With recent DUI arrest, WVU tied with OU at No. 5 in nation for...


Dec 28, 2002
...most arrests on a D1 football team. 21 arrests in the last five years (Dana's tenure).

Just FYI, we've never been in the top 20 under any other head coach.

Guess who's easily #1? Dana's old mentor at Washington State=31 arrests.

University of Florida at No. 2 with 24 arrests.

We are 1 just one arrest behind Georgia and Texas A&M who are tied at No. 3 with 22 arrests. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised a team recently coached by Mark Richt is in the top 5 in this category.

Oklahoma & WVU at No. 5 (21).

Not exactly the top 5 finish for which we had hoped.
...most arrests on a D1 football team. 21 arrests in the last five years (Dana's tenure).

Just FYI, we've never been in the top 20 under any other head coach.

Guess who's easily #1? Dana's old mentor at Washington State=31 arrests.

University of Florida at No. 2 with 24 arrests.

We are 1 just one arrest behind Georgia and Texas A&M who are tied at No. 3 with 22 arrests. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised a team recently coached by Mark Richt is in the top 5 in this category.

Oklahoma & WVU at No. 5 (21).

Not exactly the top 5 finish for which we had hoped.

A not so great top five ranking. I would be interested in more details in regards to the arrests. For instance, how many were felonies(what type), what percentage involved violence(gun related and or were domestic) and the percentage of convictions.
...most arrests on a D1 football team. 21 arrests in the last five years (Dana's tenure).

Just FYI, we've never been in the top 20 under any other head coach.

Guess who's easily #1? Dana's old mentor at Washington State=31 arrests.

University of Florida at No. 2 with 24 arrests.

We are 1 just one arrest behind Georgia and Texas A&M who are tied at No. 3 with 22 arrests. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised a team recently coached by Mark Richt is in the top 5 in this category.

Oklahoma & WVU at No. 5 (21).

Not exactly the top 5 finish for which we had hoped.

We only need 11 more and we are #1. Come on guys let's step our game up.

On a serious note, dude if you think this teams is full of felons or criminals, you're wrong. Most are misdemeanor drinking related. Bout the same as always and same as general student population. If you disagree tell us all the felons or violent offenders that are still on the team.

Also if cellphones & cameras were as prevelent in the 80s & 90s & 00s, many of the players people think so much of wouldn't be thought so well of. I lived there for years and some of those guys were just criminals. Some actually became professional criminals after leaving WVU.
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I about fell out of my chair on that one Tex. Haven't heard taste for the grape in a while. Too funny!
Thankfully it was a one car accident as I understand it... but he didn't keep the shiny side up. How many of us have navigated home after too many beverages and wondered whether we would make it? We all think we can but sometimes our number comes up. His biggest problem might be with his insurance company in future years. He sure won't be driving (legally) for awhile. u
I'm more concerned about how the arrests are handled as opposed to the incidents themselves. Dana seems to handle these situations appropriately while folks like Bob Stoops and Art Briles do (did) not.

Joe Mixon beat the shit out of his girl and is still on OU. Dorial Green Beckham threw his girl down the stairs and Stoops still took him on at OU. Briles brought in that kid from Boise who had been accused of sexual assualt. The list goes on and on....

I don't see Dana doing that.
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We get that you hate our coach. You've made that abundantly clear with your incessant criticism. Don't see why you need to post this in the title - it helps no one. And, as GetYa points out, it's more important as to how the discipline is handled by the Staff. You have 100 18-22 years old on a college campus in Wild and Wonderful West Virginia and there are going to be some issues. Coaches can't hold 100 kids' hands all the time. By the way, that article is a year old.

...most arrests on a D1 football team. 21 arrests in the last five years (Dana's tenure).

Just FYI, we've never been in the top 20 under any other head coach.

Guess who's easily #1? Dana's old mentor at Washington State=31 arrests.

University of Florida at No. 2 with 24 arrests.

We are 1 just one arrest behind Georgia and Texas A&M who are tied at No. 3 with 22 arrests. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised a team recently coached by Mark Richt is in the top 5 in this category.

Oklahoma & WVU at No. 5 (21).

Not exactly the top 5 finish for which we had hoped.
You beat me to it Dave, but it was in one night., don't sell the Domers short. Weed for all five in a car, plus gun charges, and then we've got two charges of felonious assault by a player against his girlfriend in another case. Not even Lou Holtz brought in players that pull that off in one night. To give Lou credit, he did know to cover it up until he could get out of town. If I'm not mistaken South Carolina is the only school he coached at that didn't get hit with probation as Lou beat it out the back door. LOL!

I'm sure the ACC is proud to have such a fine institution in their conference, along with Miami and good old Free Shoes U.
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...most arrests on a D1 football team. 21 arrests in the last five years (Dana's tenure).

Just FYI, we've never been in the top 20 under any other head coach.

Guess who's easily #1? Dana's old mentor at Washington State=31 arrests.

University of Florida at No. 2 with 24 arrests.

We are 1 just one arrest behind Georgia and Texas A&M who are tied at No. 3 with 22 arrests. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised a team recently coached by Mark Richt is in the top 5 in this category.

Oklahoma & WVU at No. 5 (21).

Not exactly the top 5 finish for which we had hoped.

Idiotic and unnecessary post. Nearly every one of our incidents are very minor misdemeanors and the reason the numbers are what they are is because Dana absolutely will NOT cover for players when they mess up. Football players are held responsible for their actions at WVU. He handles disciplinary measures as straightforward and honestly as any coach in the country.

Dana may have some other flaws, but this is NOT one of them. So save your, "I'm obsessed with hating Dana, so I'll try to make the whole program look bad" bullshit for something else...nitwit.
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First of all, I've made 2 negative posts about Dana's program over the last 6 months. Does every post have to extol Dana as the next Vince Lombardi else be accused of having no love for WVU?

Let me ask this another way. Is the writer of the article a hater of WVU as well? All the guy is doing is quoting FACTS. You can say this offense or that offense isn't so bad, but the fact remains that ALL college players face temptations. All schools have basically the same amount of players. Do you think there is some kind of collusion among all the other 118 schools below us that they have figured out a way to beat the reporting system but WVU hasn't? Are we the only honest reporters on that list?

FACT: That list is from an objective list ranking all the major D1 programs. If we were at the bottom of that list, I would certainly credit our coach for doing something right. If our team has one of the higher graduation lists, I'd praise our coach for that. But being up there right behind the Florida Gator dumpster fire is not a badge of honor! Maybe Dana handles situations well once they happen, but we either have a lack of discipline once they get here OR we are recruiting a higher % of the wrong kind of kids to our program than other programs OR BOTH.

If you cannot see that being in the top 10 of that list over a 5 years period isn't a discipline problem, I don't know what other facts can convince you. You are the same guys who see our special teams ranked in the bottom 10 and say, "Don't confuse me with the facts! No matter how many KO returns we allow, we are still good there!" Excuses, excuses, excuses.
First of all, I've made 2 negative posts about Dana's program over the last 6 months. Does every post have to extol Dana as the next Vince Lombardi else be accused of having no love for WVU?

Let me ask this another way. Is the writer of the article a hater of WVU as well? All the guy is doing is quoting FACTS. You can say this offense or that offense isn't so bad, but the fact remains that ALL college players face temptations. All schools have basically the same amount of players. Do you think there is some kind of collusion among all the other 118 schools below us that they have figured out a way to beat the reporting system but WVU hasn't? Are we the only honest reporters on that list?

FACT: That list is from an objective list ranking all the major D1 programs. If we were at the bottom of that list, I would certainly credit our coach for doing something right. If our team has one of the higher graduation lists, I'd praise our coach for that. But being up there right behind the Florida Gator dumpster fire is not a badge of honor! Maybe Dana handles situations well once they happen, but we either have a lack of discipline once they get here OR we are recruiting a higher % of the wrong kind of kids to our program than other programs OR BOTH.

If you cannot see that being in the top 10 of that list over a 5 years period isn't a discipline problem, I don't know what other facts can convince you. You are the same guys who see our special teams ranked in the bottom 10 and say, "Don't confuse me with the facts! No matter how many KO returns we allow, we are still good there!" Excuses, excuses, excuses.
It was a dick post....just admit it.
...most arrests on a D1 football team. 21 arrests in the last five years (Dana's tenure).

Just FYI, we've never been in the top 20 under any other head coach.

Guess who's easily #1? Dana's old mentor at Washington State=31 arrests.

University of Florida at No. 2 with 24 arrests.

We are 1 just one arrest behind Georgia and Texas A&M who are tied at No. 3 with 22 arrests. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised a team recently coached by Mark Richt is in the top 5 in this category.

Oklahoma & WVU at No. 5 (21).

Not exactly the top 5 finish for which we had hoped.
when you get better recruiting, you usually get more thugs. It's just the nature of it. The vast majority of elite players seem to have violent, sometimes criminal activity. We seem to be getting better players. It makes sense.
...most arrests on a D1 football team. 21 arrests in the last five years (Dana's tenure).

Just FYI, we've never been in the top 20 under any other head coach.

Guess who's easily #1? Dana's old mentor at Washington State=31 arrests.

University of Florida at No. 2 with 24 arrests.

We are 1 just one arrest behind Georgia and Texas A&M who are tied at No. 3 with 22 arrests. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised a team recently coached by Mark Richt is in the top 5 in this category.

Oklahoma & WVU at No. 5 (21).

Not exactly the top 5 finish for which we had hoped.
Number of arrests really means very little without receiving greater depth. Need to know nature of arrest (as someone noted earlier)--felony, or far less serious crime? Number of convictions? How handled by the Coach? An arrest is a charge resulting from an opinion by someone in law enforcement. First step only and may (or often does) lead to nothing but a dismissal by other legal authorities. Throwing around arrest numbers smacks of one desiring to do harm while having limited evidence to do so.
I call BS.
This one and the other current one are crap.
That list is from 2015. Holgorsen has made mistakes but he's been consistent with discipline.
Most of your posts a re about you stating we need a new coach. How does that help anything. We get that you liked the previous coach and don't like this one.

First of all, I've made 2 negative posts about Dana's program over the last 6 months. Does every post have to extol Dana as the next Vince Lombardi else be accused of having no love for WVU?

Let me ask this another way. Is the writer of the article a hater of WVU as well? All the guy is doing is quoting FACTS. You can say this offense or that offense isn't so bad, but the fact remains that ALL college players face temptations. All schools have basically the same amount of players. Do you think there is some kind of collusion among all the other 118 schools below us that they have figured out a way to beat the reporting system but WVU hasn't? Are we the only honest reporters on that list?

FACT: That list is from an objective list ranking all the major D1 programs. If we were at the bottom of that list, I would certainly credit our coach for doing something right. If our team has one of the higher graduation lists, I'd praise our coach for that. But being up there right behind the Florida Gator dumpster fire is not a badge of honor! Maybe Dana handles situations well once they happen, but we either have a lack of discipline once they get here OR we are recruiting a higher % of the wrong kind of kids to our program than other programs OR BOTH.

If you cannot see that being in the top 10 of that list over a 5 years period isn't a discipline problem, I don't know what other facts can convince you. You are the same guys who see our special teams ranked in the bottom 10 and say, "Don't confuse me with the facts! No matter how many KO returns we allow, we are still good there!" Excuses, excuses, excuses.
I call BS.
This one and the other current one are crap.
That list is from 2015. Holgorsen has made mistakes but he's been consistent with discipline.
Most of your posts a re about you stating we need a new coach. How does that help anything. We get that you liked the previous coach and don't like this one.
Stewart was a good guy. He was just overmatched at this level. The OP may have liked him, but the guy needed to go.
when you get better recruiting, you usually get more thugs. It's just the nature of it. The vast majority of elite players seem to have violent, sometimes criminal activity. We seem to be getting better players. It makes sense.

That can be said to be the case in basketball where many city kids play in summer leagues and money games sponsored by gang-affiliated organizations. These kids start playing money ball at 12-13 y.o. and their mentors there steer them towards certain schools and coaches, while providing them with game clothes, shoes and money. It's been going on since Connie Hawkins and Earl Manginault dominated the playground leagues in the late 50's-early 60's, and likely long before.

Basketball is a city game and city rules apply. A very high percentage of top city recruits have been playing for money for years before they get to college. A lot of them are supporting their families at a young age through money ball. It's why one and done is so popular. The family needs to eat.

If you've never heard of Manginault, he's the only guy to ever block Kareem's skyhook. Earl was 6'3", Jabbar, who was then Alcindor, was a foot taller. Happened at a summer game in Harlem when both were getting out of HS. The Goat was the Man in NYC and everyone knew it. Played about a half season of pro ball, he was a heroin addict.

Football is different, no summer leagues, no shady AAU coaches, just camps. The kid's are harder to get to. The hinky stuff doesn't really start until college recruiting begins in earnest. Two, football players are harder to id early. That big fat slow kid at 12 or 13 may mature into a monster D.E or he may just be the kid who's future is to be thrown out of Golden Corral for eating all the food? You're not going to have a real handle on him until he's about 15. The speed guys are different, but again, the way football is set up, they're harder to get to.

HQ basketball players are easier to id at an early age. If you've got a skinny 6'10'' 14 year old and you're a crooked AAU coach, that's a product for sale. You can't teach height, you can teach him to play the pivot. Prep school pays for him first, then the colleges. If he's good enough he gets to NBA or plays overseas, and you get your piece. It's a dirty business and it happens at every school in the country. Everyone looks the other way and acts shocked when it surfaces. It's the biggest load in college sports.