Whats everybody doing for the game friday


Oct 10, 2011
Morgantown, West Virginia
Kicked around the idea of going to Keglers to watch the game. Great wings and reasonable price on "buckets" of beer.

Another option that sounds good is staying home watch it on my 50" flat screen. Buy some Yuengling , make homemade pepperoni rolls and make my own special buffalo wings.

Ill prob go with option two.
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Hopefully I and the wife will have just come off the beach for the day..... Dad and I will watch it together like we used to watch the March Madness games growing up, on vacation

The only year I haven't watched the games was the year the UofL kid broke his leg terribly. That was the first game I tuned in for.... Saw that, and headed out of the room. No more basketball on that beach trip for me
What's wrong with staying at home and watching the game on your big and flat screen HDTV with PIP? OK, couple that with a bunch of Yuengling and Chinese take-out along with a bucket of pickles (check with TorontoEERs) for desert and you ready to Bring On The Mountaineers. By the way.......I always tell my girl friend to put on something sexy if she's gonna talk .............. during the game.
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Would have loved to have gone to the game but im pulling extra shifts over the weekend to help out new staff members.

But im ready for the game friday. Got son and daughter coming over for wings and pepperoni rolls with Oliverio peppers and cheese
Kicked around the idea of going to Keglers to watch the game. Great wings and reasonable price on "buckets" of beer.

Another option that sounds good is staying home watch it on my 50" flat screen. Buy some Yuengling , make homemade pepperoni rolls and make my own special buffalo wings.

Ill prob go with option two.
both choices look really good..I like Keglers..went in once before a football game and put $20 in one of those slot/lotto machines..cashed out at $225..weeee!
Game watch in South Jersey at a Sports Bar with Alumni and WVU Parent's club members. Should be a good size crowd!
love S Jersey..beautiful..they don't call it the garden state for nothing..went to a family owned restaurant lasagna, cheesecake, and homemade bread I think I've ever had...
I will be watching from home, with a hot fully loaded Colassano's pizza, a 12 pack of Bud, wife on one side and our little Jack Russell Terrier on the other side. Either that or with a fully loaded wife, 12 empty beer cans, a half eaten pizza and a dog that wants to go out and pee.........or maybe a dog that ate half the pizza, a wife pissed because I killed the 12 pack and went outside to pee..........not sure many options.
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