Trump's campaign slogan, MAGA, what does that mean to you?


Gold Member
Feb 2, 2008
I was thinking about this while reading Bama's comments on Trump's campaign being negative and fear mongering. I realize we all interpret things differently based on life experiences. I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on the MAGA slogan. When you see that, what does it mean to you? Why do you think that? Looking for some honest discussion on this.
It means make America white again and represents the divide between those living in rural areas as opposed to metropolitan areas. Fear of the unknown I think mainly. There is much more diversity where people live in a City as opposed to say Keyser. I can see where my friends who have never even seen a Muslim or a Hispanic could be scared of the perceived threats multiculturalism throws at them. Add in the fear mongering about Guns being confiscated or Sharia law being instituted and I totally understand where my Trump supporting friends are coming from. I think they are wrong but we don't discuss it or argue. I only do that on here!
I was thinking about this while reading Bama's comments on Trump's campaign being negative and fear mongering. I realize we all interpret things differently based on life experiences. I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on the MAGA slogan. When you see that, what does it mean to you? Why do you think that? Looking for some honest discussion on this.
Populist, isolationist, protectionist garbage.
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See, I personally don't feel it has anything to do with what Keyser was saying. I personally don't get that at all. That's fine, it's his opinion and that's what I asked for. I don't think there is a wrong answer here.

To me, it means whatever you want it to. In my case it would be returning America to a time where people weren't so entrenched in their ideals and compromise between the parties was the leading philosophy. It means working together towards bettering America. It means improving the economy. It means bettering the lives of the less fortunate, encouraging job growth, strengthening retirement, and generally having people feel optimistic about the future. All of these things are currently lacking and have since essentially 9/11.

I'm tired of being told I should feel guilty about success, guilted into caring about things I don't, won't, and never will. I'm tired of being demonized, scrutinized, and categorized. I'm an American. I fought and was willing to die for every American in this country. I don't consider myself different than a Hispanic, or black, or Asian American. If they love this country, that's all I care about, we're all the same. I'm tired of victims and faux outrage. I'm tired of the bitching and not doing. I want to feel optimistic about the times ahead.

That's what MAGA means to me when I hear it. I only wish the man behind it measured up to what it means.
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See, I personally don't feel it has anything to do with what Keyser was saying. I personally don't get that at all. That's fine, it's his opinion and that's what I asked for. I don't think there is a wrong answer here.

To me, it means whatever you want it to. In my case it would be returning America to a time where people weren't so entrenched in their ideals and compromise between the parties was the leading philosophy. It means working together towards bettering America. It means improving the economy. It means bettering the lives of the less fortunate, encouraging job growth, strengthening retirement, and generally having people feel optimistic about the future. All of these things are currently lacking and have since essentially 9/11.

I'm tired of being told I should feel guilty about success, guilted into caring about things I don't, won't, and never will. I'm tired of being demonized, scrutinized, and categorized. I'm an American. I fought and was willing to die for every American in this country. I don't consider myself different than a Hispanic, or black, or Asian American. If they love this country, that's all I care about, we're all the same. I'm tired of victims and faux outrage. I'm tired of the bitching and not doing. I want to feel optimistic about the times ahead.

That's what MAGA means to me when I hear it. I only wish the man behind it measured up to what it means.
Hopefully your oppression will end soon and you will be set free.
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To me, it means America is not great right now. I totally disagree with this. Sure we have problems, but America IS great. Right now!

He really needed a different slogan. He should have hired an expert. He is/has gained a lot of support and won the primaries based on CHANGE. Most of his theme is "I'm not like everyone else", "I'm not part of Washington DC". Every other Republican Presidential nominee was either a member of Congress, former member of Congress or a Governor or former Governor (except Fiorina).

It's really an unpatriotic slogan and it matched the whole flavor and theme of the Republican convention, which was very hateful, angry and negative.
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To me, it means America is not great right now. I totally disagree with this. Sure we have problems, but America IS great. Right now!

He really needed a different slogan. He should have hired an expert. He is/has gained a lot of support and won the primaries based on CHANGE. Most of his theme is "I'm not like everyone else", "I'm not part of Washington DC". Every other Republican Presidential nominee was either a member of Congress, former member of Congress or a Governor or former Governor (except Fiorina).

It's really an unpatriotic slogan and it matched the whole flavor and theme of the Republican convention, which was very hateful, angry and negative.

Is it "great" right now? What makes it "great"?

It's a stupid campaign slogan meant to appeal to the masses. As stupid as "Hope" and "Change".
Is it "great" right now? What makes it "great"?

It's a stupid campaign slogan meant to appeal to the masses. As stupid as "Hope" and "Change".
Really, what made Hope and Change stupid? The fact that it was uttered by a Black man with a funny name? How does it compare to "It's Morning Again in America" (Reagan) or "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" (Clinton, taken from Fleetwood Mac) or "Yes America Can!" (George W. Bush)

As for stupid appealing to the masses, this is what you get:
To me, it means America is not great right now. I totally disagree with this. Sure we have problems, but America IS great. Right now!

He really needed a different slogan. He should have hired an expert. He is/has gained a lot of support and won the primaries based on CHANGE. Most of his theme is "I'm not like everyone else", "I'm not part of Washington DC". Every other Republican Presidential nominee was either a member of Congress, former member of Congress or a Governor or former Governor (except Fiorina).

It's really an unpatriotic slogan and it matched the whole flavor and theme of the Republican convention, which was very hateful, angry and negative.
It's no more unpatriotic than Hope and Change were in 08 in my opinion. The same logic you used could apply to that, the implication being people lacked hope and needed change.

In both cases though, I agree, the country needed change, then. I also think with the state of our current political climate we need a change now. Our country works best when it's working together which it's currently not. Hillary is more despised than Obama by the right. Any thought that she'll be able to bridge the gap is pure delusion on the part of her and those who are going to vote for her. She's absolutely despised, I mean after all, that whole Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Christ, there is a sizable group within your own party who can't stand her.
See, I personally don't feel it has anything to do with what Keyser was saying. I personally don't get that at all. That's fine, it's his opinion and that's what I asked for. I don't think there is a wrong answer here.

To me, it means whatever you want it to. In my case it would be returning America to a time where people weren't so entrenched in their ideals and compromise between the parties was the leading philosophy. It means working together towards bettering America. It means improving the economy. It means bettering the lives of the less fortunate, encouraging job growth, strengthening retirement, and generally having people feel optimistic about the future. All of these things are currently lacking and have since essentially 9/11.

I'm tired of being told I should feel guilty about success, guilted into caring about things I don't, won't, and never will. I'm tired of being demonized, scrutinized, and categorized. I'm an American. I fought and was willing to die for every American in this country. I don't consider myself different than a Hispanic, or black, or Asian American. If they love this country, that's all I care about, we're all the same. I'm tired of victims and faux outrage. I'm tired of the bitching and not doing. I want to feel optimistic about the times ahead.

That's what MAGA means to me when I hear it. I only wish the man behind it measured up to what it means.

As I was reading what you wrote, I heard America the Beautiful playing in my head, but also was thinking "yeah, but it's Trump's slogan and he's not doing any of that" ... and then I saw your last statement.

To me it means that America isn't great anymore but it once was. It's a sentiment that I don't agree with, but that's what it means to me when I hear/see it.

If it isn't great now ... which I happen to think it is ... then when was it? And for whom was it great? Because until recently it wasn't great for gay people. Until 40 years ago, it sure wasn't great for blacks. In different areas of the country at different times it wasn't great for Italians, Irish, German, etc. I'm sure it isn't all that great for Muslims right now.

So, what exactly is he talking about?

America is pretty great ... we've just taken so much shit for granted that we don't see it anymore. Everybody complains about the economy but how many of us are really suffering from this? If I didn't read the papers or anything like that, I wouldn't notice much difference in my life. I still have my job, all my friends still have their jobs, etc.

Do we not realize how good we have it? I volunteer for an organization that provides solar lighting to 3rd world countries. They had to be taught how to use the switch because they had never seen one. A SWITCH!! We have food in abundance in this country. We have power everywhere, we have internet everywhere.

We have issues, of course ... but we've got it pretty damn great and it isn't lost on me.

I sit at Mountaineer Field on Saturdays, after tailgating with friends at my motorhome ... and I honestly think of people in this world that can barely survive. The thought of wasting an afternoon at a football game is something they couldn't even fathom.

America is great ... there's always room for improvement, but really pay attention to everything around you. This is pretty damn nice.
As I was reading what you wrote, I heard America the Beautiful playing in my head, but also was thinking "yeah, but it's Trump's slogan and he's not doing any of that" ... and then I saw your last statement.

To me it means that America isn't great anymore but it once was. It's a sentiment that I don't agree with, but that's what it means to me when I hear/see it.

If it isn't great now ... which I happen to think it is ... then when was it? And for whom was it great? Because until recently it wasn't great for gay people. Until 40 years ago, it sure wasn't great for blacks. In different areas of the country at different times it wasn't great for Italians, Irish, German, etc. I'm sure it isn't all that great for Muslims right now.

So, what exactly is he talking about?

America is pretty great ... we've just taken so much shit for granted that we don't see it anymore. Everybody complains about the economy but how many of us are really suffering from this? If I didn't read the papers or anything like that, I wouldn't notice much difference in my life. I still have my job, all my friends still have their jobs, etc.

Do we not realize how good we have it? I volunteer for an organization that provides solar lighting to 3rd world countries. They had to be taught how to use the switch because they had never seen one. A SWITCH!! We have food in abundance in this country. We have power everywhere, we have internet everywhere.

We have issues, of course ... but we've got it pretty damn great and it isn't lost on me.

I sit at Mountaineer Field on Saturdays, after tailgating with friends at my motorhome ... and I honestly think of people in this world that can barely survive. The thought of wasting an afternoon at a football game is something they couldn't even fathom.

America is great ... there's always room for improvement, but really pay attention to everything around you. This is pretty damn nice.
I agree 100% with all of this.

I don't agree that our political system is great right now, candidates aside. If Trumpnis positioning as the outsider to shake up Washington and get those jackasses working for us again, the slogan makes perfect sense.
As I was reading what you wrote, I heard America the Beautiful playing in my head, but also was thinking "yeah, but it's Trump's slogan and he's not doing any of that" ... and then I saw your last statement.

To me it means that America isn't great anymore but it once was. It's a sentiment that I don't agree with, but that's what it means to me when I hear/see it.

If it isn't great now ... which I happen to think it is ... then when was it? And for whom was it great? Because until recently it wasn't great for gay people. Until 40 years ago, it sure wasn't great for blacks. In different areas of the country at different times it wasn't great for Italians, Irish, German, etc. I'm sure it isn't all that great for Muslims right now.

So, what exactly is he talking about?

America is pretty great ... we've just taken so much shit for granted that we don't see it anymore. Everybody complains about the economy but how many of us are really suffering from this? If I didn't read the papers or anything like that, I wouldn't notice much difference in my life. I still have my job, all my friends still have their jobs, etc.

Do we not realize how good we have it? I volunteer for an organization that provides solar lighting to 3rd world countries. They had to be taught how to use the switch because they had never seen one. A SWITCH!! We have food in abundance in this country. We have power everywhere, we have internet everywhere.

We have issues, of course ... but we've got it pretty damn great and it isn't lost on me.

I sit at Mountaineer Field on Saturdays, after tailgating with friends at my motorhome ... and I honestly think of people in this world that can barely survive. The thought of wasting an afternoon at a football game is something they couldn't even fathom.

America is great ... there's always room for improvement, but really pay attention to everything around you. This is pretty damn nice.
It's my favorite country on my favorite planet.
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I agree 100% with all of this.

I don't agree that our political system is great right now, candidates aside. If Trumpnis positioning as the outsider to shake up Washington and get those jackasses working for us again, the slogan makes perfect sense.

Absolutely our political system is a mess ... no question about that. I don't think either of these 2 candidates can begin to fix it though.

Trump might accidentally fix it just because he is so disliked by so many in his own party, they may actually work with the Democrats against him.
Our country works best when it's working together which it's currently not. Hillary is more despised than Obama by the right. Any thought that she'll be able to bridge the gap is pure delusion on the part of her and those who are going to vote for her. She's absolutely despised, I mean after all, that whole Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Christ, there is a sizable group within your own party who can't stand her.

Call me cynical, but I don't believe there is a single candidate, Republican, Democrat, Independent, etc. that could unite this country. We have different political beliefs and always will. The Democrats and Republicans (and Independents if they gain enough force, get enough numbers) in Congress will always fight one another. Hell, political parties have lied, orchestrated witch hunts, committed crimes such as breaking and entering, perjury, closed bridges, shut down the government, threatened each other with violence and bodily harm, etc. etc. just to gain a "political advantage".
Are you reading too much into the slogan? We have had better days and he wants to restore the country to better days. Economy is number 1. We have been off track for several years. hopefully this is not the new accepted norm for our country. We need better opportunity. We need an excess of jobs so that we are not afraid to spend for fear we cannot replace. We need jobs that allows a person to have available advancement if he wishes to drive.

Government, often used term of follow the constitution. Three co-equal branches. Suggestion for congress, lower the pay scale to 110 of the people you represent. Buy the Watergate to house congress while in town. Everyone eat and drink at the same establishment in the basement. Force those excessively privileged bastards to interface. Workweek noon Mon and Fri and daily full day.

If they don't really want to represent constituents, get the hell out of DC. Salary of $180,000 does not represent the general population.

Military needs to be funded as leader to keep peace in the world.

I think we can have country full of people who can live in style as we did with Reagan and Bill. President can coordinate and keep congress active in making improvements. If a few in congress buck, have fireside chat and tell who is holding up progress.

Hell, I could make a lot of changes. Right now I am offering a few that will have a great impact in MAGA.
Call me cynical, but I don't believe there is a single candidate, Republican, Democrat, Independent, etc. that could unite this country. We have different political beliefs and always will. The Democrats and Republicans (and Independents if they gain enough force, get enough numbers) in Congress will always fight one another. Hell, political parties have lied, orchestrated witch hunts, committed crimes such as breaking and entering, perjury, closed bridges, shut down the government, threatened each other with violence and bodily harm, etc. etc. just to gain a "political advantage".
We've always had individuals with extreme beliefs, but plenty of folks in the middle who could see some light between those 2 extremes, and those folks helped elect people who would negotiate compromises - from both parties - in order to keep things running. The way that redistricting has been done in lots of states - by D's and R's alike - have made most of the seats up for grabs in any given election a gimme for one party or another. There are only 16 seats of 435 in the House that are toss ups right now. Bear in mind that Congress has approval ratings below 20% and that's where they've been for a very long time.

I'm not trying to pick on the R's here, but one shining example of how lines are so poorly drawn for political reasons is Austin, TX. The city is split among 6 districts with the city holding a majority of none of those 6 districts.
Really, what made Hope and Change stupid? The fact that it was uttered by a Black man with a funny name? How does it compare to "It's Morning Again in America" (Reagan) or "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" (Clinton, taken from Fleetwood Mac) or "Yes America Can!" (George W. Bush)

As for stupid appealing to the masses, this is what you get:

It's empty ****ing rhetoric.

Did you not see my previous post:
"More of the same. Hope, Change, Country First, Let America Be America Again,"
As I was reading what you wrote, I heard America the Beautiful playing in my head, but also was thinking "yeah, but it's Trump's slogan and he's not doing any of that" ... and then I saw your last statement.

To me it means that America isn't great anymore but it once was. It's a sentiment that I don't agree with, but that's what it means to me when I hear/see it.

If it isn't great now ... which I happen to think it is ... then when was it? And for whom was it great? Because until recently it wasn't great for gay people. Until 40 years ago, it sure wasn't great for blacks. In different areas of the country at different times it wasn't great for Italians, Irish, German, etc. I'm sure it isn't all that great for Muslims right now.

So, what exactly is he talking about?

America is pretty great ... we've just taken so much shit for granted that we don't see it anymore. Everybody complains about the economy but how many of us are really suffering from this? If I didn't read the papers or anything like that, I wouldn't notice much difference in my life. I still have my job, all my friends still have their jobs, etc.

Do we not realize how good we have it? I volunteer for an organization that provides solar lighting to 3rd world countries. They had to be taught how to use the switch because they had never seen one. A SWITCH!! We have food in abundance in this country. We have power everywhere, we have internet everywhere.

We have issues, of course ... but we've got it pretty damn great and it isn't lost on me.

I sit at Mountaineer Field on Saturdays, after tailgating with friends at my motorhome ... and I honestly think of people in this world that can barely survive. The thought of wasting an afternoon at a football game is something they couldn't even fathom.

America is great ... there's always room for improvement, but really pay attention to everything around you. This is pretty damn nice.
Excellent comments.......but I think most Americans know that most campaign slogans are what they are....just a bunch of meaningless words. I seriously doubt any of us are basing our vote on slogans. insulted the French by lumping them in the etc....category.
As I was reading what you wrote, I heard America the Beautiful playing in my head, but also was thinking "yeah, but it's Trump's slogan and he's not doing any of that" ... and then I saw your last statement.

To me it means that America isn't great anymore but it once was. It's a sentiment that I don't agree with, but that's what it means to me when I hear/see it.

If it isn't great now ... which I happen to think it is ... then when was it? And for whom was it great? Because until recently it wasn't great for gay people. Until 40 years ago, it sure wasn't great for blacks. In different areas of the country at different times it wasn't great for Italians, Irish, German, etc. I'm sure it isn't all that great for Muslims right now.

So, what exactly is he talking about?

America is pretty great ... we've just taken so much shit for granted that we don't see it anymore. Everybody complains about the economy but how many of us are really suffering from this? If I didn't read the papers or anything like that, I wouldn't notice much difference in my life. I still have my job, all my friends still have their jobs, etc.

Do we not realize how good we have it? I volunteer for an organization that provides solar lighting to 3rd world countries. They had to be taught how to use the switch because they had never seen one. A SWITCH!! We have food in abundance in this country. We have power everywhere, we have internet everywhere.

We have issues, of course ... but we've got it pretty damn great and it isn't lost on me.

I sit at Mountaineer Field on Saturdays, after tailgating with friends at my motorhome ... and I honestly think of people in this world that can barely survive. The thought of wasting an afternoon at a football game is something they couldn't even fathom.

America is great ... there's always room for improvement, but really pay attention to everything around you. This is pretty damn nice.
I have no dog in the fight but still enjoy to follow and keep track hope you don't mind...indeed this is a great post.
I'll be down for KST...where exactly is that tailgate WhiteTailEER? :wink:
Excellent comments.......but I think most Americans know that most campaign slogans are what they are....just a bunch of meaningless words. I seriously doubt any of us are basing our vote on slogans. insulted the French by lumping them in the etc....category.
I have roughly ten million up here to send you bornaneer (excluding my wife...she hasn't pissed me off that much...yet). They will talk all romantic about how all is wonderful, whisper sweet nothings in your ear and then? Not reach for your wallet but pry it out of your hand any which way possible!!!....we let them have it...just to end the crying and woe is me histrionics....for awhile...uh...hold on...this IS my wife! :flushed:
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I was thinking about this while reading Bama's comments on Trump's campaign being negative and fear mongering. I realize we all interpret things differently based on life experiences. I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on the MAGA slogan. When you see that, what does it mean to you? Why do you think that? Looking for some honest discussion on this.

In my honest opinion, all you have to do to understand what it means is to look at the people that work for Trump's campaign and the things they have said.....especially about minorities. He just had another person resign for statements about how blacks have only themselves to blame and how there was no racism in America until Obama.

I was raised simple. And some of the simple teachings were "you are who you hang with". Well, no doubt Trump and his people hire those who SHARE the same beliefs as they do. They only resign to attempt to take those negative statements with them and off of Trump. I can't tell you how many times we heard the name Reverend Wright in 2008. Now, those weren't Obama's words that the reverend said....but people said that he must share those same beliefs since he kept going to that church. So why can't that same logic be used on Trump? Why is Trump so untouchable on things like this?

My point being that it's a simple slogan and you are right, it can mean whatever you want it to mean. However, in saying that, hate groups can take this slogan and run with it as well. To me his campaign is more about fear and hate......and I base that on his people running his campaign, but he did trust them and hire them to get him elected, so it must come from somewhere, right?
Polls show that 70% or more of Americans think the country is "on the wrong track" or "headed in the wrong direction" depending on how the poll is worded. I think the slogan is playing to that.
In my honest opinion, all you have to do to understand what it means is to look at the people that work for Trump's campaign and the things they have said.....especially about minorities. He just had another person resign for statements about how blacks have only themselves to blame and how there was no racism in America until Obama.

I was raised simple. And some of the simple teachings were "you are who you hang with". Well, no doubt Trump and his people hire those who SHARE the same beliefs as they do. They only resign to attempt to take those negative statements with them and off of Trump. I can't tell you how many times we heard the name Reverend Wright in 2008. Now, those weren't Obama's words that the reverend said....but people said that he must share those same beliefs since he kept going to that church. So why can't that same logic be used on Trump? Why is Trump so untouchable on things like this?

My point being that it's a simple slogan and you are right, it can mean whatever you want it to mean. However, in saying that, hate groups can take this slogan and run with it as well. To me his campaign is more about fear and hate......and I base that on his people running his campaign, but he did trust them and hire them to get him elected, so it must come from somewhere, right?
Shocking that you made this about race....again.
Trump is not racist. You are a race baiting simpleton.
Trump is not racist.

I don't think he is either, he's a lot of negative things, but I don't think racist is one of them.

More fear mongering and victimization from the left.

You do realize he was sued by the DOJ for discrimination and lost, right? So, a guy that was sued by the DOJ for discrimination and loses is not racist?

In 1991, Trump was accused of making racial slurs against black people in a book written by John R. O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, called “Trumped!” O’Donnell wrote that Trump once said, in reference to a black accountant at Trump Plaza, “laziness is a trait in blacks.” He also told O’Donnell: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

The Central Park Five
You do realize he was sued by the DOJ for discrimination and lost, right? So, a guy that was sued by the DOJ for discrimination and loses is not racist?

In 1991, Trump was accused of making racial slurs against black people in a book written by John R. O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, called “Trumped!” O’Donnell wrote that Trump once said, in reference to a black accountant at Trump Plaza, “laziness is a trait in blacks.” He also told O’Donnell: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”
The Central Park Five

He must have been misquoted....Trump is the perfect man for the office of the presidency....he would bring unity to this country.....;)
O’Donnell: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”
You have to keep thing in perspective.........he did compliment the Jewish race. It could have been worse.....he never mentioned who carried his bags or served his coffee.
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You do realize he was sued by the DOJ for discrimination and lost, right? So, a guy that was sued by the DOJ for discrimination and loses is not racist?

In 1991, Trump was accused of making racial slurs against black people in a book written by John R. O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, called “Trumped!” O’Donnell wrote that Trump once said, in reference to a black accountant at Trump Plaza, “laziness is a trait in blacks.” He also told O’Donnell: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”
The Central Park Five
Kevin Plank is currently embroiled in a dispute with the city and its "race related and discriminatory" over one his projects because it doesn't have enough Section 8 housing planned properly. Additionally, one of the issues the specific community is complaining about is due to the increased property taxes that will occur and not enough low income type stores (dollar general, specifically) being planned.

Is he a racist?

Clinton has said previously, "they need to be brought to heel", racist?
Kevin Plank is currently embroiled in a dispute with the city and its "race related and discriminatory" over one his projects because it doesn't have enough Section 8 housing planned properly. Additionally, one of the issues the specific community is complaining about is due to the increased property taxes that will occur and not enough low income type stores (dollar general, specifically) being planned.

Is he a racist?

Clinton has said previously, "they need to be brought to heel", racist?

I'm not familiar with the situation. I thought we were discussing Trump.
I'm not familiar with the situation. I thought we were discussing Trump.
What I'm saying is massive developers often times are accused of and lose cases of discriminatory behavior and practices.

Further, the case you highlighted was against Fred Trump as I recall and was from the 70s. Different times and people change. Any such cases occurred in the last 40 years?

Hillary was against keeping gays in the closet and from openly serving in the military. She changed her stance when it became popular to do so. I actually wouldn't claim she is bigoted now nor would I claim she is a racist. A populist with no real conviction on anything other than what will get her elected is another story, but not bigoted or a racist even though I showed two similar instances and more recent than your examples.
Excellent comments.......but I think most Americans know that most campaign slogans are what they are....just a bunch of meaningless words. I seriously doubt any of us are basing our vote on slogans. insulted the French by lumping them in the etc....category.

Stinkin' frogs