Wonder if the 47 traitors cc'd our negotiating partners?


Apr 7, 2010
You know, China, France, Germany, Russia and Britain. I guess they are telling Iran to not listen to them either? F*cking right wing chicken hawks.
Cotton is a Bronze Star winner and you're calling him a chicken, lmao. You're obviously in favor of Iran getting a nuke. Most Americans disagree.
Are you going to say something else stupid today? I thought you had retired for a day.
No, Cotton is just an ass who never answers a question.

But I can name the chicken hawks who signed. Doing nothing, the GOP answer to everything, Iran, Immigration and Universal Healthcare.
Should I cry like a little girl like you do when Richard gets

under your skin? Lol. I'll assume the 47 didn't copy our allies either.
Re: No, Cotton is just an ass who never answers a question.

Again, you're obviously in favor of letting Iran get a nuke. That's a terrible, terrible mistake.
Re: Should I cry like a little girl like you do when Richard gets

I assume our allies know that whatever is negotiated can and will be overturned by the next President. Most rational people don't want Iran to get a nuke.
Re: No, Cotton is just an ass who never answers a question.

You keep saying that, can you offer proof?
If you want to be an idiot like triple prick

have a go at it. At least you are consistent. Not very smart , but consistent.
Re: It's they wingnut way of everything these days...

Look in the mirror. You do seem to have limited your consumption today.
Little girl? I leave name and address

You hide behind triple prick's skirt and a computer name.
Re: Little girl? I leave name and address

Re: No, Cotton is just an ass who never answers a question.

The absolute proof is that this agreement contains a sunset provision which means Iran gets a nuke after the sunset provision ends. That's assuming of course that Iran actually abides by the agreement, which they won't. Read any article you want. The sunset provision exists and currently stands at 10 years.
Re: It's they wingnut way of everything these days...

Do you deny the existence of the sunset provision exists after which Iran is free to develop the nuke? As for calling someone a traitor, I believe it is the libs on the board using that term.
Re: Little girl? I leave name and address

Hummmm. Maybe so, you have the most experience in looking at A loser AS YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR DAILY.

I may have to reconsider, you should have reached expert level. And you are stupid too. Look at the shit you have tried to defend today,
It's been 30 years since we've had any dialogue with Iran....

except of course when Reagan was illegally selling them arms. We have an opportunity here, along with other key players with vested interests, to accomplish the goal of denying Iraq nukes without going to war. It may work. It may not work. But the GOP is acting like spoiled children once again. That certainly isn't the professional way to approach this. But the message the 47 sent was valid none the less. Any agreement can be changed. Why try to scuttle things now? If they don't like it next year or next decade, change it. They are a bunch of babies.
Re: It's been 30 years since we've had any dialogue with Iran....

Again, a very, very simple question. Do you deny the existence of the sunset provision after which Iran gets to develop its nuke? This agreement ratifies their ability to do so with the parties to this agreement in favor of them doing so.

BTW, do I need to remind you that Iran is the largest exporter of terrorism in the world and that its word cannot be trusted?
I hope it works out better than the North Korea nuke deal **

I have enough integrity to fess up when I am wrong

You corrected me last week and I had no problem to say I was wrong.

You are not man enough to do that. Your tactic is to change the subject, name call or run and hide until you get enough courage from something to reappear a day or so later.

But No Matter What You say, you cannot make your president right on this one. He and you are losers.
Nobody knows for sure what is in this deal.....

but let's assume that there is a sunset provision. How is it any different that what the P5+1 (when W was President) proposed sunset provisions in 2006 and 2008?
The first step in fixing a problem is admitting you have one...

and you are obsessed with me. Everyone here sees it. It's sort of embarrassing. Yet, in a way, I'm flattered. so keep stalking old man. Whatever gives you some happiness in the twilight of your existence. I'll help any way I can. Sorta feel sorry for you in a way. Seriously.
Re: Nobody knows for sure what is in this deal.....

Iran getting a nuke is out of the question. We should be doing all we can to ensure that never happens. The Saudi's are already talking with Pakistan about getting their own nuke. Any agreement that even tacitly acknowledges that nukes are ok, is a non starter. Iran is the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world and this agreement allows them to develop a nuke in 10 years. Are we insane?
Re: No, Cotton is just an ass who never answers a question.

So you have nothing to back up your claims, that's cool.
Leftist hyperbole in high gear today. Which site or column did this come

from, not that it matters.

This post was edited on 3/10 3:49 PM by orlando eer
You Christians sure are an agitated and angry bunch

Originally posted by WVPATX:
Iran getting a nuke is out of the question. We should be doing all we can to ensure that never happens. The Saudi's are already talking with Pakistan about getting their own nuke. Any agreement that even tacitly acknowledges that nukes are ok, is a non starter. Iran is the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world and this agreement allows them to develop a nuke in 10 years. Are we insane?
Re: Sounds like you have your heart set on war

Once they get a nuke, how do you remove it? Bombing won't work. How hard is it for you to understand that once they get the bomb, our options are over? Once they have the bomb, they will either dominate the middle east or others will quickly get a bomb as well. Talk about a nuclear arms race.

I have my heart set on major, onerous sanctions with the threat of military force. The price of oil has dropped more than 50%. Their economy would be destroyed at that price point. Yet we gave up on sanctions to pursue this ridiculous agreement. I, not anyone else, should trust the Iranians. They are terrorists and this agreement paves the way for a nuke.
Re: No, Cotton is just an ass who never answers a question.

Once again, the agreement contains a sunset provision after which Iran can build the nuke with U.S. approval. Surely, that can't be too hard for you to understand.

BTW, Cotton is a brilliant patriot who has answered every questions posed to him about this letter.
Re: No, Cotton is just an ass who never answers a question.

Originally posted by WVPATX:
after which Iran can build the nuke with U.S. approval
You're assuming this approval will be automatic?
Re: No, Cotton is just an ass who never answers a question.

That's the very definition of a sunset provision. The agreement calls for them to wait 10 years. Wait for what?
Re: I take it you didn't bother with the link

Brookings is extremely liberal. If you want some conservative interpretations, I would be happy to post.

Once again, you are trusting Iran. Does that even make sense to you?
Re: I take it you didn't bother with the link

Well, I read opposing viewpoints. Truth is usually in the middle. You may want to try that sometime instead of making up your mind and then being inflexible.
Re: No, Cotton is just an ass who never answers a question.

Since you like talking about the sunset provision, give me your analysis of the following. "Following successful implementation of the final step of the comprehensive solution for its full duration, the Iranian nuclear programme will be treated in the same manner as that of any non-nuclear weapon state party to the NPT." I was looking for the part that says after which Iran can build the nuke with U.S. approval. I'm just trying to get up to speed on this, thanks. You may not like the source but be specific with what you take issue with.
This post was edited on 3/10 4:38 PM by moe
Re: The first step in fixing a problem is admitting you have one...

I will survive as long as I keep kicking your ass.

In reality, I might need to refrain until after Thursday noon. I tend to piss off some of the nicest people and they start namecalling, And, I am so gentle in my vernacular, I just cannot think of bad words with which to respond.
Re: I take it you didn't bother with the link

All he knows is the talking points and I'd say he butchers them. He can't back up his claims.
Re: namecalling? You mean like that time you called my son a fag.....

This is the reason I called you a lying son of a bitch. I promise the world that I did not call your son a fag. If I did, I would expect you to use that return address.

You know damn good and well I never said that. I apologize to the board for you to even lie about it. Didn't happen. I have no problem admitting when I am wrong. You on the other hand take your pills and get shit faced and perpetuate your childish shit. That I will not apologize for. Straight scoop. Honest statement.

You have some people totally snowed with your bragging about who you are, what you have, and where you are going. If you had a few generous tendencies, I would accuse you of being a rich republican. No, I am not jealous of what you have. I have my own and it is all I need. Very satisfied and not jealous of anything you have or do. Stop insulting both of us. You only know what I allow you to know about me, and that is damned little.

Knock it off and grow up. I still think you needed a frat life in college.