Well, it looks like mneilmont didn't know what he was talking about yesterd


Dec 7, 2010
Santa Cruz, CA
ay. Shocking, I know. John Kerry said today, ""It's incorrect when it says that Congress could actually modify the terms of the agreement at any time," he said. "They don't have the right to modify an agreement reached, executive to executive, between the leaders of two countries."

So, just as I stated yesterday, we are not negotiating a "treaty" as mnelimont insisted we were. So not only is he a liar, he's an idiot.
Imagine if Democrats had pulled this stunt.

Are the Republicans showing us how to govern the next time there is a GOP President in the white house?
Again, shocking

But that's not what they said in the letter. Based on your post, John Kerry is wrong.
I'm not sure what straws you think I'm grasping at ...

the point by some yesterday was that Congress has to give advice and consent to treaties. I maintained that what we were working on with iran was not a treaty. Looks like I was right.
Re: I'm not sure what straws you think I'm grasping at ...

What that has to do with what Kerry said, and what he was wrong about, has nothing to do with what you think your point is.
Do I have to spell everything out for you?

His statement supports my positiojn yesterday. Not a treaty. Now, you can argue all you want about whether you think his other comments were correct. An i think he is correct btw. But that has nothing to do with the treaty issue and advice and consent. It's not hard.
This lying cocksucker says I STALK him. He cannot get me out of his mind. He keeps inviting me out and of course I am too stubborn to turn the other cheek. Then he says I am some kind of too dumb to mess with - even mental illness. He continues to STALK and address me by name. What kind of mental problems does the Triple Prick have to venture there. Sadistic bastard at least, don't you think.

He attempts to act like he is without blame. I have no problem not talking to him the rest of my life, but through my weakness, I respond to his childishness when he addresses me.

After a period of time, his followers chime in and tell me that I am out of bounds. Cool and another have chastised me in the past. This time, the little COUNTRYBoy wades in and then the Keyster wanted part of the fun. Until V boots me, I will probably respond to a direct confrontation.

I enjoy the board and the forum to have an exchange of honest thoughts. Seems like none of us can stand the political ridicule. I like the politics and economic discussions. I get to kill a lot of idle time with the exchanges. The entertainment is great, and then some stupid asshole makes a personal attack. Then all hell breaks loose. I Refuse to enter practically all the religious discussions.

To those offended, I apologize. I may try in the future to be a little less direct, but probably will not change just a hell of a lot.
Re: Again, shocking

Yes, I forgot to say John Kerry was wrong. The legal minds I listened to yesterday confirmed what I offered yesterday. Too many times SHALL has been argued legally. It always means will.
Well, considering Kerry said Congress said, they could change it

It's a train wreck from the very beginning. That isn't what they said.

Since it will be an executive agreement, the next president can revoke it at any time. Which is what the senators said. If Obama wants it to last, he'd better try to make it a treaty, and have the Senate give its blessing.
Re: moot point. Not a treaty. Never was

You and John Kerry belong in the same box. Two heads of state making binding agreement on policy is a treaty.

Or, alternatively, why is it not a treaty? What exempts it? (Senate approval would be cute response from you).
The president has been doing congressional work since he took office.

Just imagine what the GOP president is going to do with all this new power.
Do you have a position or just talking?

The leaders of the countries can negotiate all they want, but it is not binding without the Signature of Senate (2/3). If you have a different position, state it and we can discuss. Or are you just a follower?