Uphold our Immigration Laws and deport the 11M illegals...

That will be good GOP press, kicking dreamers out of the military and sending folks back to countries they have never lived in, what the **** is wrong with you heartless bastards? Make America Ugly Again, must be what the KKK and Nazis see in your parties goals.
You might want to check your facts a little more and back off the military aspect related to the 'dreamers'. Seems there are only about 0.01% of these folks actually serving in the military. Nice propaganda line, but hardly a factual, convincing argument regarding their worth to the USA. I do not understand the furor that his announcement has caused. It has been distorted by the Dems and media to imply something not contained within it. He has directed Congress to do it's job and pass legislation for him to sign that deals with these folks. This is, BTW, their job and not that of the President (unlike the Constitutionally illegal action taken by Obama)! What will happen IF they refuse to discharge their responsibilities? It then falls back on the President who, as CHIEF EXECUTIVE, is mandated to enforce the laws of the Country. These folks are, admittedly, here illegally. The President does not have the option to ignore laws with which he disagrees (unlike Obama who chose to ignore the Constitution he was sworn to uphold). Get off the President's back and direct your outrage toward the Congress where the problem lies. Meanwhile educate yourselves to learn factual information and divorce yourselves from the twisted propaganda/spin of the left and media.
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That's not true, or they would be US citizens. What about the millions of Americans already suffering without gainful employment? Heartless bastard.

Most healthy Americans that lack gainful employment have chosen that life to one degree or another. Either they chose to remain in an area where there are few or no jobs, they elected not to continue with their education, they chose to abuse drugs or alcohol, or they are completely comfortable living off the government. We all are responsible for our own well-being and career Tarheel. I sincerely believe that. There I have moved 7 times for jobs. There are jobs available in many parts of this country, high paying jobs too that aren't filled. By some accounts, there are 40,000 truck driving jobs open in the US. Unfortunately there aren't many jobs in Logan, Weirton or Bluefield. But it doesn't mean that there aren't opportunities for Americans all over this country.

This from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (July data)
On the last business day of July, there were 6.2 million job openings, little changed from June. The job openings rate was 4.0 percent. The number of job openings was little changed for total private and decreased for government (-58,000). Job openings increased in a number of industries with the largest
increases occurring in other services (+111,000), transportation, warehousing, and utilities (+70,000), and educational services (+26,000). Job openings decreased in health care and social assistance (-72,000), state and local government, excluding education (-46,000), and federal government (-21,000). The number of job openings was little changed in the regions.

How is that for a right-leaning viewpoint? ;)
Nearly 80% of Americans oppose deportation of Dreamers.

Congratulations! That shows how extreme fringe some of you are.
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Nearly 80% of Americans oppose deportation of Dreamers.

Congratulations! That shows how extreme fringe some of you are.
I oppose deporting them as well. However, of Congress doesn't do its job and create some legislation that can be agreed upon, what do we do? Just ignore the law?
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Nearly 80% of Americans oppose deportation of Dreamers.

Congratulations! That shows how extreme fringe some of you are.

I frankly am amazed that the far right is pushing this. I don't get it from any angle. Many supporting mass deportation don't understand the simple economics of immigration. We need the labor. We need the taxes and FICA paid. We need the improved infrastructure that should follow increased population. We don't need the gangsters, drug dealers, or others that just want to cause issues. We also don't need or want uncontrolled borders and endless streams of refugees as this drains federal and state resources.
I frankly am amazed that the far right is pushing this. I don't get it from any angle. Many supporting mass deportation don't understand the simple economics of immigration. We need the labor. We need the taxes and FICA paid. We need the improved infrastructure that should follow increased population. We don't need the gangsters, drug dealers, or others that just want to cause issues. We also don't need or want uncontrolled borders and endless streams of refugees as this drains federal and state resources.
This is one of the few times the Trump admin is 100% right. It wasn't going to hold up in the courts. This bought everyone some more time.
I frankly am amazed that the far right is pushing this. I don't get it from any angle. Many supporting mass deportation don't understand the simple economics of immigration. We need the labor. We need the taxes and FICA paid. We need the improved infrastructure that should follow increased population. We don't need the gangsters, drug dealers, or others that just want to cause issues. We also don't need or want uncontrolled borders and endless streams of refugees as this drains federal and state resources.
They don't get it.
I frankly am amazed that the far right is pushing this. I don't get it from any angle. Many supporting mass deportation don't understand the simple economics of immigration. We need the labor. We need the taxes and FICA paid. We need the improved infrastructure that should follow increased population. We don't need the gangsters, drug dealers, or others that just want to cause issues. We also don't need or want uncontrolled borders and endless streams of refugees as this drains federal and state resources.

For me it's a starting point for negotiation. Dreamers should face tougher immigration standards than standard legal immigrants, since they broke the rules, even if no fault of their own. Legal immigrant rules for the most part, plus some penalty, would be my red line. And it's a non-starter before the border is controlled: walls, monitoring, whatever it takes.
For me it's a starting point for negotiation. Dreamers should face tougher immigration standards than standard legal immigrants, since they broke the rules, even if no fault of their own. Legal immigrant rules for the most part, plus some penalty, would be my red line. And it's a non-starter before the border is controlled: walls, monitoring, whatever it takes.

My paternal grandfather broke the rules. Trump's mother broke the rules. Melania Trump may have technically broken the rules. Why care now? They have integrated into the US. Let them stay.
apparently you libtards still don't understand the concept...

"no one is above the law"...

'if the clintons don't follow the law, no one needs too'... should be your motto...
Feds: 30% surge in illegals losing DACA freedom for crimes, gang ...
Aug 29, 2017 - On the eve of President Trump deciding the status of the Obama era program deferring deportation for nearly 800,000 mostly Latin American ...

Where Some See 'Dreamers', Kobach Finds 'Gang-Bangers' - NBC ...
Sep 1, 2017 - Kris Kobach, the Kansas Secretary of State who leads the White House vote fraud commission, said Friday that DACA allows "a lot ofgang-bangers" to be released after they get arrested. In an interview on MSNBC, Kobach said some DACA recipients, known as “Dreamers,” are not ...

Plenty Of DACA Recipients DREAM Of Crime | The Daily Caller
Sep 4, 2017 - Over 2000 have lost their status due to crime.
My paternal grandfather broke the rules. Trump's mother broke the rules. Melania Trump may have technically broken the rules. Why care now? They have integrated into the US. Let them stay.
How did they break the rules? They legitimately came here illegally and didn't process through Ellis Island? Simply being an immigrant doesn't mean you're breaking the rules. Stop confusing mass immigration of the 19th and 20th century as the same thing as running across the border in the night.
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This is one of the few times the Trump admin is 100% right. It wasn't going to hold up in the courts. This bought everyone some more time.
I was a brilliant political move by Trump. This issue needs to be taken care of once and for all. BTW.....I oppose sending them back and I believe he should give blanket amnesty for all except criminals.
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I didn't say they couldn't stay. I said they'll have to work for citizenship.
How did they break the rules? They legitimately came here illegally and didn't process through Ellis Island? Simply being an immigrant doesn't mean you're breaking the rules. Stop confusing mass immigration of the 19th and 20th century as the same thing as running across the border in the night.

My grandfather illegally crossed from Croatia through Canada. My grandmother came legally through Ellis Island. I am not confused.
REPORT: Trump Prepares To Abandon Wall In Favor Of Legalizing DREAMers
