Corps boot camp where the drill sergeant doesn't give a rats ass about your wittle feewings? And don't start about how football has nothing to do with the military. In my mind both are about discipline and when you're screwing up a little harsh criticism isn't necessarily a bad thing provided you're able to handle it instead of crying about it.
there is NO crying in football...except if you are 0-12 against your big brother who has taken your girl, your lunch money and your dog
Back to the topic that the OP started - In my opinion young Mr. Martin's whining on social media about what an old school coach may or may not have said to hurt his wittle feewings is more of a reflection of how pussified we've allowed this last generation to become. You, Marine03, claim to be a Marine Corps veteran. and if true I give you a salute for that and thank you for your service..........but how long do you think Kerry Martin Jr. would have lasted in Marine Corps boot camp where the drill sergeant doesn't give a rats ass about your wittle feewings? And don't start about how football has nothing to do with the military. In my mind both are about discipline and when you're screwing up a little harsh criticism isn't necessarily a bad thing provided you're able to handle it instead of crying about it.

You can’t speak to both because you didn’t do both. I did, football has nothing to do with the military
You can’t speak to both because you didn’t do both. I did, football has nothing to do with the military

I am in no way saying that playing football is equivalent to serving in the military, but I think even you with your anti WVU bias would have to agree that discipline is a necessary part of both. Some can handle it and others go home and cry on their mommy's shoulder about how badly they were treated, or as in the K Martin saga they take their sob story to social media and ruin the career and reputation of a football coach who otherwise has a solid reputation.
You cheating on your bookstore wife you cone dropper?
She calls me jesus christ.

I have to admit I admire your creative smack though. I mean your use of 12 year old bullshit made up by someone else probably explains why you qualified academically for both the marines and Marshall.
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She calls me jesus christ.

I have to admit I admire your creative smack though. I mean your use of 12 year old bullshit made up by someone else probably explains why you qualified academically for both the marines and Marshall.
I had to look and see if rifle had posted that. Creative=Stealing rifle's material?
I thought I was sarcastic enough. I failed.
I got it the sarcasm. When I first read it, I thought it was a rifle post. Poor fella can't even be somewhat creative. I guess that was part of being a marine. Just follow others son, don't think.
She calls me jesus christ.

I have to admit I admire your creative smack though. I mean your use of 12 year old bullshit made up by someone else probably explains why you qualified academically for both the marines and Marshall.

Your state road crew move to night shifts yet? I’ll take care of your wife at night, as usual
Your state road crew move to night shifts yet? I’ll take care of your wife at night, as usual
Gets pwn3t when told his wife is getting horseboned.....replies with "derpy derp I'll bang yer wife."

Get help man. Dumb is a choice.
Gets pwn3t when told his wife is getting horseboned.....replies with "derpy derp I'll bang yer wife."

Get help man. Dumb is a choice.

Is that Ebonics or retard language you’re typing out Dave?
Who gives a fvck what you are

This thread as usual is ignorant.

Mini U took a WVU player that cheated in school. says a lot about them. You can have Kerry Martin now. He's all yours.

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