WVU sports = cursed. Will this school ever catch a break?


Mar 2, 2012
That's my only excuse for today's loss. The program is simply cursed outside of rifle. Can never catch a break.
We caught several breaks the whole week that got WVU into that position, bEER--including the blown call at the plate in the 8th which kept us ahead 10-9.

Instead of blaming bad breaks for today's outcome, you may want to look at the foolishness of throwing a 3-1 meatball in the 10th to a hulking behemoth who was already 14-21 with 3 HR in the tournament. No excuse for that.
We caught several breaks the whole week that got WVU into that position, bEER--including the blown call at the plate in the 8th which kept us ahead 10-9.

Instead of blaming bad breaks for today's outcome, you may want to look at the foolishness of throwing a 3-1 meatball in the 10th to a hulking behemoth who was already 14-21 with 3 HR in the tournament. No excuse for that.

WVU baseball should pay a closer who can throw high 90s. Until other schools are punished for getting ahead, WVU should say screw the NCAA and pay for recruits. I'm sure there are some kids in Cuba who would love a scholarship and some pocket change that can throw some gas.
Following WVU baseball isn't hard.

Most of you guys only started following after wins anyway.., it's baseball.

WVU baseball should pay a closer who can throw high 90s. Until other schools are punished for getting ahead, WVU should say screw the NCAA and pay for recruits. I'm sure there are some kids in Cuba who would love a scholarship and some pocket change that can throw some gas.

Why would some kid from Latin america who could throw some gas waste his time in College when they can get paid in some minor league system? The majority of MLB players from Latin america never went to college and there are allot good players from here who never did either
Seems like the best we can do in the major sports is somebody else's dirty work (i.e. Duke 2010 FF) only to get the consolation prize.
We had a team loaded with freshman, a team that was very mediocre mid-season, and that team came within three outs of winning the Big 12 Championship and we are cursed?

I think we are very fortunate. Just exactly where was WVU baseball in the scheme of things before Ollie and the Big 12?
To be honest, when we entered the Big XII, I thought there was no way we could be competitive in baseball. Baseball has exceeded my wildest expectations.
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We had a team loaded with freshman, a team that was very mediocre mid-season, and that team came within three outs of winning the Big 12 Championship and we are cursed?

I think we are very fortunate. Just exactly where was WVU baseball in the scheme of things before Ollie and the Big 12?

Hiring Mazey was Oliver Luck's best coaching change. Mazey and Huggins proved that WVU can win in the Big 12. It's up to Dana to do likewise. Baseball and basketball competition in the Big 12 is every bit as tough as it is in football. My hat's off to the baseball team. It's a shame WVU didn't get an NCAA bid as the hottest team in college baseball even though three Big 12 teams did. One run difference and WVU is in the NCAA that it might have won. Injustice at its worst.
Not an injustice at all. College baseball teams with RPIs North of 60 rarely receive NCAA at-large bids. Two losses each to Canisius, Furman, and Hawaii did WVU in today.
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Not an injustice at all. College baseball teams with RPIs North of 60 rarely receive NCAA at-large bids. Two losses each to Canisius, Furman, and Hawaii did WVU in today.

RPI is only one of the criteria that the committees use in picking the field of 64 in baseball and basketball. They say every year that one of the main aspects of teams that they consider is how they played during the last month of the season, games on the road, and how early season losses don't hold as much weight.

WVU was one of the hottest, if not THE hottest teams through out that last month and conference tournaments.

Speaking of how early season losses to bad teams are "overlooked", tOSU should appreciate that more than anyone considering their ridiculous loss to an awful VT team and still being given a spot in the football playoffs, huh?
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Always admire Cuyahoga's eternal enthusiasm, but I can't agree with him that an injustice was done. The baseball program has never gotten an at-large bid to the NCAA tournament, so making it even to the "First 3 Out" stage of at-large consideration is a clear sign of massive improvement.

The more important focus should be on this run in 2016 as an unexpected, but encouraging first step toward bigger things in 2017 and beyond. With 23 of 33 rostered players either freshmen or sophomores, this group ought to have an excellent chance at developing into an NCAA tournament team over the next few years.

I'm looking forward to our baseball program having legitimate expectations of success in upcoming seasons. That hasn't happened around here in ages. Some other northern schools have turned into respectable baseball contenders. No reason we can't do the same.
Heartbreaking. I will say, the future looks very bright for WVU baseball.
we would have been a lock for the NCAA....I've always liked the college baseball..I remember in the early 80's when ESPN started broadcasting..they had championship darts, dominos, and all kinds of crap I didn't care for..but the college baseball..watched every minute with a bunch of friends..we all agreed that Roger Clemens from Texas was going to be pretty good..we were all actually concerned that a 24 hr sports network might not survive..good times