What a Racist Piece of Sh*t........


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2014
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Monday that Ben Carson isn't qualified to run the Department of Housing and Development.

"Dr. Ben Carson is a disconcerting and disturbingly unqualified choice to lead a department as complex and consequential as Housing and Urban Development," Pelosi said in a statement.

"There is no evidence that Dr. Carson brings the necessary credentials to hold a position with such immense responsibilities and impact on families and communities across America," she said.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Monday that Ben Carson isn't qualified to run the Department of Housing and Development.

"Dr. Ben Carson is a disconcerting and disturbingly unqualified choice to lead a department as complex and consequential as Housing and Urban Development," Pelosi said in a statement.

"There is no evidence that Dr. Carson brings the necessary credentials to hold a position with such immense responsibilities and impact on families and communities across America," she said.
The HUD director that Obama nominated is the former mayor of San Antonio and who misappropriated federal welfare money.
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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Monday that Ben Carson isn't qualified to run the Department of Housing and Development.

"Dr. Ben Carson is a disconcerting and disturbingly unqualified choice to lead a department as complex and consequential as Housing and Urban Development," Pelosi said in a statement.

"There is no evidence that Dr. Carson brings the necessary credentials to hold a position with such immense responsibilities and impact on families and communities across America," she said.

It wasn't long ago that Ben Carson himself said that he wasn't sure about a cabinet position because he had no government experience ... the same Ben Carson that was running for President. It somehow didn't occur to him then that he had no government experience? He may be a talented surgeon, but he seems to be pretty much a loon in everything else.
It wasn't long ago that Ben Carson himself said that he wasn't sure about a cabinet position because he had no government experience ... the same Ben Carson that was running for President. It somehow didn't occur to him then that he had no government experience? He may be a talented surgeon, but he seems to be pretty much a loon in everything else.

You have to pass it to see what's in it. Does t get any loonier than that? Ms Pelosi certainly disqualified herself with that statement.
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You have to pass it to see what's in it. Does t get any loonier than that? Ms Pelosi certainly disqualified herself with that statement.

I agree ... she's a loon ... but is there some rule that there can only be one? Is this Highlander?
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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Monday that Ben Carson isn't qualified to run the Department of Housing and Development.

"Dr. Ben Carson is a disconcerting and disturbingly unqualified choice to lead a department as complex and consequential as Housing and Urban Development," Pelosi said in a statement.

"There is no evidence that Dr. Carson brings the necessary credentials to hold a position with such immense responsibilities and impact on families and communities across America," she said.
I guess I missed any mention of Dr. Carson's race in that statement. Of course he has no formal experience with the issues that the agency deals with that he will manage.
I agree ... she's a loon ... but is there some rule that there can only be one? Is this Highlander?

I don't know Highlander!:sunglasses: She is the leader of the dems in the house so all the people who voted to keep her as the minority leader have to be classified as little loonies.
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I guess I missed any mention of Dr. Carson's race in that statement. Of course he has no formal experience with the issues that the agency deals with that he will manage.

Might be an advantage. Maybe he will expect the people under him to actually work.
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It wasn't long ago that Ben Carson himself said that he wasn't sure about a cabinet position because he had no government experience ... the same Ben Carson that was running for President. It somehow didn't occur to him then that he had no government experience? He may be a talented surgeon, but he seems to be pretty much a loon in everything else.
Ben Carson is a LOON? Never expected that nonsense out of you.
I guess I missed any mention of Dr. Carson's race in that statement. Of course he has no formal experience with the issues that the agency deals with that he will manage.
The fact that she would not come out in support of a person of such high intellect and character to serve in our government tells us all we need to know.
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It wasn't long ago that Ben Carson himself said that he wasn't sure about a cabinet position because he had no government experience ... the same Ben Carson that was running for President. It somehow didn't occur to him then that he had no government experience? He may be a talented surgeon, but he seems to be pretty much a loon in everything else.

The very same can be said of Obama. He had ZERO executive experience. He had no private sector experience. He was a community organizer. While Carson had no government experience, he at least ran a business as head of Pediatric Neurology at Johns Hopkins. Carson knew how to balance budgets. He knew how to read financial statements. Obama had an undistinguished career for a very short period of time in the Illinois Senate and the U.S. Senate where he voted present over 300 times. And to make matters even more interesting, Obama sought to run the most important institution on the planet. HUD is not in the universe of importance.

And just how is Carson a loon? Because he is a Christian and believes in Christian principles? Libs have so little tolerance for anyone that doesn't think like them. Do you want me to recite some loony things Obama has said? I have a lot to work with.
The fact that she would not come out in support of a person of such high intellect and character to serve in our government tells us all we need to know.
lol yeah that's it. That you would call her racist over her statements tells us all we need to know about you. His qualifications are that he's a failed Republican candidate for President. Yes he's an intelligent doctor and he should be employed in the health care field. I'm sure there's a long list of people who have spent their careers dealing with HUD issues that are imminently more qualified. I don't care that he got this position and I hope he does well with it but it's beyond idiotic to call her a racist because she criticized the choice due to his lack of experience with the issues at hand. Perhaps you could address her remarks/concerns but that would just be crazy. It's a political appointment but most of the other Trump hires have at least some experience in their new jobs.
The earth is only 6000 years old ... the pyramids were grain silos ... etc. yes, a loon
Are you also implying President Obama is a loon because as a self described "born again" Christian he believes his Bible?
It wasn't long ago that Ben Carson himself said that he wasn't sure about a cabinet position because he had no government experience ... the same Ben Carson that was running for President. It somehow didn't occur to him then that he had no government experience? He may be a talented surgeon, but he seems to be pretty much a loon in everything else.

Of all the cabinet appointees, Ben carson is the only one who grew up in inner city Detroit in government housing. You might say he is more qualified than anybody to lead that govt program.
His qualifications are that he's a failed Republican candidate for President. Yes he's an intelligent doctor and he should be employed in the health care field.

Now that is real funny.....AND that tell us all we need to know about you.......All together now....NARROW MINDED.
Of all the cabinet appointees, Ben carson is the only one who grew up in inner city Detroit in government housing. You might say he is more qualified than anybody to lead that govt program.
Growing up in the projects makes a person most qualified ? You people are getting nuttier by the day, if it is possible
The earth is only 6000 years old ... the pyramids were grain silos ... etc. yes, a loon

ISIS is the JV team. I have visited all 57 states. Hawaii, a state in which he grew up, stated that Hawaii was located in Asia. Obama told Israel while in Israel that he was on the Senate Banking Committee calling for sanctions and disinvestment in Iran. Obama never served on the Banking Committee. And who can forget the "You didn't build that" comment. It is companies like Solyndra that are leading the way to a brighter future. Saying the Americans cling to their guns or religion mocking much of the country. Syrian refugees are not more of a threat than the average tourist. Obama said ISIS was contained just hours before the Paris terror slaughter. Obama said to Medvedev that after the election he will have more room to work with Putin.

I could go on and on. And I didn't even mention his health care beliefs/lies.
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And just how is Carson a loon?

“These attempts to legislate racial equality create consequences that often make matters worse. There are reasonable ways to use housing policy to enhance the opportunities available to lower-income citizens, but based on the history of failed socialist experiments in this country, entrusting the government to get it right can prove downright dangerous.” — Op-ed in The Washington Times, July 23, 2015.

“This is what you see in communist countries, where they have so many regulations encircling every aspect of your life that if you don’t agree with them, all they have to do is pull the noose.” — Interview with Jan Mickelson, an Iowa radio talk show host, on June 10, 2015.

“A lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and when they come out, they’re gay.”

“Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.”

“Very much like Nazi Germany - and I know you’re not supposed to talk about Nazi Germany but I don’t care about political correctness - you had a government using its tools to intimidate a population,” Carson answered. “We now live in a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe.”
but BO was elected not appointed, major difference.

There is no difference. Why did CNN not laugh when Obama announced his candidacy? Appointed or elected is irrelevant. They both are now going to be running something to which neither had any prior experience, with Obama's being arguably much more important.
Growing up in the projects makes a person most qualified?
I have to agree with this. His administrative role as head of neurosurgery is a qualification. His growing up in the projects can help, but most qualified?
“These attempts to legislate racial equality create consequences that often make matters worse. There are reasonable ways to use housing policy to enhance the opportunities available to lower-income citizens, but based on the history of failed socialist experiments in this country, entrusting the government to get it right can prove downright dangerous.” — Op-ed in The Washington Times, July 23, 2015.

“This is what you see in communist countries, where they have so many regulations encircling every aspect of your life that if you don’t agree with them, all they have to do is pull the noose.” — Interview with Jan Mickelson, an Iowa radio talk show host, on June 10, 2015.

“A lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and when they come out, they’re gay.”

“Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.”

“Very much like Nazi Germany - and I know you’re not supposed to talk about Nazi Germany but I don’t care about political correctness - you had a government using its tools to intimidate a population,” Carson answered. “We now live in a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe.”

Many, many Americans agree with everything he said. That does not make him a loon. Saying that Syrian migrants pose no greater threat than tourists is loony.
Nancy Pelosi is nowhere near qualified to judge the intellect and life experiences of Ben Carson. What has Nancy Pelosi ever accomplished in her life besides being involved with politics from an early age? Answer.......nothing......She is a racist for opposing Dr. Ben Carson.
Growing up in the projects makes a person most qualified ? You people are getting nuttier by the day, if it is possible

It may not make his qualified, but it give him experience in a housing project and unique insight into some of the issues.
Nancy Pelosi is nowhere near qualified to judge the intellect and life experiences of Ben Carson. What has Nancy Pelosi ever accomplished in her life besides being involved with politics from an early age? Answer.......nothing......She is a racist for opposing Dr. Ben Carson.

Remember when the GOP was labeled racist when they criticized Obama's policies? Now, not a peep about racism as Carson is vilified.
I guess I missed any mention of Dr. Carson's race in that statement. Of course he has no formal experience with the issues that the agency deals with that he will manage.
There were many racist codes in her statement.
Remember when the GOP was labeled racist when they criticized Obama's policies? Now, not a peep about racism as Carson is vilified.
I told you these nuts are clueless.....they are too stupid to realize that we are just shoving their lame arguments back in their faces.
You're exactly right. There is no difference between being elected POTUS and getting a political appointment to sec'y of HUD. lol The world you live in must be a special one. dang.
Now that is real funny.....AND that tell us all we need to know about you.......All together now....NARROW MINDED.
At least I state facts like you just bolded and underlined. You're just a crazy conspiracy troll. congrats. So tell me, what are his qualifications? If he grew up in the hood then he and another few million are equally qualified.
You're exactly right. There is no difference between being elected POTUS and getting a political appointment to sec'y of HUD. lol The world you live in must be a special one. dang.
Pelosi is still a just can't bring yourself to admit it.
So tell me, what are his qualifications?
Professor of Neurosurgery, Oncology, Plastic Surgery and Pediatrics/Director, Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery/Co-Director, The Johns Hopkins Craniofacial Center. Today, Dr. Carson serves as Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University.
  • Performed the first and only successful separation (in 1987) of craniopagus (Siamese) twins joined at the back of the head, the first completely successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins (in 1997 in South Africa), and the first successful placement of an intrauterine shunt for a hydrocephalic twin.
  • At age 33, the youngest physician to ever head a major division at Johns Hopkins.
  • Married for 40 years to his wife, Candy, and the father of three sons.
  • President and co-founder of the Carson Scholars Fund, which recognizes students of all backgrounds in grades 4-11 for exceptional academic and humanitarian qualities. He and his wife co-founded the organization in 1994 to help solve America’s education crisis. Winners receive a $1,000 scholarship to be invested toward their college education, along with a recognition package and an invitation to attend an awards banquet. Carson Scholars become role models and leaders at their schools.
  • Co-founder of Angels of the OR under the auspices of the Baltimore Community Foundation, which provides grant to assist neurosurgery patients with expenses not covered by insurance.

  • Majored in psychology at Yale and graduated from the University of Michigan School of Medicine.
  • Received the nation’s highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008. The medal may be awarded by the President “to any person who has made an especially meritorious contribution to (1) the security or national interests of the United States, or (2) world peace, or (3) cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.” *
  • Appointed in 2004 to serve on the President’s Council on Bioethics.
  • Received the 2008 Ford’s Theater Lincoln Medal.
  • Named one of "America's Best Leaders" by US News & World Reports in 2008
  • Received the Jefferson Award in 2000 for "Greatest Public Service Benefiting the Disadvantaged"
  • Awarded the Healthcare Humanitarian Award in 2004 because he has "enhanced the quality of human lives and has influenced the course of history through ongoing contributions to healthcare and medicine."
  • Member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, the Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Science, the Horatio Alger Society of Distinguished Americans, the American Academy of Achievement, and many other prestigious organizations.
  • Sits on the board of directors of numerous organizations, including Kellogg Company, Costco Wholesale Corporation, the Academy of Achievement, and is an Emeritus Fellow of the Yale Corporation, the governing body of Yale University.
  • Named by CNN and TIME Magazine as one of the nation’s 20 foremost physicians and scientists in 2001.
  • Elected by the Library of Congress as one of 89 "Living Legends" on the occasion of its 200th anniversary in 2001.
  • Recipient of the 2006 Spingarn Medal which is the highest honor bestowed by the NAACP.
  • Elected to the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine, considered one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine.
  • Inaugural recipient of a professorship endowed by notable philanthropists and supporters of Johns Hopkins Medicine.
  • 2012 Influential Marylander award recipient by The Daily Record, Baltimore’s legal and business newspaper.
  • Fullwood Foundation for “individuals who have invested their time in humanitarian deeds that substantially improve the quality of life of the citizens of the State of Maryland.”
  • Detroit Public Schools opened the Dr. Benjamin Carson High School of Science and Medicine for students interested in pursuing healthcare careers.
  • Awarded 60 honorary doctorate degrees and dozens of national merit citations.
  • Authored over 100 neurosurgical publications.
  • Author of 6 books:
    (2014) One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America's Future, Sentinel HC Publishing. ISBN 978-1595231123
    (2011) America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great, Zondervan Publishing. ISBN 978-0-310-33071-4
    (2008) Take The Risk, Zondervan Publishing. ISBN 0-310-25973-8
    (2000) The Big Picture, Zondervan Publishing. ISBN 978-0-310-22583-6
    (1996) Think Big, Zondervan Publishing. ISBN 0-310-21459-9
    (1990) Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story, Review & Herald Pub., ISBN 0-8280-0669-5; (2009) Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story, Zondervan Publishing. ISBN 0-310-21469-6
  • Writer of weekly opinion column for The Washington Times, writes for a digital magazine called American CurrentSee, and serves as Chairman of the American Legacy PAC, a national effort to replace Obamacare and "Save Our Healthcare."
Professor of Neurosurgery, Oncology, Plastic Surgery and Pediatrics/Director, Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery/Co-Director, The Johns Hopkins Craniofacial Center. Today, Dr. Carson serves as Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University.
  • Performed the first and only successful separation (in 1987) of craniopagus (Siamese) twins joined at the back of the head, the first completely successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins (in 1997 in South Africa), and the first successful placement of an intrauterine shunt for a hydrocephalic twin.
  • At age 33, the youngest physician to ever head a major division at Johns Hopkins.
  • Married for 40 years to his wife, Candy, and the father of three sons.
  • President and co-founder of the Carson Scholars Fund, which recognizes students of all backgrounds in grades 4-11 for exceptional academic and humanitarian qualities. He and his wife co-founded the organization in 1994 to help solve America’s education crisis. Winners receive a $1,000 scholarship to be invested toward their college education, along with a recognition package and an invitation to attend an awards banquet. Carson Scholars become role models and leaders at their schools.
  • Co-founder of Angels of the OR under the auspices of the Baltimore Community Foundation, which provides grant to assist neurosurgery patients with expenses not covered by insurance.

  • Majored in psychology at Yale and graduated from the University of Michigan School of Medicine.
  • Received the nation’s highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008. The medal may be awarded by the President “to any person who has made an especially meritorious contribution to (1) the security or national interests of the United States, or (2) world peace, or (3) cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.” *
  • Appointed in 2004 to serve on the President’s Council on Bioethics.
  • Received the 2008 Ford’s Theater Lincoln Medal.
  • Named one of "America's Best Leaders" by US News & World Reports in 2008
  • Received the Jefferson Award in 2000 for "Greatest Public Service Benefiting the Disadvantaged"
  • Awarded the Healthcare Humanitarian Award in 2004 because he has "enhanced the quality of human lives and has influenced the course of history through ongoing contributions to healthcare and medicine."
  • Member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, the Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Science, the Horatio Alger Society of Distinguished Americans, the American Academy of Achievement, and many other prestigious organizations.
  • Sits on the board of directors of numerous organizations, including Kellogg Company, Costco Wholesale Corporation, the Academy of Achievement, and is an Emeritus Fellow of the Yale Corporation, the governing body of Yale University.
  • Named by CNN and TIME Magazine as one of the nation’s 20 foremost physicians and scientists in 2001.
  • Elected by the Library of Congress as one of 89 "Living Legends" on the occasion of its 200th anniversary in 2001.
  • Recipient of the 2006 Spingarn Medal which is the highest honor bestowed by the NAACP.
  • Elected to the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine, considered one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine.
  • Inaugural recipient of a professorship endowed by notable philanthropists and supporters of Johns Hopkins Medicine.
  • 2012 Influential Marylander award recipient by The Daily Record, Baltimore’s legal and business newspaper.
  • Fullwood Foundation for “individuals who have invested their time in humanitarian deeds that substantially improve the quality of life of the citizens of the State of Maryland.”
  • Detroit Public Schools opened the Dr. Benjamin Carson High School of Science and Medicine for students interested in pursuing healthcare careers.
  • Awarded 60 honorary doctorate degrees and dozens of national merit citations.
  • Authored over 100 neurosurgical publications.
  • Author of 6 books:
    (2014) One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America's Future, Sentinel HC Publishing. ISBN 978-1595231123
    (2011) America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great, Zondervan Publishing. ISBN 978-0-310-33071-4
    (2008) Take The Risk, Zondervan Publishing. ISBN 0-310-25973-8
    (2000) The Big Picture, Zondervan Publishing. ISBN 978-0-310-22583-6
    (1996) Think Big, Zondervan Publishing. ISBN 0-310-21459-9
    (1990) Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story, Review & Herald Pub., ISBN 0-8280-0669-5; (2009) Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story, Zondervan Publishing. ISBN 0-310-21469-6
  • Writer of weekly opinion column for The Washington Times, writes for a digital magazine called American CurrentSee, and serves as Chairman of the American Legacy PAC, a national effort to replace Obamacare and "Save Our Healthcare."
Nope, not much on there that's gonna help. Sorry, I should have said what are his qualifications to be Sec'y of HUD. Thanks for posting his resume though.