Home and home in alternating years....seems fair but you boys called that " dictating terms".
Time and time again I've shown you articles that Danny Boys terms were
TWO games a year, one in Huntington - the other in Charleston, the next year Morgantown and Charleston. If you need a reminder I dug it up for you for the umpteenth time, but I have doubts it will sink in yet again.
“I heard suggestions for home and home. Here’s my suggestion:
Morgantown, Charleston.
Next year Charleston,
Huntington and just keep it that way,” he said. “If they back out now they’re afraid of us.”
D’Antoni said he would be interested in seeing the rivalry game played
TWICE per season.
“ I’ve heard suggestions for a home-and-home,” he said. “Here’s what I think: Morgantown and Charleston (in the first season), and the next year, Charleston and Huntington. “If they back out now, they’re afraid of us,” D’Antoni said.
After the December 2014 game, new Marshall coach Dan D’Antoni challenged WVU and WVU coach Bob Huggins to consider playing the game
TWICE a season, once at Charleston and the other on alternating campuses. To not do so would mean the Mountaineers are “afraid” of the Herd, D’Antoni said.
Hugg's reply to all that -
Huggins: I think if this kind of thing continues, why would we? Why we want to sit here and hear we’re afraid? Go find somebody else to play.