why is the election in Israel so emotional for you folks here?


Nov 10, 2003
the reactions are interesting and appear the Israeli election results are important, for both sides here. why?
Well, the election was apparently quite important to our President.

Don't you proclaim those to be our "leaders"?

If our own White House felt it was worth flying operatives over to influence an election (an almost unheard display of deceit), then I'd say that would also make it important to we 'little people' as well.

Apparently it was quite important ...... I guess we little people have to tap our little brain and decipher why. You know, kinda like why the whole world seems to be fighting over a swath of land smaller than Wisconsin. Perhaps there is a reason why Israel is such a burden to many. Strange coincidence, huh?

This post was edited on 3/18 7:37 AM by Wolf J. Flywheel
LD and his minions have done everything, both legal

and illegal to try to besmirch and defeat Netanyahu. Israel just told LD to kiss their jewish behinds....the result....main stream media calls Netanyahu a will be fun watching the spin control from the white house on this one