Trump keeps lying about how the US Covid-19 situation compares to other countries. Here are the facts.


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Fayetteville, WV
I sure hope he tells the same tall tales at the debates. Fact checkers won't be able to keep up.

President Donald Trump’s rally on Thursday in Freeland, Michigan, illustrated how his coronavirus campaign message is basically to lie a lot and hope voters either don’t notice or don’t care.
The rally took place on a day when 36,000 new cases were reported across the country — a number many times greater than the roughly 1,900 that were reported in Germany, the 500 in Japan, or the 600 in Canada. There were more than 1,100 Covid-19 deaths in the US on Thursday, compared to 25 in France, 71 in Spain, and four in South Korea. Over the past week, out of European and Asian countries, only Spain has averaged more daily cases per 100,000 people than the US.
Yet Trump tried to convince his supporters, who crammed into an airplane hangar without social distancing and with very few masks, that things here are going great.

“We’re rounding the turn,” Trump said. “You see what’s happening, you see the numbers are plunging. You see how good we’re doing relative to other countries and other parts of the world, but the fake news doesn’t like saying that, they don’t like telling you that.”
Later, Trump absurdly compared his coronavirus response favorably with Winston Churchill’s handling of the UK’s public temperament during World War II and claimed, “we have done probably the best job, certainly of any major country, anywhere in the world on the pandemic.”
While daily new cases in the US have steadily declined from a peak of over 70,000 in mid-July, it is not the case that numbers are “plunging,” and it’s possible they’ll start going back up as some schools reopen for in-person instruction and states like Florida reopen bars.

Trump isn’t helping matters by holding campaign rallies that double as potential superspreader events. But more broadly, his attempt to make people believe that other countries are envious of the coronavirus response he oversaw represents a particularly egregious attempt to turn reality on its head.

As my colleague German Lopez detailed this week, if the US had the same death rate as the European Union, roughly 84,000 of the more than 190,000 Americans who have now died would likely still be alive. And if the US had the same death rate as Canada, 109,000 Americans would still be alive.

The key figure to put things in context is that the US has endured 22 percent of the world’s coronavirus deaths, despite being home to only 4 percent of the world’s population. But to the extent that Trump engages with coronavirus data, he’s in the habit of cherry-picking false and misleading numbers about excess mortality or the case fatality rate in order to portray things in the rosiest possible light.

Trump’s PR campaign is based on easily disprovable lies
Trump’s Michigan rally came hours after a news conference in which he employed another of his various misleading talking points about Covid-19: downplaying how bad the situation is in the US by claiming other countries are in the same boat.

“If you look at the European Union right now, they’re having breakouts like you’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “Frankly, their numbers are at a level that are much worse than the numbers here. We have done much, much better than the European Union ... we have rounded the final turn.”
Not only has the US not done better than the European Union, but as the following chart illustrates, the death rate here is nearly twice as high.
With the election less than two months away, Trump’s coronavirus response is now little more than a public relations campaign. He’s hoping a vaccine will be available sometime in the coming months, and trying to get people to believe that up is down in the meantime.

Instead of applauding Democratic governors like Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan who implemented public health measures that helped get outbreaks under control, Trump is traveling to their states, attacking them for not already fully reopening their economies and schools, and holding campaign events that make a mockery of the importance of social distancing and mask-wearing and could fuel future outbreaks.
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I sure hope he tells the same tall tales at the debates. Fact checkers won't be able to keep up.

President Donald Trump’s rally on Thursday in Freeland, Michigan, illustrated how his coronavirus campaign message is basically to lie a lot and hope voters either don’t notice or don’t care.
The rally took place on a day when 36,000 new cases were reported across the country — a number many times greater than the roughly 1,900 that were reported in Germany, the 500 in Japan, or the 600 in Canada. There were more than 1,100 Covid-19 deaths in the US on Thursday, compared to 25 in France, 71 in Spain, and four in South Korea. Over the past week, out of European and Asian countries, only Spain has averaged more daily cases per 100,000 people than the US.
Yet Trump tried to convince his supporters, who crammed into an airplane hangar without social distancing and with very few masks, that things here are going great.

“We’re rounding the turn,” Trump said. “You see what’s happening, you see the numbers are plunging. You see how good we’re doing relative to other countries and other parts of the world, but the fake news doesn’t like saying that, they don’t like telling you that.”
Later, Trump absurdly compared his coronavirus response favorably with Winston Churchill’s handling of the UK’s public temperament during World War II and claimed, “we have done probably the best job, certainly of any major country, anywhere in the world on the pandemic.”
While daily new cases in the US have steadily declined from a peak of over 70,000 in mid-July, it is not the case that numbers are “plunging,” and it’s possible they’ll start going back up as some schools reopen for in-person instruction and states like Florida reopen bars.

Trump isn’t helping matters by holding campaign rallies that double as potential superspreader events. But more broadly, his attempt to make people believe that other countries are envious of the coronavirus response he oversaw represents a particularly egregious attempt to turn reality on its head.

As my colleague German Lopez detailed this week, if the US had the same death rate as the European Union, roughly 84,000 of the more than 190,000 Americans who have now died would likely still be alive. And if the US had the same death rate as Canada, 109,000 Americans would still be alive.

The key figure to put things in context is that the US has endured 22 percent of the world’s coronavirus deaths, despite being home to only 4 percent of the world’s population. But to the extent that Trump engages with coronavirus data, he’s in the habit of cherry-picking false and misleading numbers about excess mortality or the case fatality rate in order to portray things in the rosiest possible light.

Trump’s PR campaign is based on easily disprovable lies
Trump’s Michigan rally came hours after a news conference in which he employed another of his various misleading talking points about Covid-19: downplaying how bad the situation is in the US by claiming other countries are in the same boat.

“If you look at the European Union right now, they’re having breakouts like you’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “Frankly, their numbers are at a level that are much worse than the numbers here. We have done much, much better than the European Union ... we have rounded the final turn.”
Not only has the US not done better than the European Union, but as the following chart illustrates, the death rate here is nearly twice as high.
With the election less than two months away, Trump’s coronavirus response is now little more than a public relations campaign. He’s hoping a vaccine will be available sometime in the coming months, and trying to get people to believe that up is down in the meantime.

Instead of applauding Democratic governors like Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan who implemented public health measures that helped get outbreaks under control, Trump is traveling to their states, attacking them for not already fully reopening their economies and schools, and holding campaign events that make a mockery of the importance of social distancing and mask-wearing and could fuel future outbreaks.
Sorry son but I’m actually in healthcare. Sit down in the corner. Hospitals are losing money. We’re running on 50% capacity due to cancellation of procedures and limiting admissions because they anticipated all these covid patients that never came. This is nationally. So again STFU
Wasn't it the Netherlands that basically did nothing...yet their China-Virus deaths per 1mm population is less than the US.

GTFOH with your raw numbers...apples to oranges
Nobody knows how many Chinese have been tested, but we do know that no other country has tested nearly as many people as the United States has tested. It's not rocket science that the more people that you test, the more positive test results that you will receive. Moreover, it is extremely unlikely that other countries count every death of a person diagnosed with COVID-19 as a COVID-19 death.
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Of course he does. He has to.

Look at how the morons across America hoarded toilet paper - for a respiratory illness. Imagine if he told the truth. There'd be shootings in Walmarts all across the country, not only over the Charmin but also for the Wonder bread and Tropicana.

There are always tons of those soft-ass people, almost all Democrats, who have to be told what to think, feel, and do by someone else in "authority" because they are too dumb and frightened to do these things for themselves. That's why they dislike Trump so much. He HAS to lie to them for their own good otherwise there would be mass panic and chaos because their ignorance and inability to reason things out for themselves is so great.

Obviously, you are one of those people, too. You only report his lies but fail to realize his reasoning which is to keep you from the fear that would lead to hanging yourself by your shoelaces because you can't buy any Prego and you don't have the ability to grow a tomato for yourself.
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That is absolutely hilarious coming from Ted Cruz - the guy who allowed trump to relentlessly, verbally abuse his wife and viciously attack his dad with the conspiracy bullshit. You right wingers are a strange bunch - very entertaining to watch.

Maybe his balls finally dropped. Something you will never experience.
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Of course he does. He has to.

Look at how the morons across America hoarded toilet paper - for a respiratory illness. Imagine if he told the truth. There'd be shootings in Walmarts all across the country, not only over the Charmin but also for the Wonder bread and Tropicana.

There are always tons of those soft-ass people, almost all Democrats, who have to be told what to think, feel, and do by someone else in "authority" because they are too dumb and frightened to do these things for themselves. That's why they dislike Trump so much. He HAS to lie to them for their own good otherwise there would be mass panic and chaos because their ignorance and inability to reason things out for themselves is so great.

Obviously, you are one of those people, too. You only report his lies but fail to realize his reasoning which is to keep you from the fear that would lead to hanging yourself by your shoelaces because you can't buy any Prego and you don't have the ability to grow a tomato for yourself.
LOL boy you Trumpies get mad when he gets exposed. It's fun to watch.
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That is absolutely hilarious coming from Ted Cruz - the guy who allowed trump to relentlessly, verbally abuse his wife and viciously attack his dad with the conspiracy bullshit. You right wingers are a strange bunch - very entertaining to watch.

Did he hurt your feelings? LMAO!
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That's true. He's not too good at it, either.

Thankfully, we have media now who do their job fact checking presidents after not doing it for the years of 2009-2017. They allowed that guy to lie all the time too but I guess that was AOK because he was ____________________________________. I'll allow you to insert the proper terminology in the blank as applicable to your life. I guess they were too tired from ruining the reputations of all of Bill Clinton's victims; convincing the public he was such a good and faithful husband to a loving saint of a wife. That had to be exhaustive.

Alas, Trump has been exposed as a liar. Now, nearly four years later, we now know the reason he does it - to keep the lefties from doing themselves in because of the fear and ignorance that runs rampant through their lives daily. This ol' country just wouldn't be the same without them. Where else would we get our entertainment as they either cancel or kill each other off on a daily basis? Cardi B would have to go back to hooking. Alyssa Milano would have to go back to... whatever it was she did before she tried acting intelligent. All the lefty heroes du jour would be gone for good. The good ole boys living in the country just couldn't stand much more excitement if Trump actually told the lefties the truth and they ramped up their self-destruction on an even grander scale.
LOL boy you Trumpies get mad when he gets exposed. It's fun to watch.


Of course as much as I enjoy pissed off Trumpers I still can't smile or be happy
That is absolutely hilarious coming from CR_Zebra - the guy who allowed DAVE to relentlessly, verbally abuse his Momma and viciously attack his dad with the conspiracy bullshit. You Socialist/Dumocrats are a strange bunch - very entertaining to watch.
I sure hope he tells the same tall tales at the debates. Fact checkers won't be able to keep up.

President Donald Trump’s rally on Thursday in Freeland, Michigan, illustrated how his coronavirus campaign message is basically to lie a lot and hope voters either don’t notice or don’t care.
The rally took place on a day when 36,000 new cases were reported across the country — a number many times greater than the roughly 1,900 that were reported in Germany, the 500 in Japan, or the 600 in Canada. There were more than 1,100 Covid-19 deaths in the US on Thursday, compared to 25 in France, 71 in Spain, and four in South Korea. Over the past week, out of European and Asian countries, only Spain has averaged more daily cases per 100,000 people than the US.
Yet Trump tried to convince his supporters, who crammed into an airplane hangar without social distancing and with very few masks, that things here are going great.

“We’re rounding the turn,” Trump said. “You see what’s happening, you see the numbers are plunging. You see how good we’re doing relative to other countries and other parts of the world, but the fake news doesn’t like saying that, they don’t like telling you that.”
Later, Trump absurdly compared his coronavirus response favorably with Winston Churchill’s handling of the UK’s public temperament during World War II and claimed, “we have done probably the best job, certainly of any major country, anywhere in the world on the pandemic.”
While daily new cases in the US have steadily declined from a peak of over 70,000 in mid-July, it is not the case that numbers are “plunging,” and it’s possible they’ll start going back up as some schools reopen for in-person instruction and states like Florida reopen bars.

Trump isn’t helping matters by holding campaign rallies that double as potential superspreader events. But more broadly, his attempt to make people believe that other countries are envious of the coronavirus response he oversaw represents a particularly egregious attempt to turn reality on its head.

As my colleague German Lopez detailed this week, if the US had the same death rate as the European Union, roughly 84,000 of the more than 190,000 Americans who have now died would likely still be alive. And if the US had the same death rate as Canada, 109,000 Americans would still be alive.

The key figure to put things in context is that the US has endured 22 percent of the world’s coronavirus deaths, despite being home to only 4 percent of the world’s population. But to the extent that Trump engages with coronavirus data, he’s in the habit of cherry-picking false and misleading numbers about excess mortality or the case fatality rate in order to portray things in the rosiest possible light.

Trump’s PR campaign is based on easily disprovable lies
Trump’s Michigan rally came hours after a news conference in which he employed another of his various misleading talking points about Covid-19: downplaying how bad the situation is in the US by claiming other countries are in the same boat.

“If you look at the European Union right now, they’re having breakouts like you’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “Frankly, their numbers are at a level that are much worse than the numbers here. We have done much, much better than the European Union ... we have rounded the final turn.”
Not only has the US not done better than the European Union, but as the following chart illustrates, the death rate here is nearly twice as high.
With the election less than two months away, Trump’s coronavirus response is now little more than a public relations campaign. He’s hoping a vaccine will be available sometime in the coming months, and trying to get people to believe that up is down in the meantime.

Instead of applauding Democratic governors like Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan who implemented public health measures that helped get outbreaks under control, Trump is traveling to their states, attacking them for not already fully reopening their economies and schools, and holding campaign events that make a mockery of the importance of social distancing and mask-wearing and could fuel future outbreaks.
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