We need another good JC QB.

Allison is not starting material. I told and warned the board already the last couple months. He is absolutely horrible. Don’t argue or make excuses. Dana sucks too but you already knew that.

We need a QB. Dana didn’t even give Lowe a chance. Just ridiculous.
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Horrible. Barely better than horrible Chuggs. That ain’t good. Chuggs was worse QB to ever see a D1 field.

Dana needs fired.
Allison would be a good QB in an I-formation, play action type of offense. He's lousy in a read-option type of offense because he isn't mobile enough or a threat to run.

Holgorsen will have a choice to make. If he stays with Allison, he will have to change up his offensive schemes.

My question is where was Trey Lowe? Why not play him? Lets see what he has.
What you don't think transfers are recruited? I guess they just magically show up and decide to play! Smh!
I understand that, but one would think that after 8 years that Dana could recruit someone better than Millard or Chugs. And if we are in hopes of Allison being another Grier, it will be a long season next year in Morgantown
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Allison is not starting material. We didn’t see Lowe enough to know anything but he’s more than likely never going to play here either. A grad transfer will come and start. Dana is done after next season. The buyout will be way lower and Lyons will fire him. He’s toast. He can’t coach. It’s obvious.

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