Welcome, my friends.... it's day 10 of the dem civil war...

What kills me 82 about your post #79 is they knew all of this BEFORE they voted for the half brain dead poopy pants creepy corpse! I find it comical they're "all of a sudden" so shocked this guy is practically comatose. They thought they could keep him hidden and sheltered, and now that he's exposed as the mental blank he was before they installed him they're all acting like they never knew and want to just toss him?

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That's awesome.
So many on this board believed all of that. They spent years propping up democrats who told those lies 24/7 & now they are pissed at Trump for fighting back . A normal thinking person would hate those who lied and mislead them , but not democrats they just ask for more .
I'm not buying their "surprised" act that Biden is comatose. They knew! They cheated. They tried to hide and protect him. They installed him. They lied! Now they want to "dump" him? Nooooo!!!!!

They're stuck with him, and their lies about him because he ain't goin' nowhere! They'll have to force him out or kill him! @WVU82 had a brilliant post explaining how they're damned if they do, (Kamala) and damned if they don't, (landslide defeat)

I absolutely love it!

You mind numbed Leftist lemmings....

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Why should we be surprised a half brain dead walking Mummy is being controlled by handlers? We saw how they kept him sequestered in his basement during the summer of '20. We know he can't speak two sentences without Q cards, hand written notes, or a teleprompter. What I can't understand is why this is acceptable to so many voters? 🤔
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I'm not buying their "surprised" act that Biden is comatose. They knew! They cheated. They tried to hide and protect him. They installed him. They lied! Now they want to "dump" him? Nooooo!!!!!

They're stuck with him, and their lies about him because he ain't goin' nowhere! They'll have to force him out or kill him! @WVU82 had a brilliant post explaining how they're damned if they do, (Kamala) and damned if they don't, (landslide defeat)

I absolutely love it!

You mind numbed Leftist lemmings....

If they just picked up that Biden is a veggie they are some slow bastards and I can see why they are willing to jump on the socialists band wagon

I believe that we figured out why they want to change Biden out with anyone including Harris at this point and it all has to do with the Pardons.

If Joe stays in and signs his pardon list, we're going to immediately challenge it in court because Joe doesn't have the legal cognitive ability to understand what it is that he's signing.

The Hur transcript made that clear and the Hur Audio will support that conclusion.

The drama that you're witnessing is because of Joe Biden's ability to sign Pardons that will be challenged in a Court of Law.

If the Court rules in our favor based on Joe Biden's Dementia, that means everyone he Pardon's will not be Pardoned.

This drama has nothing to do with the race against Trump. It all has to do with protecting all of their asses who aided Joe and Hunter Biden in his crime sprees.
This Biden charade is just as much of an indictment on the so called "legacy" media as it is on the WH staff and Dem operatives. They're all nothing but a collection of insufferable liars, and they're trying to act like they're just now discovering all of this caca on Biden's declining cognitive mental health? 🤔


These folks have been lying to us since the day they shut all those vote counts down in swing States (on election night) to resuscitate Biden's losing run. The lies are still ongoing as they try to gaslight anyone with half the brain of creepy poopy pants Biden, who can see he's obviously a cup and saucer short of a full place setting!

My amusement is over how long they think they can continue to lie to themselves? My frustration is why don't more folks see through all the lies they're being told?

They know I'm comin' back and they can't figure out a way to stop me!

Let 'em keep trying DJT...they're losing worse than ever before and the harder they try to stop 'ya, the worse it gets for them!
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Look for these folks (Dems/Leftists) to get more dangerous and even more vicious as they sense the end is drawing near. They'll stop at nothing and do anything to maintain their grip on power. I do mean literally a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g 🤔
Look for these folks (Dems/Leftists) to get more dangerous and even more vicious as they sense the end is drawing near. They'll stop at nothing and do anything to maintain their grip on power. I do mean literally a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g 🤔

I'm laughing my ass off at them.


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