What does the Left hate most? (commodities edition)


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2004
Continuing our quest to find the Left's most hated things let's examine some more commonly known staples to determine which one really rankles Leftist feathers the most shall we?

Big corporations and big businesses? (exploiting workers, harming the environment, & just being plain 'ol "greedy"...oh how the Left hates 'em!)

Big Oil? (Earth's blood...Black Gold...Texas Tea...nasty... & hated!)

Meat? (Leftists think we should all be Vegans. Animals have Souls don't you know, & it's cruel to eat them even if they eat each other! You just have to hate meat if you're on the Left!)

Coal? Nastier than Oil (cheaper too but equally as hated!)

Guns? (The Left glorifies their use in movies but in real Life hates us owning them, buying them, cleaning them, & especially using them. It keeps them from their stated objectives because we can always shoot back with them... so that's why they hate 'em)

Men? (Especially if they're White Men. Evil...vile, wretched Souls who run everything. Hate them!)

Men who are Men? (Leftists hate them too! The Left believes in and promotes Men who think they're Women or want to be...& Women who think they should be Men, or wish they were. On the Left Men should be with Men, and Women should be Women! Who needs Heterosexual contact in an LGBTQWTFXYZ kinda World huh?)

Internet & alternative media? (Can't have the lies of CNN & the rest of main stream media exposed on an almost round the clock hourly basis if you're on the Left... Breitbart, Info Wars...Rush Limbaugh?....ugh...gag a devoted Leftist with a spoon. Hate 'em all!)

Private schools? (Giving Government run schools a reason not to exist..hate 'em)

Religion? (Opiate for the masses. Used to control, subjugate, dominate, and keep folks docile based on a fictitious book called the "Bible" which is full of fairy tales and wishful thinking. Hatred isn't the word for how the Left feels about it. Who needs it anyway when you have Darwin & Marx to set things straight?)

Churches?(Doesn't matter where they are but if they have Christians in them...hate, hate, hate 'em if you're on the Left. Full of hypocrisy, racism, homophobia, sexism, cheesy music and disgusting Toupee wearing Preachers always asking for money handing tickets out to "GOD"!)

Inner City enterprise Zones? (The Left can't stand the thought of Negroes owning their own things and NOT depending on Government for their survival...Oh Hell Naw...hate that sh*t!)

Voter I.D.'s? (Well if you have to show your I.D., you very well can't cheat when it's time to vote now can you? The Left hates that. Cheating is how they usually win!)

The Military? (Because they kill people and break things to keep us Free and you can't have folks Free if you're trying to control them, and you can't have a strong Military that can't be controlled if we're you hate them too if you're on the Left)

Freedom (It reminds Leftists why they can never win... they hate it!)

The Constitution? (It reminds Leftists that Government does not come first, individuals do. It talks about a "Creator"...They wish they could rip it up...they hate it!)

Intelligent thought fed by logic (the pin prick that exposes the Left and bursts their idealistic balloons that are always filled with hot air. Leftists hate it when their arguments are easily defeated by simple logic.)

World History? (the reality of Life that reveals the ultimate and unbroken record of failure of the Socialist experiment...the Left hates that they can't change it but they do keep trying)

America (they hate America because it reminds Leftists that Almighty God ultimately is in control, not Leviathan run by a one World Globalist Utopianism...Oh please let it be ala John Lennon's "Imagine" if you're on the Left OK?)

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