Watched a few old videos of Trump......

Look who is name calling and making assumptions about other people's ideology based on who they do not support as President.

I've read OG post plenty of times that he'd support Pence.

You and OM have something in common. You are both low information voters.
So, the killing of Bin Laden is Bush? Or Trump given that one, too?
The one accomplishment that all Americans can praise. Sorry I forgot that one and I just watched the movie again last week. I couldn't believe they took out the ending.
Look who is name calling and making assumptions about other people's ideology based on who they do not support as President.

I've read OG post plenty of times that he'd support Pence.
1. You haven't apparently read him enough to know that he supports whoever is considered the safe popular pick.

2. Supporting Pence over Trump isn't the same as voting for Pence. Who honestly wouldn't prefer a Pence President over the Don?
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That's CIA and Navy Seals. Obama made the call to send them in.

Then how can president's get credit for the economy? It's ultimately the business leaders in the industries who create the jobs, the president merely gives them the "opportunity" to do so.........;)
Then how can president's get credit for the economy? It's ultimately the business leaders in the industries who create the jobs, the president merely gives them the "opportunity" to do so.........;)
When businesses say they plan to break ground because said President was elected. When others follow suit crediting a president's economic policies. This began happening in November and hasn't stopped including yesterday's announcement by Apple.
When businesses say they plan to break ground because said President was elected. When others follow suit crediting a president's economic policies. This began happening in November and hasn't stopped including yesterday's announcement by Apple.

And the president ordered the raid that killed Bin Laden........without the order, that could not have happened. Sorry, but you cannot pick and choose who gets credit for this or that.
And the president ordered the raid that killed Bin Laden........without the order, that could not have happened. Sorry, but you cannot pick and choose who gets credit for this or that.
You are wrong AGAIN. They had a standing order to find Bin Laden. They said they were ready to GO (take him out) and Obama had 2 options; yes or no. He could hardly say no regardless of how much wanted to.
When businesses say they plan to break ground because said President was elected. When others follow suit crediting a president's economic policies. This began happening in November and hasn't stopped including yesterday's announcement by Apple.
That's all great if true. Business leaders have to be getting a little antsy watching Trump's inability to enact his agenda to date. Maybe he'll get some things passed before he leaves office. Not sure what Apple announcement you speak of though Apple won't confirm the so called prez's comments.
Trump said Apple's Tim Cook 'promised' him he'd build three US factories, says report
You are wrong AGAIN. They had a standing order to find Bin Laden. They said they were ready to GO (take him out) and Obama had 2 options; yes or no. He could hardly say no regardless of how much wanted to.

Nice story.......he gave the order.......the action could not have been done without the explicit orders from the commander-in-chief. And nice speculation on him "not wanting to"....Good Lord. [eyeroll]
Nice story.......he gave the order.......the action could not have been done without the explicit orders from the commander-in-chief. And nice speculation on him "not wanting to"....Good Lord. [eyeroll]
Order = "yes"


Don't worry, the flow will subside in a couple of days. Try some chocolate and Midol.
You are bipolar in your statements.

I am very consistent in what I believe. Some are conservative and some are liberal. My few extreme views are far more conservative. I am no Bernie or Elizabeth supporter by any stretch. I call myself a left-leaning moderate. I think that is accurate.
I am very consistent in what I believe. Some are conservative and some are liberal. My few extreme views are far more conservative. I am no Bernie or Elizabeth supporter by any stretch. I call myself a left-leaning moderate. I think that is accurate.
Like the Yeti, there are no left leaning moderates.
I am very consistent in what I believe. Some are conservative and some are liberal. My few extreme views are far more conservative. I am no Bernie or Elizabeth supporter by any stretch. I call myself a left-leaning moderate. I think that is accurate.

Oh so you were a moderate and now a left leaning moderate. Your story always changes like the low info voter that you are.
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Oh so you were a moderate and now a left leaning moderate. Your story always changes like the low info voter that you are.

Come up with something new and fresh. Since I have jointed this forum I have classified my politics as left leaning. It strikes me as odd that somebody as far right as you who lacks the mental capacity to see an issue from multiple sides would call folks "low information" voters. To me, folks who view everthing from one side of the policital spectrum, right or left, would inherently less likely to be fully informed on any topic. But that is just me....the low information guy.
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Like the Yeti, there are no left leaning moderates.

few....there are a few. More right-leaning moderates among my friends. And if not for my strong views on healthcare and education, I'd probably say I leaned right. You make recall I loved the DeVos nomination for Secretary of Education until she failed to even prepare for her confirmation hearing. I truly believe the far left's imprint on K-12 education has hurt this country for a generation.
Come up with something new and fresh. Since I have jointed this forum I have classified my politics as left leaning. It strikes me as odd that somebody as far right as you who lacks the mental capacity to see an issue from multiple sides would call folks "low information" voters. To me, folks who view everthing from one side of the policital spectrum, right or left, would inherently less likely to be fully informed on any topic. But that is just me....the low information guy.
So, you are one of those that "feels very strongly - both ways"? In other words, you are still looking for a leader to tell you what you think? Very suspect.
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So, you are one of those that "feels very strongly - both ways"? In other words, you are still looking for a leader to tell you what you think? Very suspect.

How did you draw that conclusion? I don't feel strongly both ways on any issue, but that doesn't mean I can't view an issue from both sides. Yes some of my beliefs are liberal and some conservative. There are lots of folks like that.
Come up with something new and fresh. Since I have jointed this forum I have classified my politics as left leaning. It strikes me as odd that somebody as far right as you who lacks the mental capacity to see an issue from multiple sides would call folks "low information" voters. To me, folks who view everthing from one side of the policital spectrum, right or left, would inherently less likely to be fully informed on any topic. But that is just me....the low information guy.

Except just yesterday you literally said that you were a moderate. Not a let leaning moderate, not a right leaning moderate. You are one strange dumb ass.
few....there are a few. More right-leaning moderates among my friends. And if not for my strong views on healthcare and education, I'd probably say I leaned right. You make recall I loved the DeVos nomination for Secretary of Education until she failed to even prepare for her confirmation hearing. I truly believe the far left's imprint on K-12 education has hurt this country for a generation.
Liberalism has hurt this country far more than conservatism.
Liberalism has hurt this country far more than conservatism.

Really? Interesting.........

Liberalism brought us:

1) Declaration of Independence
2) Emancipation Proclamation
3) Civil War Amendments
4) Women's Voting Rights
5) Child Labor Laws
6) Pure Food and Drug Act

I think those are suffice to prove that perhaps your theory is a bit flawed......
Yeah, I know what you mean. They love "alternative facts." I think they are struggling to get over the Bowling Green least that is what Frederick Douglas is saying. It could be the sting of the largest inauguration crowd in history.
Hell some thought that SCOTUS would allow lower court morons to stand between POTUS and his executive power. Morons.
Really? Interesting.........

Liberalism brought us:

1) Declaration of Independence
2) Emancipation Proclamation
3) Civil War Amendments
4) Women's Voting Rights
5) Child Labor Laws
6) Pure Food and Drug Act

I think those are suffice to prove that perhaps your theory is a bit flawed......
Thanks again for inserting nut fukincrazy to yet 1 more thread.
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This is why all the right's talk about being tolerant and open minded is complete bullsh1t
No, it is a statement about the conflicting terms left and moderate. Tolerant liberals that won't accept conservative LGBYTQs and heterosexual females is bullshit.
Really? Interesting.........

Liberalism brought us:

1) Declaration of Independence
2) Emancipation Proclamation
3) Civil War Amendments
4) Women's Voting Rights
5) Child Labor Laws
6) Pure Food and Drug Act

I think those are suffice to prove that perhaps your theory is a bit flawed......
First, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln et al, were never liberal in todays thinking. You need to come to grips with that. Not one of those guys would believe in unbridled welfare. second, who said giving the women the right to vote was good. [winking]
No, it is a statement about the conflicting terms left and moderate. Tolerant liberals that won't accept conservative LGBYTQs and heterosexual females is bullshit.
I'm not sure what this post was,' be bullsh1t too
First, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln et al, were never liberal in todays thinking. You need to come to grips with that. Not one of those guys would believe in unbridled welfare. second, who said giving the women the right to vote was good. [winking]

But, they were "liberal" in their time......and you said liberalism has done more damage than good. The thoughts of "equality" based on race or gender was/is considered a "liberal" view.
I'm not sure what this post was,' be bullsh1t too
I think my reply/refutation to you was clear enough. I would explain, but it wouldn't do any good in the closed state of mind you've been exhibiting lately.

You are wrong AGAIN. They had a standing order to find Bin Laden. They said they were ready to GO (take him out) and Obama had 2 options; yes or no. He could hardly say no regardless of how much wanted to.
GWB made statement for television, "like in old western movie, there will be posters "Wanted Dead or Alive". He made that broad statement to apply to anyone involved. To the best of my knowledge the presidential order was never rescinded. Obama extended his ass to approve going into a country with which we were not at war.

Also, I was not aware that this had been in works for several months. It was not something that suddenly developed and quick decision to go was made at that minute. Legal consequences were considered using both US Con law and Military law. A lot of forethought by a small group. Secrecy was maintained by not sharing plans with many top level officials.
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