
Gold Member
Jan 23, 2014

Atlanta-area prosecutors are considering bringing racketeering and conspiracy charges in connection with Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis could make decisions on charges this spring, the source said. Willis will bring her charging recommendations to the regularly seated grand juries, who each serve two-month terms.


Atlanta-area prosecutors are considering bringing racketeering and conspiracy charges in connection with Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis could make decisions on charges this spring, the source said. Willis will bring her charging recommendations to the regularly seated grand juries, who each serve two-month terms.

That's freaking awesome.
Y'all do realize biff's phone call to GA pressuring them to find '11,780' votes was a tad illegal, right?
How was it have any proof that he offered to pay them money or threatened them with bodily damage? If Willis has proof of that....she might have a case.
It may have been to leave no stone un-turned for recounts and machine checks.
I'm sure that Trump made many phone calls and pressured his people to "find votes" think that Al Gore told his people to find some Florida votes in 2000......of course he did.....I have no problem with that.
How do you define "pressuring" me your firsthand direct evidence.
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How was it have any proof that he offered to pay them money or threatened them with bodily damage? If Willis has proof of that....she might have a case.
It may have been to leave no stone un-turned for recounts and machine checks.
How do you define "pressuring" me your firsthand direct evidence.
Have you read anything about this at all?

Georgia official: Trump call to ‘find’ votes was a threat

Georgia officials fact-check an infamous Trump phone call in real time
Y'all do realize biff's phone call to GA pressuring them to find '11,780' votes was a tad illegal, right?
You do realize that Willis has repeatedly refused to release any Grand Jury transcripts.
How was it have any proof that he offered to pay them money or threatened them with bodily damage? If Willis has proof of that....she might have a case.
It may have been to leave no stone un-turned for recounts and machine checks.
I'm sure that Trump made many phone calls and pressured his people to "find votes" think that Al Gore told his people to find some Florida votes in 2000......of course he did.....I have no problem with that.
How do you define "pressuring" me your firsthand direct evidence.
Both state and federal laws were broken.
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I've never seen a political side and media so scared of one individual.
You're fine with Trump's efforts to steal a presidential election as are most right-wingers on this board. Not a good look for any of you.
Laughable......Trump should have handled it differently and should have let it go......but to say he tried to steal an election is a bit much.....but if it works for you go for it.

The Associated Press · Posted: Jan 07:
U.S. President Donald Trump has finally conceded the 2020 election to president-elect Joe Biden in a new video condemning his violent supporters who stormed the Capitol building on Wednesday.

In the statement posted to Twitter, Trump declined to mention Biden by name or explicitly admit he'd lost the election, instead saying now that Congress has certified the election results, the "new administration will be inaugurated on January 20" and his focus now turns to "ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power."

He called the riot in the Capitol a "heinous attack" that left him "outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem."
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Y'all do realize biff's phone call to GA pressuring them to find '11,780' votes was a tad illegal, right?
You’re projecting a lot to get over that hurdle of illegality. Nowhere did he say to do anything illegal. Nowhere did he threaten any retaliatory action. Nowhere did he promise financial benefit in doing so.

The legal version of the story and using the same process you are is, “hey, there has to be some votes that are shady in there. Of the millions of votes, surely there are at least 11k that are suspect and could be called into question with a correct due diligence”.

Does it look like shit? Yes. Is it illegal or did he ask for anything illegal to be done? No. He walked right up to the line, but didn’t go over it. People who hate him do what they always do in situations with him. They project intent, rationale, and motive. In essence, you project the crime.
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Again.....What state and federal laws do you say he broke? Show me your firsthand direct evidence.

Atlanta-area prosecutors are considering bringing racketeering and conspiracy charges in connection with Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis could make decisions on charges this spring, the source said. Willis will bring her charging recommendations to the regularly seated grand juries, who each serve two-month terms.
What's laughable is a state trying a case that is federal and not local. That screams political targeting.
You’re projecting a lot to get over that hurdle of illegality. Nowhere did he say to do anything illegal. Nowhere did he threaten any retaliatory action. Nowhere did he promise financial benefit in doing so.

The legal version of the story and using the same process you are is, “hey, there has to be some votes that are shady in there. Of the millions of votes, surely there are at least 11k that are suspect and could be called into question with a correct due diligence”.

Does it look like shit? Yes. Is it illegal or did he ask for anything illegal to be done? No. He walked right up to the line, but didn’t go over it. People who hate him do what they always do in situations with him. They project intent, rationale, and motive. In essence, you project the crime.

Doesn't matter what the facts are, it matters who the jury is. Get TF out of blue states/cities.

Show me ANY threat that Trump made to Raffensperger in the NPR piece you posted.

Trump made some false claims....but no threats... that's a far cry from racketeering or conspiracy.

Your latest life boat Fani Willis will get eaten alive at trial

"Schiff pointed to a tweet from pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood from a few weeks before the phone call, saying that Trump gave Raffensperger and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp "every chance to get it right."

"They refused. They will soon be going to jail," Wood wrote.
Where did Wood or even Trump,it was not his tweet, threaten Raffensperger? Looks more like a prediction by Woods.......where did Woods say " I or President Trump WILL have you arrested" ?

Show me ANY threat that Trump made to Raffensperger in the NPR piece you posted.

Trump made some false claims....but no threats... that's a far cry from racketeering or conspiracy.

Your latest life boat Fani Willis will get eaten alive at trial

"Schiff pointed to a tweet from pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood from a few weeks before the phone call, saying that Trump gave Raffensperger and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp "every chance to get it right."

"They refused. They will soon be going to jail," Wood wrote.
Where did Wood or even Trump,it was not his tweet, threaten Raffensperger? Looks more like a prediction by Woods.......where did Woods say " I or President Trump WILL have you arrested" ?
Trump suggested Raffensperger could be subject to criminal liability for his role in the matter.

Schiff pointed to a tweet from pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood from a few weeks before the phone call, saying that Trump gave Raffensperger and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp "every chance to get it right."

"They refused. They will soon be going to jail," Wood wrote. Trump retweeted that tweet.

On the phone with Raffensperger, Trump said that submitting shredded and unsigned ballots would be "more illegal for you than it is is for [the people doing so], because you know what they did and you're not reporting it."

He went on to call it a criminal offense and a big risk.

Later, after Raffensperger had denied the fraud allegations, Trump said he thought it was "dangerous for you to say that."

I've never seen a political side and media so scared of one individual.

Xi has got to get his money's worth. They do what they are told. They will be the first ones shot if the CCP were to conquer us. Apparently they don't study history.
Trump suggested Raffensperger could be subject to criminal liability for his role in the matter.

Trump said he thought it was "dangerous for you to say that."
I think even you and bammaeer can figure this one out. Again...where are the threats?
You’re projecting a lot to get over that hurdle of illegality. Nowhere did he say to do anything illegal. Nowhere did he threaten any retaliatory action. Nowhere did he promise financial benefit in doing so.

The legal version of the story and using the same process you are is, “hey, there has to be some votes that are shady in there. Of the millions of votes, surely there are at least 11k that are suspect and could be called into question with a correct due diligence”.

Does it look like shit? Yes. Is it illegal or did he ask for anything illegal to be done? No. He walked right up to the line, but didn’t go over it. People who hate him do what they always do in situations with him. They project intent, rationale, and motive. In essence, you project the crime.
These folks claim to have attended college......I'm beginning to wonder.
Any "Wes Moore in 24" signs up yet in Charm City ?
lol Don't believe me, believe the grand jury. Just giving you a heads up.
Do you have a memory ? I have posted MANY times.....that Trump WILL BE INDICTED by this and possibly other grand jurys.
Let me give you a heads up.....Trump will be cleared of all major charges when the dust settles.
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Do you have a memory ? I have posted MANY times.....that Trump WILL BE INDICTED by this and possibly other grand jurys.
Let me give you a heads up.....Trump will be cleared of all major chasrges when the dust settles.
You're welcome. This won't age well.
Let's call it what it really is. Joe Biden and Merrick Garland interfering with the upcoming election. Mitch McConnell probably in on it too.

These folks claim to have attended college......I'm beginning to wonder.
Any "Wes Moore in 24" signs up yet in Charm City ?
Lol, no. Not where I live. I moved waaaaay outside the city. I’m 30 minutes just from getting to the beltway now.
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