What agent is letting Jameis Winston talk?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2002

Whoever takes him in the first round is going to take a bath. He'll flame out in the NFL and cost someone a good bit of money.
Jameis is a real piece of work. He is a classic example of the "dumbing down" of a society. Anyone who would dare to refer to the majority of D-1 football and basketball players as "student athletes" is a stupid as he is. It's time for some people to stop living in their fantasy world.
Whoever takes him in the first round is going to take a bath. He'll flame out in the NFL and cost someone a good bit of money.

Has there ever been a QB taken with this number of character issues that ended up being successful?

To me, he has Jamarcus Russell written all over him.

1) rape charges -- OK, they may or may not be true, but how many QBs have them entering draft
2) stealing from a store -- now he has changed his story on that, so character issue X2 with this issue alone. A thief and a liar, or both
3) student union -- what kind of idiot stands on a table in the student union and yells, "f' her right in the pussy" in the first place? Then factor in that this idiot was facing rape allegations when he did it.

Are there more things that I'm missing?

Now, I was an idiot in school too (I figure most of us probably were), and when I graduated I said "OK, time to get serious", so maybe he can do that. However, nobody was going to pay me millions upon millions to be the face of their very very public business either.

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