Trump Drops Lawsuit Against Judge Who Doomed His Company

Soaring Eagle 74

Jan 4, 2008
The former president’s attempt to throw a wrench in the New York AG’s case against him by suing Justice Arthur F. Engoron was a failure, as are most of his endeavors.
The former president’s attempt to throw a wrench in the New York AG’s case against him by suing Justice Arthur F. Engoron was a failure, as are most of his endeavors.
Can you explain as you understand it, exactly what was the crime Trump is alleged to have committed and who was the victim? 🤔
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The former president’s attempt to throw a wrench in the New York AG’s case against him by suing Justice Arthur F. Engoron was a failure, as are most of his endeavors.
Even if you don't want to/can't answer my question to you in post #3, can you at least describe what was the "fraud" in the criminal charges filed in this case or who exactly was "defrauded"? Doesn't a charge of "fraud" by definition mean someone was cheated out of something? Money, property, possessions? 🤔

Sure it does!

OK, so again based on your own understanding of the case against Trump, who was "defrauded" and by how much? Or in other words, who didn't get paid? Lenders? Banks? Realtors? Investors? Taxpayers? Illegals? Democrats? Who?

I just want you to explain what or where is the fraud in this case? Honestly if you can't even do that then you need to just shut up about the whole damn thing! You're wearing on everyone's nerves with your blithering TDS. So put up or shut up. Good Lord! 😏

Tell him creepy Joe...even your absent minded creepy old lyin' ass has to be tired of all his handwringing about Trump and he can't ever back up one damn thing about any of it! :rolleyes:

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As if he has a remote chance….And all he’ll end up with is a larger pile of legal fees.
What I can't figure out and in fact find so amusing is how enthralled all of you Leftists are over Trump's alleged legal difficulties and the near certainty you all seem to have that he will eventually pay a heavy price once he's convicted of all or some of his alleged transgressions. However, not one of you is able to describe exactly what it is he's going to be convicted of, and even worse not a one of you can name the crime(s) he's charged with!

It's actually quite remarkable but also laughingly hilarious how you all can be so sure of his guilt, yet unable to articulate just what exactly it is he's guilty of? :joy:

But ya'll keep hope alive...I mean after all, you do have 91 chances to get something right about his criminality correct? However you guys are just soooo damn funny...'ya gotta're just killin' me I swear!!!!
They cling to me being put in jail atl because they know the only other alternative is me back in the WH tormenting their brainwashed Leftist minds every day!

I guess the thought of you making mince meat out of lobotomized Leftists would scare the Hell out of me too DJT if were one of those bots!
@bamaEER @Soaring Eagle 74 and @moe all think Trump is guilty of committing as many as 91 felonies, but not one of 'em can tell you what he did as a Felon! Ain't that funny?



giphy.gif really...they all honestly believe he's guilty, and it's just a matter of time before he's convicted and sent to the slammer! Matter of fact they're all convinced of it... no joke!

Don't laugh...they all voted for Biden too!

I know right???? Biden!!!!!

Hey I resent that!


Yup...they ALL voted for him! :joy:
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