What would be the normal reason to completely wipe a server clean?

I just do not know how people would vote for her after this. No matter who the candidate or which side one falls this smells bad.

Integrity has become a lost art politics aside. Sad!
It's pretty simple

liberals see elections as a spectator sport. All they care about is: "Yeaah! My team won"
The media will protect her

If a Republican did this, the media would hound them out of the race. Clinton will skate. The media corruption is breathtaking.
They keep holding these multiple state military exercises ..........

............ and you begin to wonder if these gun-gripping preppers got it right and that he has no plans on leaving. Once again, a LOT is gonna happen over the course of 1.5 years. Poor, poor Hillary. She may not even get to run. LOL!!!

As somebody familiar with the "Doomsday Drills", there's vast amounts of land to hold mass military drills and with minimal expense (at least based on governmental allocations) to recreate urban areas. These drills among U.S. citizens are not even necessary and based on history, unprecedented to this degree .... or any degree.

What in the blue hell is this government preparing for? Goodbye dollar and retirement benefits? Anybody who thinks the dollar is remotely stable either does not pay attention or has their head buried up some politican's ass.

And Big Clay ..... who just loves to quote Snopes as gospel ..... may want to notice that even they confirmed the purchase of enough hollow-tip ammo to fight 3 World Wars concurrently. That's Snopes ...... not that zany Infowars.

Once again, why?

Crazy world and it's only gonna get crazier ............ thank God.

Like I said ..... FUN TIMES ahead ..... not scary times. Why is the thought of it fun? Because at least the public (well, maybe not these lunatic liberals) will finally realize the government they trust to protect them does not love them, nor like them, and truthfully, hates them. Of course, by that time it is gonna be too late, but hey, at least these morons will be wiser for the rest of whatever life they live.

This post was edited on 3/28 12:04 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Maybe the same reason a killer throws the murder weapon in the river.......maybe the same reason drug dealers try to toss their stash out of the car window when they see blue lights flashing behind them......gee, I don't know why anyone would do any of those things UNLESS THEY WERE TRYING TO DESTROY THE EVIDENCE.........duh.
Not just a hell of a lot to be added to these comments

She will run and her side will uphold or deny every accusation. The country be damned - it's all about winning. The Tea Party is just defaming this great American. Dick Morris is just jealous and telling all lies about her. She has never sat in the floor at the White House looking at tax returns of those who opposed Bill.
THIS coming from someone ready to vote for Rafael Cruz **

Oscar Wilde: " A mask tells more than a face." ..and her face..

says plenty. I've heard her say 'uh' three times in ONE sentence. Why wont she look at reporters 40 feet away? What is so interesting on that ceiling? She has more tells than a hungry dog. Do we want her at the international table representing our interests?
Re: THIS coming from someone ready to vote for Rafael Cruz **

When did I say I would vote for Cruz?
Donating to charity.

Other than that, I got nothing.

I am not a HRC fan but in many ways would have preferred her to anyone the Republicans are trotting out. No way I would vote for her now.
Re: They keep holding these multiple state military exercises ..........

What the **** did I just read?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The normal reason would be if it was infected with a virus or otherwise corrupted. I doubt this has anything to do with either of those.
Answer #1 - To completly hide the contents

Now, was it destruction of government property? Will Gowdy pursue? Will Gowdy throw up his hands?
She's just fulfilling the natural female urge to clean. *

Either make a specific prediction or remain an object of ridicule. *

Re: THIS coming from someone ready to vote for Rafael Cruz **

He over heard it when he was sucking docs balls.
Why would you wil a server clean over a virus? You would lrotect your data first and foremozt because thT is the reason you have a server.
Meanwhile, it's Palm Sunday......

.....and dave is fellating Motown; pretty much the standard everyone has come to expect from him.
