Wisdom & Perspective lacks in Morgantown

Yep. Look at Oklahoma State. They resolved it within a day.

You're talking about a head coach and a t-shirt. Not an assistant accused of talking words someone did not agree with.

Kids run to twitter now and post without realizing the consequences it may cause. When did sitting down with the accused and accuser become secondary factor or not at all?
You're talking about a head coach and a t-shirt. Not an assistant accused of talking words someone did not agree with.

Kids run to twitter now and post without realizing the consequences it may cause. When did sitting down with the accused and accuser become secondary factor or not at all?
Because of another issue we see in today's youth. And that is called "effort" or "work". If it's hard (and let's face it, having that meeting with Vic would be hard regardless of who you are) then it's likely not going to happen. It's easier to sit at your laptop and post stuff than it is to make the effort and address something personally............................heck, all of us sitting here pecking away are proof of that.
Because of another issue we see in today's youth. And that is called "effort" or "work". If it's hard (and let's face it, having that meeting with Vic would be hard regardless of who you are) then it's likely not going to happen. It's easier to sit at your laptop and post stuff than it is to make the effort and address something personally............................heck, all of us sitting here pecking away are proof of that.

That's why WVU has a head coach, a staff and administration that deals in these issues. Twitter is not a way to solve conflict.
Tom Bragg Retweeted

Kerry “KJ” Martin Jr.

This is 100% true. Coach Vic did visit me in Charleston to bring me food and as I said in my initial post he has done good by me and he is not a bad person but his thoughts and beliefs are mislead.

Tom Bragg
· 8h
Spoke to Capital High football coach Jon Carpenter re: Kerry Martin's social media post and allegations against WVU DC Vic Koenning: "Neal Brown told me that [Martin] said I told him that somebody had a "slave owner" mentality. 100 percent no. I never told him that."

Tom Bragg
· 8h
Spoke to Capital High football coach Jon Carpenter re: Kerry Martin's social media post and allegations against WVU DC Vic Koenning: "Neal Brown told me that [Martin] said I told him that somebody had a "slave owner" mentality. 100 percent no. I never told him that."

Come on Kerry leave your shit off twitter and meet like a man. Which is it? Is he racist or just confused? You can't have both.
I suggest that "thoughts and beliefs are mislead" would be better to say "are different." Mislead is an editorial word and doesn't recognize someone's right to their own thoughts and beliefs.
I suggest that "thoughts and beliefs are mislead" would be better to say "are different." Mislead is an editorial word and doesn't recognize someone's right to their own thoughts and beliefs.

Mislead is a perfect word.

But for him to say this he will have to admit that his own could be as well.

We are living in an era where anyone can have a large voice.
Because of this we have so many people out there with this platform who are abusing it.
Who are pushing propaganda and false narratives purposely.

Hopefully people learn to question everything. Especially things that play on their emotions.
Even if it is something that supports their beliefs.
Wouldn't you say both medias

Can't sit on one side and piss on the other

Because truthfully is happening on both sides.

True, but I am an Indi, and always view from net neutrality, and from my personal perspective, Left media is far more emotionally driven then the right, more divisive too. In fact, if they dont push race wars, class wars, gender wars, they really dont speak on much else..
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True, but I am an Indi, and always view from net neutrality, and from my personal perspective, Left media is far more emotionally driven then the right, more divisive too. In fact, if they dont push race wars, class wars, gender wars, they really dont speak on much else..

This discussion cannot go anywhere until you can see that your opinion is shaped by what you see.
Liberals will say the same thing about what they see from the right. Especially the current state of the party.
They use your fear and emotions to drive you to voting. Either you buy into or you don't.

You do know each side demonizes the other by creating the illusion that the extremes represent the entire party.

Either you allow them to spoon feed you bullshit or you don't
This isn't a partisan issue. It isn't one side does it more than the other
Both are guilty and both attempt to politicize pretty much everything. .

Sad thing is people are wasting so much of their time promoting these people as if they are changing their lives and improving them.

It is a con. .

The entire thing. They both use people as parrots to repeat their bullshit and bring people out to vote.

None of it benefits anyone except the politicians
You do know each side demonizes the other by creating the illusion that the extremes represent the entire party.
None of it benefits anyone except the politicians

Why I dont belong nor vote, nor tow a party line. Its why im a Indi.. I dont measure the quality of an individual or candidate due to the letter on their Voter ID card. Its also why Im a huge proponent of Term Limits for all of Congress & Senate.. Partisanship will be the death of us..

I would also say, Democrats within the past 6-8 years have shifted so far left, that people who stood still are now considered Republican. Socialism use to be a fringe belief within the D party, but now its approx 35% of the party believe it should replace our current structures. Not to mention, 40 week abortions, even for someone, like myself, who supports womens right to choose, is not abortion, its MURDER. My daughter was born at 32 weeks, and is a vibrant healthy, intelligent 5 yr old. I could not imagine killing a formed and alive baby, the fact people would even consider it, is just demonic.

So by default, I guess you could say I lean right, as Im also a fan of small govt and low taxes, but Im far from a Conservative towing voter..
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WVU should be your family.

Could have some people not like you in your family.
But this doesn't change anything.

Just imagine if you had a son who likes men. Is it going to change anything about him

Sad that people staff hating over done stupid shit like politics. If you are going to get upset over this what about some real tough things that hit you to your core.
Why I dont belong nor vote, nor tow a party line. Its why im a Indi.. I dont measure the quality of an individual or candidate due to the letter on their Voter ID card. Its also why Im a huge proponent of Term Limits for all of Congress & Senate.. Partisanship will be the death of us..

I would also say, Democrats within the past 6-8 years have shifted so far left, that people who stood still are now considered Republican. Socialism use to be a fringe belief within the D party, but now its approx 35% of the party believe it should replace our current structures. Not to mention, 40 week abortions, even for someone, like myself, who supports womens right to choose, is not abortion, its MURDER. My daughter was born at 32 weeks, and is a vibrant healthy, intelligent 5 yr old. I could not imagine killing a formed and alive baby, the fact people would even consider it, is just demonic.

So by default, I guess you could say I lean right, as Im also a fan of small govt and low taxes, but Im far from a Conservative towing voter..

A lot of representatives are their communities. Not every district in the US is similar.
Especially when you get into cities that just themselves have more than certain states.

A lot of different opinions. Overall the country doesn't look anything like them.

Would hate for Matt Gaetz or Louie Gohmert to represent the Republican Party.
Matt Gaetz has an IQ of at least 60 points higher than yours, lefty TVZ, so I understand your jealousy.
First: Vic K should have been wise enough to know there is a time and place to discuss political beliefs and bringing that divisive subject has ZERO benefits to team meetings. He should have known better then to initiate a conversation topic that can cause division or any form of it.. That fault resides squarely on his shoulders. That has no place in that environment, it truly hinders growth and the ability to connect with his players on a deeper level to get maximum effort, optimal improvement..

Second: KM should have made every effort, including calling a team & staff meeting to handle any issues IN-HOUSE. Running to Social media with a problem, is bad optics FOR EVERYONE, a true Lose/Lose. However, if they had resolved the issue in-house, THEN posted resolutions+Outcomes to SM, this would have exuded the "Family" Solidarity & environment that HCNB has been pitching to recruits. When a single tweet can damage all the time, effort, this staff has put into building this program, I would think they would make every effort to ensure our Athletes feel they have options to initiate change that does not negatively impact the growth of the program.

Personally, Im disappointed with them both. They both made mistakes, a coach should know better, and a student athlete should be more thoughtful of how their SM actions can negatively effect the team or outside perspectives of it. This tweet storm, could seriously set the program back a bit. If our DC is perceived to be a Racist Trump supporter, as is the norm for the politically left, that is Vic's fault for making it known, and KM's fault for not being a man and handling it man2man, or as a team, as a unit, just like a family would.. Do these athletes know how potential employers view this? Its not good.. I would never want to hire someone with a history of airing out issues that should have been resolved in-house..

There are 1000 more positive & productive ways to resolve personal, employment, or managerial issues then running to SM.. Im equally pissed at Vic for bringing divisive subjects into team meetings, not wise, and not the appropriate time & place for such discussions.

All around the entire situation stinks, and I just hope its all resolved and does not hurt Browns ability to keep the program on a upward trajectory.
Thumbs up! My sentiments exactly.
First of all retard, you should go back to class and learn to read. Ill rephrase on a 5th grade level... : Its the norm for the politically left to perceive Trump supporters as Racist...

You are proof of how easy it is for a simple miscommunication to spark emotion, when it comes to politics. If you want proof of my views, look at my twitter feed. @StratMiller.

Yes Vic should have been wise enough to not bring a divisive topic, such as politics into a team meetings. If he wants to march and attend Trump rallies on his personal time, God bless him, but it has NO PLACE when the vast majority of these athletes are probably indoctrinated from a young age to believe Reps are for the Rich White man, and Dems are for the poor folk... In addition to being coached hard, if he thinks/knows Vic is a "Racist Rep"("just4U"), he may not take hard coaching very well, good intentions may easily be misinterpreted.

Politics, has NO PLACE in a locker room. This is proof of it. It nurtures divide and the potential for greater misunderstandings.

Its not a divisive topic. These kids and the entire left have just been misled into believing that kind of garbage. Ive been on both sides of the aisle and Ive hardly ever maybe never heard a conservative get bent out of shape by someone who has different opinions, but I almost always see liberals get bent out of shape by differences of opinion. In fact, the liberals even seem to seek out and look for more to be offended about and take issue with. Hence, coach Gundy under fire over a shirt he wore while fishing with his kids. So now, he has to dress differently when he is on his own free time and nowhere near his place of work?

Liberals are the modern day book burners. Conservatism is the new punk rock. Choose your side wisely because history is being made as we speak, and a large group of ppl are going to end up on the wrong side of it, and its not going to be the conservative Trump supporters.
Why I dont belong nor vote, nor tow a party line. Its why im a Indi.. I dont measure the quality of an individual or candidate due to the letter on their Voter ID card. Its also why Im a huge proponent of Term Limits for all of Congress & Senate.. Partisanship will be the death of us..

I would also say, Democrats within the past 6-8 years have shifted so far left, that people who stood still are now considered Republican. Socialism use to be a fringe belief within the D party, but now its approx 35% of the party believe it should replace our current structures. Not to mention, 40 week abortions, even for someone, like myself, who supports womens right to choose, is not abortion, its MURDER. My daughter was born at 32 weeks, and is a vibrant healthy, intelligent 5 yr old. I could not imagine killing a formed and alive baby, the fact people would even consider it, is just demonic.

So by default, I guess you could say I lean right, as Im also a fan of small govt and low taxes, but Im far from a Conservative towing voter..
You, my friend, should give the Libertarian Party a look. We have beer, pizza, and a healthy amount of distrust for the lefties.
Its not a divisive topic. These kids and the entire left have just been misled into believing that kind of garbage. Ive been on both sides of the aisle and Ive hardly ever maybe never heard a conservative get bent out of shape by someone who has different opinions, but I almost always see liberals get bent out of shape by differences of opinion. In fact, the liberals even seem to seek out and look for more to be offended about and take issue with. Hence, coach Gundy under fire over a shirt he wore while fishing with his kids. So now, he has to dress differently when he is on his own free time and nowhere near his place of work?

Liberals are the modern day book burners. Conservatism is the new punk rock. Choose your side wisely because history is being made as we speak, and a large group of ppl are going to end up on the wrong side of it, and its not going to be the conservative Trump supporters.

Going to be both of you...

Because both of you care more about your partisan bullshit than the country right now

Not an one sided issue. It is both sides

Think about it this way. Regardless the president what happens in life is controlled by me and not someone in the White House.

You waste all this time fighting each other but none of this shit is going to make YOU better
Need to start loving yourself and the country more than a political party
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Partisanship was one the major concerns for our Founding Fathers..

When people blindingly follow & vote, simply due to R or D, it can have devastating impacts. Both parties have some good, they both make you choose between a little bit of right... When in reality, complex problems, usually require balanced or multi-faceted solutions. A little from here, a little from there. As everything which last throughout time & nature, maintains some variations of balance.

Personally, the party system should be replaced, with a non party system. Where candidates outline their views, which may carry foundations of both parties. Term limits should be applied, Restrict $$ for political campaigns, make corporate lobbying illegal, and you would see a massive efficiency improvement within the belt-way.

Career politicians who care more about the next election cycle, would be replaced with candidates who are running for the right reasons. The fact remains, the longer someone resides within the belt-way, the more likely they have been corrupted. Good people can only resist temptation for so long, and 8 years would be a fair amount of time to enact positive change.

Im very well versed with people who live in the belt-way, they truly could careless about anything outside of their city, as long as their local economy is stable, thats all that matters. One reason why people did not like Trump, he wasnt a career politician and came in and shook things up a little.. I once had a dinner with a real estate developer there, and he was going on and on about how shitty Trump was, all because when he took office the local real estate markets growth slowed a little, for a couple months. I said if you are upset and dislike Trump because a hick-up in your real estate sellls, you should take a walk down mainstreet of any town in WV, then you'll have a good idea why WVians dislike Democratic energy & outsourcing policies. He didnt say much for the remaining of the evening, needless to say he never became a client of mine, but some people just allow political views to choose for them who they do business with, which Ill never understand.
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Partisanship was one the major concerns for our Founding Fathers..

When people blindingly follow & vote, simply due to R or D, it can have devastating impacts. Both parties have some good, they both make you choose between a little bit of right... When in reality, complex problems, usually require balanced or multi-faceted solutions. A little from here, a little from there. As everything which last throughout time & nature, maintains some variations of balance.

Personally, the party system should be replaced, with a non party system. Where candidates outline their views, which may carry foundations of both parties. Term limits should be applied, Restrict $$ for political campaigns, make corporate lobbying illegal, and you would see a massive efficiency improvement within the belt-way.

Career politicians who care more about the next election cycle, would be replaced with candidates who are running for the right reasons. The fact remains, the longer someone resides within the belt-way, the more likely they have been corrupted. Good people can only resist temptation for so long, and 8 years would be a fair amount of time to enact positive change.

Im very well versed with people who live in the belt-way, they truly could careless about anything outside of their city, as long as their local economy is stable, thats all that matters. One reason why people did not like Trump, he wasnt a career politician and came in and shook things up a little.. I once had a dinner with a real estate developer there, and he was going on and on about how shitty Trump was, all because when he took office the local real estate markets growth slowed a little, for a couple months. I said if you are upset and dislike Trump because a hick-up in your real estate sellls, you should take a walk down mainstreet of any town in WV, then you'll have a good idea why WVians dislike Democratic energy & outsourcing policies. He didnt say much for the remaining of the evening, needless to say he never became a client of mine, but some people just allow political views to choose for them who they do business with, which Ill never understand.

We as people have to take this down to more of an individual level.

I am the king of my own life and I decide how my life turns out.

These politicians may promise everything under the sun but they don't have the impact that I have on my own life.

We are giving them way more power than they deserve even Trump.
There is a backlash against Trump right now in this country. Similar to what we saw with Obama. Both elections were horrible and promised all these things but neither one delivered. Mainly because it is on the individual.

With social media we have way too many connected with this bullshit.
What I see on TV and the internet really isn't happening where I live. Wouldn't even exist if I disconnected myself from it.

All this shit is being used as a way to manipulate us into thinking something that doesn't exist.

Fun watching all the news networks and seeing how and what they use to manipulate the auidence.
Like I have said before they all are at fault.
Matt Gaetz has an IQ of at least 60 points higher than yours, lefty TVZ, so I understand your jealousy.

Speaking of Matt G, just tweeted DC residents should not pay Federal taxes! The most bonehead idea ever! Can you imagine how many corporations would relocate to DC? This would multiply the amount of power & influence the city already has...

I usually align with Matt G, but this is a moronic idea, to say the least. You are basically paying people to not take part in the Democratic process. Shit, give me that option. Ill give up my vote, to side step Federal taxes!
When George Floyd died he called out for his mother. It hit a lot of people hard.
Guy called out his family.

Matt Gatez is smart enough to recognize this. His attempt to connect came off fake when he talked to George Floyd's brother though.
Should be smart enough to recognize his boundaries.
Tried it again with that funny story about his son. Came off weird.
Who the hell is matt gatez you moron? If you are going to sit there on your fat ass and criticize then at least spell his name right. What a doofus.
When George Floyd died he called out for his mother. It hit a lot of people hard.
Guy called out his family.

Matt Gatez is smart enough to recognize this. His attempt to connect came off fake when he talked to George Floyd's brother though.
Should be smart enough to recognize his boundaries.
Tried it again with that funny story about his son. Came off weird.
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Guy obviously doesn't even know you exist so why waste your time defending him.

We as a country need to get back down to basis because it is getting to the point people are talking things a little too serious. Sad thing is most of these things don't have an impact on their life
What happens when people are politicized.

Not the first time in our country.

Reason why it is so important to move forward.
This is college athletics we are discussing, not professional sports. What they do as a profession is up to them, however don’t say everyone is racist if they don’t hold the belief that blacks are systemically oppressed and that republicans are racist, and then cry foul when their professional league losses financial income through ratings, etc.

Neal Brown is being paid a bloated amount (as are all college coaches) to coach a public university in a sport of amateurs. If I were an athlete right now, I’d play for whatever coach has the best ability to bring out the best in myself to make a living after sports are over or the one who has the best ability to help me turn pro.

I could not care less if WVU doesn’t win another football game as long as they take a stance that just because a player doesn’t like a coach’s political belief, it doesn’t mean we are going to fire him to satisfy the social media mob. The university should take a stand on this.

My life wouldn’t change one bit if sports didn’t exist. My life doesn’t revolve around sports and it doesn’t “help me escape”. I can do activities for that.
First: Vic K should have been wise enough to know there is a time and place to discuss political beliefs and bringing that divisive subject has ZERO benefits to team meetings. He should have known better then to initiate a conversation topic that can cause division or any form of it.. That fault resides squarely on his shoulders. That has no place in that environment, it truly hinders growth and the ability to connect with his players on a deeper level to get maximum effort, optimal improvement..

Second: KM should have made every effort, including calling a team & staff meeting to handle any issues IN-HOUSE. Running to Social media with a problem, is bad optics FOR EVERYONE, a true Lose/Lose. However, if they had resolved the issue in-house, THEN posted resolutions+Outcomes to SM, this would have exuded the "Family" Solidarity & environment that HCNB has been pitching to recruits. When a single tweet can damage all the time, effort, this staff has put into building this program, I would think they would make every effort to ensure our Athletes feel they have options to initiate change that does not negatively impact the growth of the program.

Personally, Im disappointed with them both. They both made mistakes, a coach should know better, and a student athlete should be more thoughtful of how their SM actions can negatively effect the team or outside perspectives of it. This tweet storm, could seriously set the program back a bit. If our DC is perceived to be a Racist Trump supporter, as is the norm for the politically left, that is Vic's fault for making it known, and KM's fault for not being a man and handling it man2man, or as a team, as a unit, just like a family would.. Do these athletes know how potential employers view this? Its not good.. I would never want to hire someone with a history of airing out issues that should have been resolved in-house..

There are 1000 more positive & productive ways to resolve personal, employment, or managerial issues then running to SM.. Im equally pissed at Vic for bringing divisive subjects into team meetings, not wise, and not the appropriate time & place for such discussions.

All around the entire situation stinks, and I just hope its all resolved and does not hurt Browns ability to keep the program on a upward trajectory.

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