What a Racist Piece of Sh*t........

Look again at the point you made in your post. I actually was agreeing with you. Do I actually think Pelosi is a I don't.......just like I don't think Trump is a racist as many try to paint him.
Yes, I think if that was your initial point with the OP, it was a big fail.
Wow, this post sure has brought out all of the African American hating racists like moe, countryroads, Richard Peter Johnson, WVUBRU, etc...Sad.
is she a racist or just expressing her opinion?
Does the term even have any meaning? It has been used in such context that it no longer has any meaning. Does it really depend on who makes the charge first? Can you discern from someone's conversation if it fits the true definition? If she is expressing it in stating her opinion of anything, is she racist? If the forbidden words are used in repeating a joke, are they racist? A young black using the term in talking to another black, are they racist? Do you know your ass from a hole in the ground? Now, if I draw a hole in the ground ..... ?
Whether it was one or 100 million, that is not the question. Was he qualified to become president?stop deflecting and answer the question if you have the intestinal fortitude.
He is too damned dumb to realize the different occasions. In this case it only took one person to make the decision. And he is assuming that he knows what the silent majority thanks of ole Ben. I think he is a hell of a good choice. In conversation with others, they are all in favor of Ben at HUD. I can count more than the one he speaks of. Moe is in his own world.
Growing up in the projects makes a person most qualified ? You people are getting nuttier by the day, if it is possible
As opposed to growing up going to private schools and college.
Nope, not much on there that's gonna help. Sorry, I should have said what are his qualifications to be Sec'y of HUD. Thanks for posting his resume though.

I guess you would like to see someone of Bill Clintons resume there? Rape, assault, disbarment large fines? Yeah, that's what liberals call qualified.
That's a fair point

I should have put in there, ever. Give Ban a chance, he's not someone who hasn't accomplished anything and if he can't do the job, I bet he will leave voluntarily. His self worth isn't tied up to the public trough.
You need to calm down.......Obviously you missed the meaning of why I started this thread.

That part I got immediately ... which is why I didn't comment on the "racist" part ... and only mentioned that I think Carson is a loon. But as others have said, he has accomplished things, so he's obviously smart in some ways, so maybe he'll do fine.
Honestly, haven't most of our HUD secretaries been lawyers? That's an assumption since a huge percentage of people appointed to do anything in government are lawyers, probably related to the fact that a huge percentage of people elected to office are lawyers. I'll give an MD a chance. I'm sure I'll disagree with some of his decisions, but that would probably be true of anyone other than me serving in that office.