Why wouldn't Democrats want to stop fraud

Why? How?
Read the article. It's not my opinion. I'm researching it now. Some findings I've read are legit, some are skewed. I'm in a rural area now, so it's harder for me to get opinions from the people that some say are effected by voter ID laws.
Read the article. It's not my opinion. I'm researching it now. Some findings I've read are legit, some are skewed. I'm in a rural area now, so it's harder for me to get opinions from the people that some say are effected by voter ID laws.

Bet they have no problems signing up for their check though.
Give me actual examples of this happening.
There are many people that do not drive, and do not own photo ID. Using their social security card for employment, and public transportation to get around. Many hold multiple jobs and simply do not have the time to wait on line (a matter of hours in most major cities) to get their photo ID.

This is a legitimate fact, but what I'm finding is ,SURPRISE SURPRISE, most of these people do not vote anyway. I'm also seeing that Obama carried many of the areas in which this is a common complaint for Democrats as well. I don't think the impact is as great as the DNC makes it out to be. NPR did a pretty objective article on it.

However, like I said before, I'm not convinced that we couldn't increase voter turnout or civic engagement in some areas....and I'm concerned that voter ID laws could stagnate that progress (if momentum was to initiate). I'm unconvinced that there is a fraud issue to begin with, and so my concern remains.....although, for me, a photo ID is easy and absolutely necessary.
There are many people that do not drive, and do not own photo ID. Using their social security card for employment, and public transportation to get around. Many hold multiple jobs and simply do not have the time to wait on line (a matter of hours in most major cities) to get their photo ID.

This is a legitimate fact, but what I'm finding is ,SURPRISE SURPRISE, most of these people do not vote anyway. I'm also seeing that Obama carried many of the areas in which this is a common complaint for Democrats as well. I don't think the impact is as great as the DNC makes it out to be. NPR did a pretty objective article on it.

However, like I said before, I'm not convinced that we couldn't increase voter turnout or civic engagement in some areas....and I'm concerned that voter ID laws could stagnate that progress (if momentum was to initiate). I'm unconvinced that there is a fraud issue to begin with, and so my concern remains.....although, for me, a photo ID is easy and absolutely necessary.
In the states I have lived in......I had to register to be able to vote. You can't vote if you did not register. Very simple.....issue photo id when you register. People that have no photo id drivers license still are required to register to vote.
There are many people that do not drive, and do not own photo ID. Using their social security card for employment, and public transportation to get around. Many hold multiple jobs and simply do not have the time to wait on line (a matter of hours in most major cities) to get their photo ID.

This is a legitimate fact, but what I'm finding is ,SURPRISE SURPRISE, most of these people do not vote anyway. I'm also seeing that Obama carried many of the areas in which this is a common complaint for Democrats as well. I don't think the impact is as great as the DNC makes it out to be. NPR did a pretty objective article on it.

However, like I said before, I'm not convinced that we couldn't increase voter turnout or civic engagement in some areas....and I'm concerned that voter ID laws could stagnate that progress (if momentum was to initiate). I'm unconvinced that there is a fraud issue to begin with, and so my concern remains.....although, for me, a photo ID is easy and absolutely necessary.
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I read in some places that if you don't vote in two consecutive elections (couldn't find a ride to the polls) for instance, that they can purge you off the register. I had never heard of that but it seems wrong and could be used selectively.
There is so much BS in the argument against requiring photo ID before being allowed to vote. If you hold a valid Social Security card it should be no problem. If you can produce enough ID to buy beer or tobacco products it should be no problem showing you are who you say you are when you vote. If you can get to the Court House to register to vote and can get to a polling place to cast your vote then travel should be no problem. If you can get somewhere to sign up for SNAP or WIC and prove you're entitled to those programs it should be no problem.

It's as simple as proving you are who you say you are, and that you are legally registered to vote. Why are Libs so opposed to that concept ? HMMMMMMMMM, makes me wonder.
Just black people have the problem? When did anyone say that?
Usually when someone defends not requiring it they claim those in favor of it want to suppress the minority vote.

It's like the Liberal equivalent to the GOP Hillary defense
I read in some places that if you don't vote in two consecutive elections (couldn't find a ride to the polls) for instance, that they can purge you off the register. I had never heard of that but it seems wrong and could be used selectively.
Sounds like we should take a hard look at our voting apparati. EVERY American deserves an honest system of voting. Maybe we should impanel some sort of commission or something.
Usually when someone defends not requiring it they claim those in favor of it want to suppress the minority vote.

It's like the Liberal equivalent to the GOP Hillary defense
I don't see it as a race issue, but yet an issue of time, transportation, and money