What will be worse ? biden inc’s Marxist SOTU, or Tim Scott’s pathetically weak response ?


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

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President Biden is expected to call for universal free preschool in Wednesday's address to Congress because he doesn’t want you raising your children.

He wants the Globalist American Empire to.
20 years ago Joe Biden predicted that granting Communist China most favored nation status wouldn't lead to the loss of American manufacturing.

He was wrong.

20 year later, over 60,000 American factories have closed.

Millions of blue collar American workers out of jobs, small towns and communities destroyed, and Communist China stealing our private sector and military technologies to grow their military and economy using slave labor.

Biden's "infrastructure" bill will empower and enrich Communist China, making our country permanent economic slaves to them, as they control 80% of the raw materials to make EVs.

Our country has the resources it needs to be energy independent. We achieved that independence over the last four years. These are good, high paying jobs for Americans.

Biden's "green new deal" plans would crush that independence, leading to higher energy costs (gas and electric prices) for American families and further loss of blue collar and manufacturing.

I will be voting against his plans to destroy American blue collar jobs and energy independence. I encourage all Republicans in the House and Senate to do the same.

We must stand for Americans First, not the Communist Chinese.
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If you want to oppose the democrats’ culture war:

-Make babies
-Buy property
-Grow a garden
-Start a business
-Run for local office
-Take over school boards
-Boycott “Made in China”
-Support alternative news/print/social media

that's some funny shit right there...

McCarthy is an idiot...

Joe Biden: "January 6th Was The Worst Attack On Our Democracy Since The Civil War"

He's right.

That's the day they certified biden inc's fraudulent election.

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