What was Obama's greatest achievement?

From what I've seen, facts were provided defending and comparing Obama's years.......but you dispute these again, what is the point of arguing? You have made up your mind, nothing will convince you.

I believe you were confusing opinion with fact
You clearly don't understand facts.

Who would make such dumb rule that assigns the 1st year to activity to the previous president? Why would such even be suggested? Would you help with a little explanation that that would even be given consideration?
Who would make such dumb rule that assigns the 1st year to activity to the previous president? Why would such even be suggested? Would you help with a little explanation that that would even be given consideration?

The only thing I can think of is the 2009 budget passed in early 2008. But the reality is that spending changed dramatically under Obama, particularly his stimulus, which was enormous. To put that spending under Bush is insane but it does make Obama's hideous spending record look slightly better.
The only thing I can think of is the 2009 budget passed in early 2008. But the reality is that spending changed dramatically under Obama, particularly his stimulus, which was enormous. To put that spending under Bush is insane but it does make Obama's hideous spending record look slightly better.
Bush submitted budget in Feb 2008 as required. It had a deficit of high$400 billion. Nancy & Harry took that budget and failed to act. They kept gov open by passing a couple CRs. The 2009 budget was finally signed by Obama in March 2009. It had a trillion more in spending than did the 2009 budget offered by Bush. Sep 30, 2009 closed with actual trillion dollar added spending reflected in final deficit for FY 2009 at $1.4 trillion.

Subsequent years kept the trillion dollar added spending in them and another budget did not pass for several years as they desired to operate on continuing the CRs using 2009 base year with a trillion dollars added. Subsequent actual spending resulted in actual deficits that exceeded a trillion dollars. Republicans were too cowardly to allow government to shut down, and allowed the EXTRA trillion to pass the CRs , AND THE EXCESSIVE SPENDING CONTINUED.

Pretty cute trick until Tea Party raised enough hell and heat to cut spending or SHUT IT DOWN.
Bush submitted budget in Feb 2008 as required. It had a deficit of high$400 billion. Nancy & Harry took that budget and failed to act. They kept gov open by passing a couple CRs. The 2009 budget was finally signed by Obama in March 2009. It had a trillion more in spending than did the 2009 budget offered by Bush. Sep 30, 2009 closed with actual trillion dollar added spending reflected in final deficit for FY 2009 at $1.4 trillion.

Subsequent years kept the trillion dollar added spending in them and another budget did not pass for several years as they desired to operate on continuing the CRs using 2009 base year with a trillion dollars added. Subsequent actual spending resulted in actual deficits that exceeded a trillion dollars. Republicans were too cowardly to allow government to shut down, and allowed the EXTRA trillion to pass the CRs , AND THE EXCESSIVE SPENDING CONTINUED.

Pretty cute trick until Tea Party raised enough hell and heat to cut spending or SHUT IT DOWN.

Brilliant research on your part. I knew Bush's budget had a deficit of $400 as submitted and that Nancy said it was DOA. I did not know that Obama signed the budget in March 2009 with a trillion more in spending. It takes special guts to blame that spending on Bush.
Let me point out some real facts. Obama has had the worst GDP growth rate of any president since FDR. We have accumulated more debt under Obama than all presidents before him combined. And U6 unemployment rate which takes into account those that have given up looking for a job is at 9.6%. And we have more part-time jobs then at any time in our history. Why did Hillary lose the election, the economy stupid.

So his big achievement is telling the soldiers that they could go ahead and kill bin Laden? Is that all you got? And the Democrat constituency is made up of minorities that are extremely far to the left.
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1. Obamacare - about to be severely gutted or overturned completely. You can keep your doctor, NOT. You can keep your health plan, NOT. You will save $2,500 per family, NOT.
2. Russian reset - LOL. The Bear is on the march.
3. Pull out all American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan - we're still there and the pull out from Iraq lead to devastating consequences. The creation of ISIS.
4. Libyan policy? Ghadaffi is gone, but millions of migrants flood Europe and ISIS controls great parts of the country/
5. Egyptian policy supporting the Muslim brotherhood - The people rose up and ousted the Brotherhood.
6. Red line in Syria - LOL. Russia now dominating Syria and will soon dominate Iraq through their puppet state of Iran. The old Persian Empire rebuilding is underway.
7. Bring us out of recession - The stimulus didn't work (as Paul Krugman asserts), Cash for Clunkers was a disaster, shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready and the states used the funds to pay down debt and protect unions.
8. TARP - did help recapitalize the banks. Money was repaid. But it was a Bush policy.
9. Bail out Detroit - Bush stated this disaster but Obama increased it. Destroyed bond holders. Protected unions. Stopped the changes necessary by avoiding Chapter 11 Bankruptcy reorganization.
10. Global warming - His actions will lead to a .001 decrease in global warming but at a terrible price for high wage jobs in energy. Destroyed tens of thousands of good paying middle class jobs.
11. Bringing the country together - LOL
12. Closing GITMO - Not gonna happen
13. Remaking SCOTUS, especially after Scalia's death. Not going to happen. In fact, if Trump serves 8 years, we will have a conservative court for decades.
14. Gay marriage - SCOTUS imposed. Obama played no part. The vast majority of the states that voted to legalize this marriage, including California, turned it down.
15. Building up a Dem majority across the country - The Dems have NEVER been in a weaker position.
16. Reduce police misbehavior - Police assassinations are up 68% this year. BLM has virulent racist leaders and members. Blacks are being killed in huge numbers where the police have reduced their presence because of the BLM movement and their fear of being criminally charged if something happens.
17. Iran deal - Will be greatly changed or destroyed once Trump is in office. Sanctions very likely will be reimposed as Iran continues to violate the agreement.
18. Immigration reform - never happened. His Executive Actions were overturned by SCOTUS.
19. Getting Hillary elected - He campaigned more for Hillary than any prior President inner history. She lost.
20. Fiscal control - He piled up more debt than all prior Presidents combined. He called Bush's deficits, UnAmerican.
21. Stock market - Hit record highs until Trump came along and blew those records away. But median income is down. U6 unemployment is at 9.6% because so many have quit looking for work. Part time work is very high. The Fed policy of QE and zero interest rates was unprecedented action and resulted in huge stock market gains. The rich got richer.
22. Increase the prestige of the U.S in the world. We have never been in worse shape. Our friends don't trust us and our enemies neither respect nor fear us.

Did I miss anything? Wait, he was our first black President. That will make the history books for sure.
So his big achievement is telling the soldiers that they could go ahead and kill bin Laden? Is that all you got? And the Democrat constituency is made up of minorities that are extremely far to the left.

So, you are saying that his giving the OK wasn't a big deal? The decision to go in to a country, without their permission, and risk a LOT of foreign diplomacy problems to kill our #1 enemy.....doesn't deserve credit? How many presidents chose NOT to do something as risky as this????
So, you are saying that his giving the OK wasn't a big deal? The decision to go in to a country, without their permission, and risk a LOT of foreign diplomacy problems to kill our #1 enemy.....doesn't deserve credit? How many presidents chose NOT to do something as risky as this????

I can only name one president that had the chance to take out bin Laden and would not and that was Bill Clinton. I know I cannot think of a single president in our past except for maybe Jimmy Carter that would not of taken this opportunity to kill bin Laden. In fact, the presidents that I recall would've chased bin laden to the ends of the world to destroy him, including Democrats like at LBJ and JFK. Not to mention harry Truman.

You are exemplifying what the Democratic Party has become. Extremely weak and subjecting ourselves to the will of others even if that will is evil.

My opinion, the military never moved in benGhazi was because we were afraid of offending the Libyan government.
I can only name one president that had the chance to take out bin Laden and would not and that was Bill Clinton. I know I cannot think of a single president in our past except for maybe Jimmy Carter that would not of taken this opportunity to kill bin Laden. In fact, the presidents that I recall would've chased bin laden to the ends of the world to destroy him, including Democrats like at LBJ and JFK. Not to mention harry Truman.

You are exemplifying what the Democratic Party has become. Extremely weak and subjecting ourselves to the will of others even if that will is evil.

My opinion, the military never moved in benGhazi was because we were afraid of offending the Libyan government.

Amazing how you ONLY attack Democrats in that little sentence, but praise Republicans......funny.....

....and pretty sure if you talk to military people when the war began following the Afghanistan invasion, they were frustrated as they told their commanders they had the location of Bin Laden in the Tora Bora region, but instead the focus shifted to Iraq and Saddam. Hmm.......
Amazing how you ONLY attack Democrats in that little sentence, but praise Republicans......funny.....

....and pretty sure if you talk to military people when the war began following the Afghanistan invasion, they were frustrated as they told their commanders they had the location of Bin Laden in the Tora Bora region, but instead the focus shifted to Iraq and Saddam. Hmm.......

You lost your argument so you deflect. Can you name one president other than perhaps Jimmy Carter that would not have ordered the killing of bin Laden. Get serious.
You lost your argument so you deflect. Can you name one president other than perhaps Jimmy Carter that would not have ordered the killing of bin Laden. Get serious.

Again, your claim is opinion and NOT fact......we do NOT know who would or would not. How can you say no to Carter? Did he not attempt a rescue operation (although it failed) for the hostages in Iran? So why would you assume he WOULD NOT? Because, you are right-wing blinded with hatred towards the left.

I'm not deflecting....I provided evidence to show that our military had Bin Laden targeted, cornered in the mountains of Tora Bora......and were told to "stand down" and then the invasion of Iraq began......that is a FACT...not deflection.
Again, your claim is opinion and NOT fact......we do NOT know who would or would not. How can you say no to Carter? Did he not attempt a rescue operation (although it failed) for the hostages in Iran? So why would you assume he WOULD NOT? Because, you are right-wing blinded with hatred towards the left.

I'm not deflecting....I provided evidence to show that our military had Bin Laden targeted, cornered in the mountains of Tora Bora......and were told to "stand down" and then the invasion of Iraq began......that is a FACT...not deflection.

You claim that Obama allowing the troops to kill bin Laden was an accomplishment, Presumably because other presidents would not have done the same. Obama did not shoot him directly. He ordered his death. I cannot think of a single president that would not have ordered his death. Except for maybe Jimmy Carter.

That is an opinion. My claim that almost all of the presidents would've done the same is likewise an opinion. That is not an accomplishment. That is an order carried out by the troops. And again I can't think of another president except for maybe Carter that would not of done the same.

If this was his big accomplishment while in office, then you've got a very pitiful argument.

By the way, I referenced three Democrat presidents that would've also made the same order, LBJ, JFK and Truman. Carter is and was a wimp.
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