When with the uniform number font die?


Sep 19, 2005
I usually am not a big uni commenter. It's not like I wait breathlessly for what our color combo will be from game to game.

That being said....our numbers look dumb.

I believe this will be season #3 with this font. Am I being unreasonable to hope that our 2017 uni's will go with a different font?

EDIT: Why auto correct replaced "will" with "with" in the title is a mystery.
I agree. I don't complain or comment much on uinforms but I don't care for our numbers. Just looks like they are trying to hard. Regular numbers will do just fine.
I've never understood why people don't turn off auto correct in the first place. Flush that crap! :flush:
I love our uniforms but I agree that the lettering leaves something to be desired. I suppose that Nike has the final say in that.
Yeah, I am really concerned about the design of our uniforms...particularly the numbers! I am sure that we will play slower and make more mistakes because of them. Equally sure that it will lead to a host of less-than-stellar game day coaching decisions. In addition, those "unis" will probably lead to bully like behavior by the Mountaineer opponents and thus, key losses!
I honestly kinda like em, and apparently in the minority in that regard ...but to each their own I suppose. Don't worry they will change soon enough... $$$ and latest/greatest dictate so....
As long as our state embraces the coal industry, the numeral coal pick design is appropriate and gives us a different look than other programs.

But I have always liked the classic large font numerals look during the late 1990's . . .

And the classic circa 1988 version with the two blue stripes down on the pants . . .


My personal all-time favorite.
Followed by late 90's.
3rd 80's era.

But I actually like the current Jersey look and love the different combinations.
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I don't care what number they use as long as they get rid of that all yellow set of unis. It looks like bananas playing football.

I don't like the all yellow either, but as I understand it the color choice belongs to the kids playing ball for us. If they like it it's OK with me. That being said, if I was in control our "away" uniforms would be the white on white with the yellow helmet. That is a great looking combo.
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I usually am not a big uni commenter. It's not like I wait breathlessly for what our color combo will be from game to game.

That being said....our numbers look dumb.

I believe this will be season #3 with this font. Am I being unreasonable to hope that our 2017 uni's will go with a different font?

EDIT: Why auto correct replaced "will" with "with" in the title is a mystery.
Waaaahhhh...bring back the NASCAR fonts?

I'm beginning to ask why some of you are fans with the fickle nonsense you complain about.