Watched CNN for a few minutes last evening - such hypocrites


Gold Member
Jan 27, 2005
I watched a few minutes of the Don Lemon show where he along with 3 other libs (4 when adding Lemon) and a token conservative discussed Dr. Ben Carson's appointment to run HUD.

Armstrong Williams, a confidante of Dr. Carson, tweeted this comment earlier:

"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency," Carson's close friend Armstrong Williams said. "The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency."

Dr. Carson even though libs hate him, is a man of honor. The CNN crew, except for the token conservative, laughed hysterically about Carson's lack of experience and his admission of such. They laughed that he would dare to try and run an important agency with no prior executive experience. How HUD was too important an institution to be turned over to an amateur. They laughed and laughed and laughed (watch the clip if you think I am exaggerating).

Later, I watched Fox News and Megyn Kelly (replay). She had on a Dem and a Conservative. They discussed the tweet. The Dem pointed out his obvious lack of experience and how detrimental it would be. Kelly, to her credit, made the observation that Dems did not care that Obama had zero executive experience when running for the highest office in the land. He never ran anything. His legislative experience was very sparse with no legislative accomplishments. And he ran to become the chief executive of the most important institution in the country. Dems were thrilled. They didn't laugh and claim him unqualified.

Further, Kelly observed that HUD is badly broken. That Carson is off the charts brilliant. That Carson is a problem solver (brain surgeons have to be), ran pediatric neurology at Johns Hopkins and that an outside perspective may be just the prescription with new ideas, and new ways of doing things to help HUD become more efficient and effective. She also observed the Carson would be surrounded by people who have been inside HUD for decades and he could easily use his intellect and his experiences to help solved problems.

And people wonder why no one watches CNN. It was almost unbearable as they mocked this extraordinarily accomplished man, who rose out of abject poverty from the ghetto to become one of the world's leading neurosurgeons.

I read a book many years ago called "The Paradigm Switch." This author made the observation that many of the world's greatest innovations came from outside the industry involved with that product. He observed that those outside the "circle" see things that others on the inside fail to see. He believes those inside a successfully company have a hard time driving change because it is hard for them to see another way of doing things. They feel it has worked in the past and will continue to work. Those outside the circle are not so encumbered and therefore think outside the box.

I have no idea if Carson is good for HUD. I know he's brilliant. I know he his a problem solver. I know he is an outsider. But to mock and ridicule him, was extraordinarily offensive. All 4 libs laughed hysterically. So unprofessional.
I watched a few minutes of the Don Lemon show where he along with 3 other libs (4 when adding Lemon) and a token conservative discussed Dr. Ben Carson's appointment to run HUD.

Armstrong Williams, a confidante of Dr. Carson, tweeted this comment earlier:

"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency," Carson's close friend Armstrong Williams said. "The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency."

Dr. Carson even though libs hate him, is a man of honor. The CNN crew, except for the token conservative, laughed hysterically about Carson's lack of experience and his admission of such. They laughed that he would dare to try and run an important agency with no prior executive experience. How HUD was too important an institution to be turned over to an amateur. They laughed and laughed and laughed (watch the clip if you think I am exaggerating).

Later, I watched Fox News and Megyn Kelly (replay). She had on a Dem and a Conservative. They discussed the tweet. The Dem pointed out his obvious lack of experience and how detrimental it would be. Kelly, to her credit, made the observation that Dems did not care that Obama had zero executive experience when running for the highest office in the land. He never ran anything. His legislative experience was very sparse with no legislative accomplishments. And he ran to become the chief executive of the most important institution in the country. Dems were thrilled. They didn't laugh and claim him unqualified.

Further, Kelly observed that HUD is badly broken. That Carson is off the charts brilliant. That Carson is a problem solver (brain surgeons have to be), ran pediatric neurology at Johns Hopkins and that an outside perspective may be just the prescription with new ideas, and new ways of doing things to help HUD become more efficient and effective. She also observed the Carson would be surrounded by people who have been inside HUD for decades and he could easily use his intellect and his experiences to help solved problems.

And people wonder why no one watches CNN. It was almost unbearable as they mocked this extraordinarily accomplished man, who rose out of abject poverty from the ghetto to become one of the world's leading neurosurgeons.

I read a book many years ago called "The Paradigm Switch." This author made the observation that many of the world's greatest innovations came from outside the industry involved with that product. He observed that those outside the "circle" see things that others on the inside fail to see. He believes those inside a successfully company have a hard time driving change because it is hard for them to see another way of doing things. They feel it has worked in the past and will continue to work. Those outside the circle are not so encumbered and therefore think outside the box.

I have no idea if Carson is good for HUD. I know he's brilliant. I know he his a problem solver. I know he is an outsider. But to mock and ridicule him, was extraordinarily offensive. All 4 libs laughed hysterically. So unprofessional.
And they wonder why they lost the election......especially to a candidate like Trump.....they have no clue.
You could add the intellect of all 4 libs on that panel and still fall well short of Dr. Carson's.
I watched a few minutes of the Don Lemon show where he along with 3 other libs (4 when adding Lemon) and a token conservative discussed Dr. Ben Carson's appointment to run HUD.

Armstrong Williams, a confidante of Dr. Carson, tweeted this comment earlier:

"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency," Carson's close friend Armstrong Williams said. "The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency."

Dr. Carson even though libs hate him, is a man of honor. The CNN crew, except for the token conservative, laughed hysterically about Carson's lack of experience and his admission of such. They laughed that he would dare to try and run an important agency with no prior executive experience. How HUD was too important an institution to be turned over to an amateur. They laughed and laughed and laughed (watch the clip if you think I am exaggerating).

Later, I watched Fox News and Megyn Kelly (replay). She had on a Dem and a Conservative. They discussed the tweet. The Dem pointed out his obvious lack of experience and how detrimental it would be. Kelly, to her credit, made the observation that Dems did not care that Obama had zero executive experience when running for the highest office in the land. He never ran anything. His legislative experience was very sparse with no legislative accomplishments. And he ran to become the chief executive of the most important institution in the country. Dems were thrilled. They didn't laugh and claim him unqualified.

Further, Kelly observed that HUD is badly broken. That Carson is off the charts brilliant. That Carson is a problem solver (brain surgeons have to be), ran pediatric neurology at Johns Hopkins and that an outside perspective may be just the prescription with new ideas, and new ways of doing things to help HUD become more efficient and effective. She also observed the Carson would be surrounded by people who have been inside HUD for decades and he could easily use his intellect and his experiences to help solved problems.

And people wonder why no one watches CNN. It was almost unbearable as they mocked this extraordinarily accomplished man, who rose out of abject poverty from the ghetto to become one of the world's leading neurosurgeons.

I read a book many years ago called "The Paradigm Switch." This author made the observation that many of the world's greatest innovations came from outside the industry involved with that product. He observed that those outside the "circle" see things that others on the inside fail to see. He believes those inside a successfully company have a hard time driving change because it is hard for them to see another way of doing things. They feel it has worked in the past and will continue to work. Those outside the circle are not so encumbered and therefore think outside the box.

I have no idea if Carson is good for HUD. I know he's brilliant. I know he his a problem solver. I know he is an outsider. But to mock and ridicule him, was extraordinarily offensive. All 4 libs laughed hysterically. So unprofessional.
I agree that Carson can probably bring a fresh approach, and his intelligence can't be argued. But you can't give Obama any credit for his rise or intelligence?
I agree that Carson can probably bring a fresh approach, and his intelligence can't be argued. But you can't give Obama any credit for his rise or intelligence?

That is not the point that I made. My point was the hypocrisy of CNN. They vilified Carson for his lack of experience, laughed at him, but openly provided support for Obama's campaign. I don't remember a single panel on CNN laughing at Obama's lack of experience.
That is not the point that I made. My point was the hypocrisy of CNN. They vilified Carson for his lack of experience, laughed at him, but openly provided support for Obama's campaign. I don't remember a single panel on CNN laughing at Obama's lack of experience.
I agree. CNN does not like Trump at all. They are biased, but I don't like him either so it's hard for me to say it's bad journalism. All of the opinion based "news" is bad journalism for the most part anyway.

I'm trying to give the guy a chance. But the thank you rally after the carrier deal? Pushing China's buttons BEFORE inauguration? (After he can play it however he chooses). The teeeting? The claim of election fraud? Cost for security in NY?

There's been some good though. He seems to be honoring his promises for the most part. Mitt. Meeting with Gore. Open discussion with Obama. I'm trying.
I agree. CNN does not like Trump at all. They are biased, but I don't like him either so it's hard for me to say it's bad journalism. All of the opinion based "news" is bad journalism for the most part anyway.

I'm trying to give the guy a chance. But the thank you rally after the carrier deal? Pushing China's buttons BEFORE inauguration? (After he can play it however he chooses). The teeeting? The claim of election fraud? Cost for security in NY?

There's been some good though. He seems to be honoring his promises for the most part. Mitt. Meeting with Gore. Open discussion with Obama. I'm trying.

CNN is perfectly capable in their opinion shows to be as liberal as they choose. I can still point out their hypocrisy, however. But when their "opinions" bleed into their hard news segments, then we have a problem.
I watched a few minutes of the Don Lemon show where he along with 3 other libs (4 when adding Lemon) and a token conservative discussed Dr. Ben Carson's appointment to run HUD.

Armstrong Williams, a confidante of Dr. Carson, tweeted this comment earlier:

"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency," Carson's close friend Armstrong Williams said. "The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency."

Dr. Carson even though libs hate him, is a man of honor. The CNN crew, except for the token conservative, laughed hysterically about Carson's lack of experience and his admission of such. They laughed that he would dare to try and run an important agency with no prior executive experience. How HUD was too important an institution to be turned over to an amateur. They laughed and laughed and laughed (watch the clip if you think I am exaggerating).

Later, I watched Fox News and Megyn Kelly (replay). She had on a Dem and a Conservative. They discussed the tweet. The Dem pointed out his obvious lack of experience and how detrimental it would be. Kelly, to her credit, made the observation that Dems did not care that Obama had zero executive experience when running for the highest office in the land. He never ran anything. His legislative experience was very sparse with no legislative accomplishments. And he ran to become the chief executive of the most important institution in the country. Dems were thrilled. They didn't laugh and claim him unqualified.

Further, Kelly observed that HUD is badly broken. That Carson is off the charts brilliant. That Carson is a problem solver (brain surgeons have to be), ran pediatric neurology at Johns Hopkins and that an outside perspective may be just the prescription with new ideas, and new ways of doing things to help HUD become more efficient and effective. She also observed the Carson would be surrounded by people who have been inside HUD for decades and he could easily use his intellect and his experiences to help solved problems.

And people wonder why no one watches CNN. It was almost unbearable as they mocked this extraordinarily accomplished man, who rose out of abject poverty from the ghetto to become one of the world's leading neurosurgeons.

I read a book many years ago called "The Paradigm Switch." This author made the observation that many of the world's greatest innovations came from outside the industry involved with that product. He observed that those outside the "circle" see things that others on the inside fail to see. He believes those inside a successfully company have a hard time driving change because it is hard for them to see another way of doing things. They feel it has worked in the past and will continue to work. Those outside the circle are not so encumbered and therefore think outside the box.

I have no idea if Carson is good for HUD. I know he's brilliant. I know he his a problem solver. I know he is an outsider. But to mock and ridicule him, was extraordinarily offensive. All 4 libs laughed hysterically. So unprofessional.

I have in-laws that live in Washington DC. Their politics are far left. We were discussing Trump's appointment for Secretary of Education whom I like. My sister-in-law was disgusted and said Betsy DeVos is anti-public school. Now their daughter attends DC public schools. However it is a Charter School for International Studies. She doesn't attend the neighborhood school.....why you ask? Because it sucks. They lived in Africa for 5 years as part of my sister-in-laws job. During that time, my niece attended school in Uganda. She came back to the US in first grade in the DC neighborhood school. They immediately moved her to 2nd grade and she was 6 yrs old....... After that year, the school principal was able to place her in the Charter school because she was fluent in German, English, and French. She is now 11 and in 7th grade.

So I asked the SIL how she can be pro-public school systems when she knows how bad DC's schools are and how bad they are across America's cities. AND you put your daughter in a Charter School because of the higher quality. Of course there was no answer........

Another example of liberals being contrary just to be contrary.
I have in-laws that live in Washington DC. Their politics are far left. We were discussing Trump's appointment for Secretary of Education whom I like. My sister-in-law was disgusted and said Betsy DeVos is anti-public school. Now their daughter attends DC public schools. However it is a Charter School for International Studies. She doesn't attend the neighborhood school.....why you ask? Because it sucks. They lived in Africa for 5 years as part of my sister-in-laws job. During that time, my niece attended school in Uganda. She came back to the US in first grade in the DC neighborhood school. They immediately moved her to 2nd grade and she was 6 yrs old....... After that year, the school principal was able to place her in the Charter school because she was fluent in German, English, and French. She is now 11 and in 7th grade.

So I asked the SIL how she can be pro-public school systems when she knows how bad DC's schools are and how bad they are across America's cities. AND you put your daughter in a Charter School because of the higher quality. Of course there was no answer........

Another example of liberals being contrary just to be contrary.

Obama is a hypocrite as well. He doesn't want school choice for poor inner-city kids but his daughters go to the best private school money can buy. Competition is terrific for bringing down prices and increasing quality. Why do you believe our universities are the envy of the world. There is an enormous amount of competition. It's the same reason why our public schools are mediocre to poor. There is almost no competition.
I agree. CNN does not like Trump at all. They are biased, but I don't like him either so it's hard for me to say it's bad journalism. All of the opinion based "news" is bad journalism for the most part anyway.

I'm trying to give the guy a chance. But the thank you rally after the carrier deal? Pushing China's buttons BEFORE inauguration? (After he can play it however he chooses). The teeeting? The claim of election fraud? Cost for security in NY?

There's been some good though. He seems to be honoring his promises for the most part. Mitt. Meeting with Gore. Open discussion with Obama. I'm trying.
Obama is a hypocrite as well. He doesn't want school choice for poor inner-city kids but his daughters go to the best private school money can buy. Competition is terrific for bringing down prices and increasing quality. Why do you believe our universities are the envy of the world. There is an enormous amount of competition. It's the same reason why our public schools are mediocre to poor. There is almost no competition.

I love this topic. I live in the city of Richmond in a very upper middle class part of town. (trust me the crime is not far away) My neighborhood elementary school is considered to be very good. However, nobody sends their kids to the middle school or high school. If families don't move after 5th grade, they send their kids to private schools or the Charter schools.

However, there is an elementary school in the city located between Virginia Union and Virginia Commonwealth Universities that thrives. That school serves mostly inner city kids from the most notorious housing project in Richmond. What the school did several years ago was pair each student with a student "mentor" from the neighboring universities. All of a sudden the school was passing accreditation and soon went from one of the worst in the city to one of the better performing elementary schools in the state! Parental involvement went from single digits to over 40%. (Still nowhere near the affluent suburbs but a start) I just heard of this back in late October. Why isn't this model being copied? Why isn't this story being repeated everywhere? I have to conclude that it simply doesn't fit the liberal agenda. I can conclude nothing else here.
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When I lived down that way ( Richmond) I sold my house in Chesterfield & moved to Powhatan because of the school system.

In my city, the public school superintendent forced some competition by allowing parents to opt to send their child (for a modest transfer fee of $50) to another public school in the system. Since the state funds flow with the student, the school receiving the transfers get more money and that those lose get less.
I love this topic. I live in the city of Richmond in a very upper middle class part of town. (trust me the crime is not far away) My neighborhood elementary school is considered to be very good. However, nobody sends their kids to the middle school or high school. If families don't move after 5th grade, they send their kids to private schools or the Charter schools.

However, there is an elementary school in the city located between Virginia Union and Virginia Commonwealth Universities that thrives. That school serves mostly inner city kids from the most notorious housing project in Richmond. What the school did several years ago was pair each student with a student "mentor" from the neighboring universities. All of a sudden the school was passing accreditation and soon went from one of the worst in the city to one of the better performing elementary schools in the state! Parental involvement went from single digits to over 40%. (Still nowhere near the affluent suburbs but a start) I just heard of this back in late October. Why isn't this model being copied? Why isn't this story being repeated everywhere? I have to conclude that it simply doesn't fit the liberal agenda. I can conclude nothing else here.
That is not the point that I made. My point was the hypocrisy of CNN. They vilified Carson for his lack of experience, laughed at him, but openly provided support for Obama's campaign. I don't remember a single panel on CNN laughing at Obama's lack of experience.

What's funny as hell is that you attempt to point to Obama's lack of executive experience (even though he was a constitutional scholar and a Senator) but the phucking moron we just elected has absolutely zero experience at being an elected representative and constantly displayed his ignorance of the US Constitution during his campaign.
What's funny as hell is that you attempt to point to Obama's lack of executive experience (even though he was a constitutional scholar and a Senator) but the phucking moron we just elected has absolutely zero experience at being an elected representative and constantly displayed his ignorance of the US Constitution during his campaign.

I pointed out correctly that Obama had zero experience at running even a popsicle stand. He was a state senator for a short time and a US senator for two years. He voted present over 300 times. He accomplished very little in either position. I pointed out CNN's hypocrisy of complaining and laughing about Carson's lack of experience when they did none of the sort when Obama ran for president. In fact they were an Obama cheerleader. By the way, Obama was a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law school on the constitution. I'm not certain of that qualifies him as a constitutional scholar. And certainly his tenure as president demonstrated very poor knowledge of the Constitution.

By the way, Trump has a significant amount of executive experience running a multi billion Dollar enterprise. Again, Obama never ran a popsicle stand.
I pointed out correctly that Obama had zero experience at running even a popsicle stand. He was a state senator for a short time and a US senator for two years. He voted present over 300 times. He accomplished very little in either position. I pointed out CNN's hypocrisy of complaining and laughing about Carson's lack of experience when they did none of the sort when Obama ran for president. In fact they were an Obama cheerleader. By the way, Obama was a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law school on the constitution. I'm not certain of that qualifies him as a constitutional scholar. And certainly his tenure as president demonstrated very poor knowledge of the Constitution.

By the way, Trump has a significant amount of executive experience running a multi billion Dollar enterprise. Again, Obama never ran a popsicle stand.

He taught Constitutional Law. You are on a roll today with the revisionist history.
You're right, I hate hypocrites. Especially those that throws a name out for secretary of state that was involved in a scandalous, and alarming, situation where he gave out national security secrets to his mistress.........all while that hypocrite campaigned on "lock her up".......[thumbsup]
He taught Constitutional Law. You are on a roll today with the revisionist history.

He was a lecturer. His lectures were in constitutional law. That does not make him a constitutional scholar. Jonathan Turley for example is a constitutional scholar. Obama is not in his league. He has not written a single book about the constitution. We never argued before the Supreme Court.

As the New York Times explains, Obama the lecturer taught three subjects only: "race, rights and gender."

His most traditional course was in the due process and equal protection areas of constitutional law. His voting rights class traced the evolution of election law, from the disenfranchisement of blacks to contemporary debates over districting and campaign finance. …His most original course, a historical and political seminar as much as a legal one, was on racism and law…

[In] one class on race, he imitated the way clueless white people talked. "Why are your friends at the housing projects shooting each other?" he asked in a mock-innocent voice. ...

Mr. Obama was especially eager for his charges to understand the horrors of the past, students say. He assigned a 1919 catalog of lynching victims, including some who were first raped or stripped of their ears and fingers, others who were pregnant or lynched with their children, and some whose charred bodies were sold off, bone fragment by bone fragment, to gawkers. … "Are there legal remedies that alleviate not just existing racism, but racism from the past?" Adam Gross, now a public interest lawyer in Chicago, wrote in his class notes in April 1994.

In what even some fans saw as self-absorption, Mr. Obama's hypothetical cases occasionally featured himself. "Take Barack Obama, there's a good-looking guy," he would introduce a twisty legal case.
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And they wonder why they lost the election......especially to a candidate like Trump.....they have no clue.
I wouldn't expect a Trumpet to know this but the election is not officially won or lost by anyone until Dec 19. Keep pretending if it makes you feel good though.
I wouldn't expect a Trumpet to know this but the election is not officially won or lost by anyone until Dec 19. Keep pretending if it makes you feel good though.
It's over, deal with it