Let’s all get on board with our boy, Mr. Jerrod Calhoun.
Whether you like the hire, hate the hire, ask “wtf is Jerrod Calhoun”, doesn’t matter. He’s our guy!
Now, how many players does he have that can play at the Big 12 level? Any?
I don’t want to hear any hating on here! There are other threads for that. At the very least for the sad people, we have a guy that WANTS to be at WVU. If he wins, he stays. If he doesn’t win, then the next AD will make another hire. That’s the name of the game.
Let’s go!!!!!
Whether you like the hire, hate the hire, ask “wtf is Jerrod Calhoun”, doesn’t matter. He’s our guy!
Now, how many players does he have that can play at the Big 12 level? Any?
I don’t want to hear any hating on here! There are other threads for that. At the very least for the sad people, we have a guy that WANTS to be at WVU. If he wins, he stays. If he doesn’t win, then the next AD will make another hire. That’s the name of the game.
Let’s go!!!!!