Why No NCAA Rifle Coverage on Big 12 Sports Website?


May 29, 2001
158 doesn't include Rifle on their list of sports coverage. However, they include other non revenue sports like Rowing and Equestrian with only a few schools participating. They cover Wrestling and Gymnastics with.only 3 schools having programs. Is it because only the newby's, WVU and TCU, support Rifle programs? In any event WVU who won the National Championship and TCU which finished 3rd deserve some props on our Big 12 Conference website. Hopefully they will recognize this. Congratulations WVU and TCU.
TCU also has recent national titles..... ...but let's be real....

....who, besides us, cares ??

NOBODY...which is why I couldn't find a link from any major news outlet (including ESPN) either.


I'm proud of the title that our kids earned (again). They're the best in the doubt about it.

...and that's that....
The List of Big 12 Sponsored Sports

I would imagine if Texas, or OU, Baylor, etc. added Rifle to their athletic programs, they might petition the conference members to add it as a Conference sponsored sport.

Regardless, the lack of coverage should have nothing to do with WV and TCU being "newbies' but merely because rifle is not a sponsored sport.

As I recall, WV was required to meet a required minimum number of sponsored sports when it was invited join the Big 12 and currently stands at 9 with golf coming on board this year.


Big 12 Conference
Re: The List of Big 12 Sponsored Sports

Hey thanks, that is a nice chart of sponsored and non sponsored sports. Now if we can just get WVU on board with Fox College Sports TV with live games, replays and coaches shows like many of our conference schools. I see lots of exposure for OU, OSU, KSU, Texas Tech etc. and the only time we get on Fox Regional TV is when we are playing one of those schools. Our exposure on Pittsburgh Root Sports is limited at best.