Wow, No Bruce Irvin Threads?

You're completely delusional, Deer Tick. You've deluded yourself into believing that nothing bad that happens to Bruce Irvin is Irvin's fault, I'm a Marshall fan, and WVU is an academically superior institution. Undoubtedly, you are standing (probably ducking, actually) outside in the cold right now, looking for black helicopters hovering over your house...rocking your tin foil hat....

Originally posted by KingCoal:
You're completely delusional, Deer Tick. You've deluded yourself into believing that nothing bad that happens to Bruce Irvin is Irvin's fault, I'm a Marshall fan, and WVU is an academically superior institution.
1) I never said nothing Bruce has ever done is his fault, but whatever mistakes he's made he has admitted them and learned from them and taken responsibility for them. That's pretty rare in general, but particularly in the sports world.

2) You say you aren't a Marshall fan, but you live on this board and clearly despise WVU, and since many of the posters that go to the Marshall board know you quite well from there, it seems that you must spend a lot of time there. If you aren't a Marshall fan, why so much time on the board of a team that you no longer have anything to do with, and another team that you never did?

3) WVU is an academically superior institution to Marshall. Again, if you aren't a Marshall fan, why does that statement bother you so much? Totally gets under your skin ... drives you nuts enough to keep posting about it ... like an itch you can't scratch.

Keep posting puppet.
Yeah, Bruce Irvin has learned a lot of lessons. That's why he continues to screw up, right? Unfortunately for him, he probably surrounds himself with enablers like Tree Stand, and the other delusional homers in WVU's fan base. I used to post on Scout's Ohio State smack board, but it was terminated a while ago. My theory is that it was shut down due to sparse activity because the WVU fans, who I used to punk on there regularly, quit posting, due to the embarrassment caused by WVU's football and basketball programs beginning in 2012. I post on Marshall's smack board now because several WVU fans spend their lives there, and, as a long time West Virginia resident, I feel right at home. The Marshall fans and I share a common dislike of delusional WVU homer fans, such as yourself, Deer Tick. I realize that as a delusional WVU fan, it is impossible for you to believe that anybody, other than a Marshall fan, would root against WVU, but I'm living proof that you're misguided...delusional, in fact.
Originally posted by KingCoal:
The Marshall fans and I share a common dislike of delusional WVU homer fans, such as yourself, Deer Tick. I realize that as a delusional WVU fan, it is impossible for you to believe that anybody, other than a Marshall fan, would root against WVU, but I'm living proof that you're misguided...delusional, in fact.
I would suggest a more productive hobby than trolling message boards pretending to be something you're not. First Ohio State, then Marshall, all simply to troll WVU fans? Why is that consuming you so much? I don't care to know the answer, it's just something you should think about for yourself.

Your statements are dripping with so much irony that it's comical ... although I doubt you can see how.
I almost care what you think, Tree Stand. The Ohio State University is the first Playoff National Champion, and it feels good. WVU's circling of the drain is just a little icing on the cake.

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