You know, this used to be a helluva good country

Pony Boy1

Gold Member
May 29, 2001
I don’t know what’s gone wrong with it.


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It is still a good country down in the trenches. But we're at a point where the regular citizens (much like those of the revolutionary war) are, in effect, going to have to take up arms to fight a movement that is intent on destroying everything that is great about this country. Regular folks need to quit watching NBA and NFL and attending games. Regular folks have to be willing to go to their county board of education meetings and contest and protest some of the programs being taught in our school and defend some of the good stuff being taken out of schools. Regular folks need to attend county commission meetings and city council meetings and stand up for some of the things being eliminated from our society. You gotta vote for the folks that want to preserve the American way of life. Give money to programs and office candidates that want to save this country. Educate the young people you come into contact with (children and grandchildren) and teach them what is great about this country. Help the poor and the minorities and lift them up vs. letting a radical movement pull them into their fold. Pray. Educate yourself about the left and how they operate so that you can intelligently speak up and argue when confronted with one of their own. Don't be silent any longer.
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It is still a good country down in the trenches. But we're at a point where the regular citizens (much like those of the revolutionary war) are, in effect, going to have to take up arms to fight a movement that is intent on destroying everything that is great about this country. Regular folks need to quit watching NBA and NFL and attending games. Regular folks have to be willing to go to their county board of education meetings and contest and protest some of the programs being taught in our school and defend some of the good stuff being taken out of schools. Regular folks need to attend county commission meetings and city council meetings and stand up for some of the things being eliminated from our society. You gotta vote for the folks that want to preserve the American way of life. Give money to programs and office candidates that want to save this country. Educate the young people you come into contact with (children and grandchildren) and teach them what is great about this country. Help the poor and the minorities and lift them up vs. letting a radical movement pull them into their fold. Pray. Educate yourself about the left and how they operate so that you can intelligently speak up and argue when confronted with one of their own. Don't be silent any longer.
You’re off the rails crazy dude. Damn.
You like spreading disinformation and taking it up the pooper at the same time don’t you? Not that there’s anything wrong with that (Seinfeld reference)
24 Hour news started it, Social Media is going to finish it.
I guess there isn't a definitive answer. I would agree the 24 TV news cycle, which was continued online, started the need to sensationalize news in order to increase ad revenue. And if that is the case then, social media poured fuel on the fire. I would also argue social media was the reason why traditional media lost a lot of its luster, because the "democratization of news" made it easier for people looking for info to back up their thoughts to find it online...regardless of the credentials of whoever was providing the info.

It also allowed a lot of deranged individuals to find other deranged individuals to create some alternate reality echo chamber that has produced all these conspiracy theories. Before it was Raven in his basement by himself jerking off and interacting w/ people on the Blue Lot. Now these people are able to find people of like mind anywhere.

All the craziness has drowned out the voices and info people should be paying attention to.
Please elaborate on what you mean by "the American way of life." Thanks.
Knowing and believing we’re the best country in the world. Having the world’s premiere military. Celebrating individual liberty. A working middle class manufacturing giant. 4th of July parades celebrating the greatness of America. Providing actual jobs and opportunity through increases in small business to allow people to reach up and pull themselves up, not give them just enough free shit to stay in poverty. Destroying racial segregation and divides, we’re all American. Strong moral fiber and character. Working collectively to push back on inner city crime and violence. Striving to achieve great big things like going to Mars and back to the moon.
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Knowing and believing we’re the best country in the world. Having the world’s premiere military. Celebrating individual liberty. A working middle class manufacturing giant. 4th of July parades celebrating the greatness of America. Providing actual jobs and opportunity through increases in small business to allow people to reach up and pull themselves up, not give them just enough free shit to stay in poverty. Destroying racial segregation and divides, we’re all American. Strong moral fiber and character. Working collectively to push back on inner city crime and violence. Striving to achieve great big things like going to Mars and back to the moon.

Waiting on BB smoke to respond - I'll address yours later (if I don't forget).
It is still a good country down in the trenches. But we're at a point where the regular citizens (much like those of the revolutionary war) are, in effect, going to have to take up arms to fight a movement that is intent on destroying everything that is great about this country. Regular folks need to quit watching NBA and NFL and attending games. Regular folks have to be willing to go to their county board of education meetings and contest and protest some of the programs being taught in our school and defend some of the good stuff being taken out of schools. Regular folks need to attend county commission meetings and city council meetings and stand up for some of the things being eliminated from our society. You gotta vote for the folks that want to preserve the American way of life. Give money to programs and office candidates that want to save this country. Educate the young people you come into contact with (children and grandchildren) and teach them what is great about this country. Help the poor and the minorities and lift them up vs. letting a radical movement pull them into their fold. Pray. Educate yourself about the left and how they operate so that you can intelligently speak up and argue when confronted with one of their own. Don't be silent any longer.

So, is this your Pro-war manifesto that should be published? Geez. Troubling to read, especially the part of taking up arms and regulating what people should watch? Yeah, if that's not freedom then I don't know what is!

EDIT: Oh, and that "preserve the American way of life", you mean the right to assemble and protest and the right to watch whatever the HELL I want to watch? The things you say Americans should NOT do? Too funny there.
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Oversimplified but basically America dropped its guard after Gorbachev tore down the wall. Shit has been going downhill since.
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Knowing and believing we’re the best country in the world. Having the world’s premiere military. Celebrating individual liberty. A working middle class manufacturing giant. 4th of July parades celebrating the greatness of America. Providing actual jobs and opportunity through increases in small business to allow people to reach up and pull themselves up, not give them just enough free shit to stay in poverty. Destroying racial segregation and divides, we’re all American. Strong moral fiber and character. Working collectively to push back on inner city crime and violence. Striving to achieve great big things like going to Mars and back to the moon.

I rarely get lengthy on this forum, but since I am responding to your points, one by one, here goes.

Having the world’s premiere military - that has never changed, regardless of POTUS.

Celebrating individual liberty - you mean like not teargassing Americans exercising their Constitutional right to peaceably assemble and protest at Lafayette Park in fron of St. John's church so the POTUS could have a photo op?

A working middle class manufacturing giant. - That ship started to sail with Reagan, trickle down didn't work, continued sailing with NAFTA (Clinton) and continued onward when Bush 43 did nothing to help and Trump proved a second time that trickle down doesn't work. Real wages are not rising. There is now a greater economic divide in this country more than ever in the history of this country. As far as our (yours and mine) view of the middle class and the desire for them to prosper, believe it or not, they are the same. How we achieve that is where our views completely diverge.

4th of July parades celebrating the greatness of America. - nobody is stopping anyone from having 4th of July parades. Just like nobody is stopping anyone from saying Merry Christmas, good lord.

Providing actual jobs and opportunity through increases in small business to allow people to reach up and pull themselves up, not give them just enough free shit to stay in poverty. - The unemployment numbers have dropped under trump, however, the jobs being added aren't good paying jobs such that people can support a family. Like I said earlier, real wages are not increasing. We have too many people in this country working multiple, minimum wage jobs because wages are low and employers are skirting health care laws, only providing less than 30 hours per week to avoid providing employer provided health-care insurance because health care insurance is so costly. It is a huge problem that Obama made a very good start at tackling and trump has done absolutely nothing to address. This problem has not been solved and needs more attention. Hospitals are struggling, financially, and health-care insurance and health care costs are killing businesses.

Destroying racial segregation and divides, we’re all American. - Clearly, the Democrats and Independents support this and unfortunately, the Republican party has made a very poor choice and has chosen to accept the racists and white supremacists with wide open arms. Look at Charlottesville. Look at all the protests and violence occurring right now in our streets. The right wing idiots are threatening a civil war. The racists absolutely love trump. The Republicans are the ones fighting, literally fighting, to keep up Confederate monuments in this country.

Strong moral fiber and character. - This one is hilarious. We currently have in the White House, the most corrupt president in the history of this country. Most of his campaign members have been convicted or have pleaded guilty to some form of fraud related to the 2016 campaign. The crooked son-of-a-bitch is so corrupt, he wont even turn over his taxes and his own sister has to come out and tell the world what a corrupt and morally bankrupt piece of shit he is. He attempted to bribe a key allie, Ukraine, who is attempting to fight off Russia, by withholding desperately needed, US taxpayer-funded weapons, in an effort to get them (Ukraine) to help him get re-elected. We even had career diplomats, career miltary personnel come forward and testify under oath and when they did so, trump supporters viciously attacked them rather than seeing them for what they are - heroes. Hell ,even the slime ball who paid $1 million for the ambassador position even testified that trump tried to bribe Ukraine. The guy has a mountain of evidence aginasdt him just waiting until he is out of office so he can be prosecuted. LOL! Moral fiber and character...Were you trying to be sarcastic? LMAO!

Working collectively to push back on inner city crime and violence - the biggest factor, encouraging or discouraging crime and violence, is the economy. As the economy improves, crime and violence decrease and vice versa. Like I said earlier, right now in this country's history, we have the biggest economic disparity between the wealthiest and poorest in this country. I'm not against success of people who work hard, who are smart and use their intellect to make money, even lots of money. We have too many people in this country working for a "non-living wage." Jeff Bezos is supposedly worth $185 billion. He could spend $1 million per day, every day, and it would take him over 507 years to exhaust his money (not accounting for interest).
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I rarely get lengthy on this forum, but since I am responding to your points, one by one, here goes.

Having the world’s premiere military - that has never changed, regardless of POTUS.

Celebrating individual liberty - you mean like not teargassing Americans exercising their Constitutional right to peaceably assemble and protest at Lafayette Park in fron of St. John's church so the POTUS could have a photo op?

A working middle class manufacturing giant. - That ship started to sail with Reagan, trickle down didn't work, continued sailing with NAFTA (Clinton) and continued onward when Bush 43 did nothing to help and Trump proved a second time that trickle down doesn't work. Real wages are not rising. There is now a greater economic divide in this country more than ever in the history of this country. As far as our (yours and mine) view of the middle class and the desire for them to prosper, believe it or not, they are the same. How we achieve that is where our views completely diverge.

4th of July parades celebrating the greatness of America. - nobody is stopping anyone from having 4th of July parades. Just like nobody is stopping anyone from saying Merry Christmas, good lord.

Providing actual jobs and opportunity through increases in small business to allow people to reach up and pull themselves up, not give them just enough free shit to stay in poverty. - The unemployment numbers have dropped under trump, however, the jobs being added aren't good paying jobs such that people can support a family. Like I said earlier, real wages are not increasing. We have too many people in this country working multiple, minimum wage jobs because wages are low and employers are skirting health care laws, only providing less than 30 hours per week to avoid providing employer provided health-care insurance because health care insurance is so costly. It is a huge problem that Obama made a very good start at tackling and trump has done absolutely nothing to address. This problem has not been solved and needs more attention. Hospitals are struggling, financially, and health-care insurance and health care costs are killing businesses.

Destroying racial segregation and divides, we’re all American. - Clearly, the Democrats and Independents support this and unfortunately, the Republican party has made a very poor choice and has chosen to accept the racists and white supremacists with wide open arms. Look at Charlottesville. Look at all the protests and violence occurring right now in our streets. The right wing idiots are threatening a civil war. The racists absolutely love trump. The Republicans are the ones fighting, literally fighting, to keep up Confederate monuments in this country.

Strong moral fiber and character. - This one is hilarious. We currently have in the White House, the most corrupt president in the history of this country. Most of his campaign members have been convicted or have pleaded guilty to some form of fraud related to the 2016 campaign. The crooked son-of-a-bitch is so corrupt, he wont even turn over his taxes and his own sister has to come out and tell the world what a corrupt and morally bankrupt piece of shit he is. He attempted to bribe a key allie, Ukraine, who is attempting to fight off Russia, by withholding desperately needed, US taxpayer-funded weapons, in an effort to get them (Ukraine) to help him get re-elected. We even had career diplomats, career miltary personnel come forward and testify under oath and when they did so, trump supporters viciously attacked them rather than seeing them for what they are - heroes. Hell ,even the slime ball who paid $1 million for the ambassador position even testified that trump tried to bribe Ukraine. The guy has a mountain of evidence aginasdt him just waiting until he is out of office so he can be prosecuted. LOL! Moral fiber and character...Were you trying to be sarcastic? LMAO!

Working collectively to push back on inner city crime and violence - the biggest factor, encouraging or discouraging crime and violence, is the economy. As the economy improves, crime and violence decrease and vice versa. Like I said earlier, right now in this country's history, we have the biggest economic disparity between the wealthiest and poorest in this country. I'm not against success of people who work hard, who are smart and use their intellect to make money, even lots of money. We have too many people in this country working for a "non-living wage." Jeff Bezos is supposedly worth $185 billion. He could spend $1 million per day, every day, and it would take him over 507 years to exhaust his money (not accounting for interest).
somebody had to write that for aren't that intelligent
Knowing and believing we’re the best country in the world. Having the world’s premiere military. Celebrating individual liberty. A working middle class manufacturing giant. 4th of July parades celebrating the greatness of America. Providing actual jobs and opportunity through increases in small business to allow people to reach up and pull themselves up, not give them just enough free shit to stay in poverty. Destroying racial segregation and divides, we’re all American. Strong moral fiber and character. Working collectively to push back on inner city crime and violence. Striving to achieve great big things like going to Mars and back to the moon.

You communicated the Kenosha murderer was a patriot.

You don’t possess objective analysis predicated off deficient experiences to comment on the United States or Global Industrialized National quality of life standards .

You’re the product of military and military corporate (some would say welfare) system.

You admittedly don’t possess a college degree, yet you lecture as if you’re a product of robust intellectual academic pedigree with balanced life and professional experiences.

You’ve done well, clearly. However, you’re an extremist and deficient of experiences or views to contribute to solutions for common and collective good .

It’s an easy read .
You communicated the Kenosha murderer was a patriot.

I'll add this, many right wingers praise the kid for doing what he did and say he did nothing wrong. They also say that they have NOTHING against "peaceful protests", but these aren't peaceful. Ok, if true then explain this.....

....why do they continue to HATE the kneeling during the anthem? That's a form of protest. It is peaceful.

I'll get blasted for supporting the kneeling, even though I've said since day 1 that I have always stood and will ALWAYS stand.
You communicated the Kenosha murderer was a patriot.

You don’t possess objective analysis predicated off deficient experiences to comment on the United States or Global Industrialized National quality of life standards .

You’re the product of military and military corporate (some would say welfare) system.

You admittedly don’t possess a college degree, yet you lecture as if you’re a product of robust intellectual academic pedigree with balanced life and professional experiences.

You’ve done well, clearly. However, you’re an extremist and deficient of experiences or views to contribute to solutions for common and collective good .

It’s an easy read .
Where did I acknowledge that? I said I didn’t go straight to college out of high school. I did online once i finished my service.

Trying to tear me down in an attempt to stand on my shoulders is a bad look to try and claim you’re taller.
Where did I acknowledge that? I said I didn’t go straight to college out of high school. I did online once i finished my service.

Trying to tear me down in an attempt to stand on my shoulders is a bad look to try and claim you’re taller.
Standing on 4' of hard cow shit doesn't make him taller. He's still the shortest midget, intellectually speaking.
I'll add this, many right wingers praise the kid for doing what he did and say he did nothing wrong. They also say that they have NOTHING against "peaceful protests", but these aren't peaceful. Ok, if true then explain this.....

....why do they continue to HATE the kneeling during the anthem? That's a form of protest. It is peaceful.

I'll get blasted for supporting the kneeling, even though I've said since day 1 that I have always stood and will ALWAYS stand.
If they were kneeling to stop the violence, telling people to quit resisting that their lives really do matter, then it would be a worthwhile protest. it's not about stopping the violence, it's about making criminal behavior ok.
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